Divinity is by it's nature subjective; What to some is divine, to others is profane. It is a byproduct of human culture. The answer to any question concerning divinity will vary from person to person, from time to time.
Science is the process of understanding the universe on a purely objective level. Science will always give you the same answer if you ask the same question, no matter your personal opinion on the matter.
The only way in which I can see science and divinity interacting would be either:
a) Science discovers some entity/being which could be considered divine, but then through studying it would learn of it, and thus render it mundane.
b) Science, to me and many others, can often invoke the feelings of the divine. To peer back the veil and learn the universal truths which underlay reality is the closest our kind will ever come to knowing any sort of truely objective divinity.
That being said, in my personal worldview the carnal nature of the spirit is indeed divine. The feeling of revelry and visceral joy inherent in some of the more base and carnal aspects of existence - to me, it is an experience that, putting aside objectivity, can only be of "divine" origin.
But, that also being said, I think that is a question that every person must answer for themselves. Decide whether you find divinity in your own carnality, and express that in your life in whatever way you see fit.