The Need to Believe - Zach Black | Forum

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Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jul 28 '14

    I learned a long time ago it is not worth arguing with religious folk. You can’t hope to achieve much trying to enlighten mystical superstitious weak minded people. Why use logic and reason to argue or debate someone who has a deep rooted psychological need to resist it? It is like arguing the shape of a cloud with a blind man? People have a NEED to BELIEVE. I cant help but to see their “faith” for what it is. A Neurotic coping Mechanism deeply anchored in the character and emotional structure of a delusional and crippled victim.A even sadder fact is these righteous,pious pursuers of heaven will probably never recover.Their entire lives, security, thought process,  logic, reasoning, longing and general impression of the world around them is built on these fairy tales .

These very people push into the trusting and delicate minds of children their very own fears and delusions. If faith based mentality was replaced over night with a rational objective approach to reality, Most of these peoples emotional and mental health would crumble in days.

Faith is rooted in fear. A fear of the unknown. The unpredictable. And most of all the fear of living a life free of their conflicting neurotic mechanisms. That they now are entirely dependent on as a permanent copping mechanism.A delicate house of cards to repress guilt, rage, fear, lust, ect..

If you doubt that it is the fear of losing ‘control’  and letting go that fuels religious fever and devotion consider this question…
Why would Organized Religion launch crusades to exterminate entire cultures, population and races?

They claim they are doing Gods work by ridding the world of savages, heathens, beastly, course, perverse and deviant people. It was to much for the holy to see free and unrestrained happy people half naked not ashamed of their own passions. These ‘primitive’, ‘Godless’  free loving living people threatened to expose the fear and inherent irrational contradictions that their culture, religion and faith rest and depend on.

It was necessary to rid the world of people who reminded them of what it is like to not live in a world based on fear, control, rigidity and repression. The righteous will not tolerate being reminded of what they gave up in the way of life, love and happiness to pursue their faith. Ironically ….They gave up the one thing they claim they value above anything else. The only thing they hope to reunite in some mystical intangible everlasting bless with their Lord. Their very essence, their soul.

It was necessary to burn countless thousands of woman alive simply because they reminded these miserable, impotent men that they themselves once felt alive in their groins. And what could be more murderously provoking than to arouse the last bit lust in some miserable, resigned, hateful shell of a man who longs for death?

The righteous and holy will always attempt to remove and exterminate others who think differently and do not reinforce their delusions. Even others that are equally crippled holy men of a different cloth. After all , what if the other religion is right? There was no clause for that in the gospels? So if they are right, that would make you wrong. And a cloud of anxiety and horror will surely await. There is no other reason or explanation to make light of how even intelligent, educated, worldly and presumably logical well adjusted people could ignore scientifically proven facts that are in sharp contradictions to their faith?

Even Scientist themselves are still spending their entire lives trying to prove evolution is false. That carbon dating and the known age of the universe around us is grossly inaccurate. In the opposition of all evidence and reason they still will not let go of their delusions. They can not. It is simply something they are incapable of doing. It would mean an end to the fictions they have grown depended on to cope and function. A dissolving of the very deep emotional layers of repression and rigidity they have spent a life time building.

Not to mention for the first time in their lives they are unsure of what lies beyond.

If a man of average intelligence reviews the idea of God with a rational objective approach he will come to one conclusion.
God is possible, but highly unlikely.

And one more Agnostic is born. God is nothing but an imaginary friend for adults.

The universal need to believe should be looked at as a mass induced psychosis. A protective mechanism early man evolved after the horror, uncertainty and isolation he must of felt leaving the comfort of the jungle for the open fields towards the unknown.

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jul 29 '14
Religion allows them to feel they belong to something greater than themselves. A unity of sorts.
Shawn Jul 30 '14
You start out pointing out that it's useless to argue with religious folk. It's useless to argue with anybody who is emotionally attached to any kind if dogma, in the same way it's useless to argue logic with anyone (including me) when they're highly emotional. So, is it really the need to believe or the need to express some emotion? What would happen if you could get one of these people to do some emotional decompression?

Another point: Is it as simple as needing to believe something? I think that some dogmatic religious folk have to prop up their core beliefs, or else their paradigm will come crashing down because the central pillar's been taken out. I'm probably agreeing with you. 

Troll Member
Troll Aug 3 '14

Few assessments of time value are unanimous. For most Satanists (esp. granted their general Christian background) religious of other types have little to offer. I am an obvious, unusual, exception to this. Unlike some Satanists who are superior and know more than those whom they judge as weak-minded, i have done my best to understand religion, its adherents, techniques, ideologies and practices.

It is pragmatically advantageous to lock up the mind in belief so as to commence to practice devotional worship. Inability to shake a negative view of a process or phenomenon half-understood is not admirable to admit. It is accurate to state that a number of people embrace religious doctrines out of fear (esp. of death, which is the case for many who are part of Christianity, with which Satanists are familiar). However, not all do so, and some who do not are not arrogant culture destroyers. Some of these have none of the prejudices or concerns which are, in the above, espoused as fault.

The disappearance of this foundation of belief would be like removing the altar table atop which ceremonials are conducted. To criticize those who maintain the altar simply because it would inconvenience them, or make it more difficult to continue their practice, is somewhat unfair, especially if they aren't the ones condemning you or trying to burn you for your horrible ways. Stripping these people of their beliefs would not necessarily result in anxiety and horror, just sadness and disappointment.

Suppositions that intellect and intelligence are sacrosanct, and represent the most important aspect of religion, are misplaced and disputed. We cannot trust the scientist with his beakers and lab coat attempting to explain the vectors of religion and their predictabilities and values. Offered up alternative preferred beliefs suffused in agnosticism or atheism don't explain away how or why anyone cannot refrain from belief, it just installs more (and opposite) beliefs than convention. It is completely expectable that someone will not wish to accept ideologies completely at odds with what they have been inculcated.

Neither is the need to believe universal (it situates interior to certain circles of people and cults or their former members, primarily), nor does it always play along the same lines of idea. Exploration of world culture and the diversity which exists can disabuse one of this erroneous conclusion.

Philosophically, obsession over beginnings tends to associate with cause and effect, the usual focus of interest for scientific peoples, and in fact modern scientific investigations do seem primarily to have arisen within religious groups (e.g. Mendelian genetics) who are also obsessed over First Cause arguments and the use of extravagant gods as mental stop-gaps to these obsessions.

Repeatedly arguing with people who aren't cooperative or who are trying to find a way to lock down their minds with their preferred dogma is not likely going to result in understanding them or their motivations or techniques. Trying, futilely, to become persuaded differently or convert them from their way of thinking is surely a waste of time. While it is possible that little more than their refusal to entertain other ways of thinking may be achieved by such an argumentative challenge, they may in fact use that as an opportunity to proceed to religious techniques prefaced by their lack of skeptical scrutiny.

It is my impression that people construct their religious ideologies in different ways, and they may or may not rest their faith upon some central pillar, one which may be extractable, replaceable, or completely absent. Having one that you prefer as a substitute does not make either option (belief or refraining from belief altogether) the more rational choice.

- Grand Mufti of Satanism

The Forum post is edited by Troll Aug 3 '14
nikey69 Aug 14 '14
hey Zach

I skipped any other replies so I could just answer what I believed and not be side tracked. Off course you are right any rational human being who is not afraid of the truth could easily believe your points. I am a big fan of the survival of the human race as we go forward into the universe. But my heart is sadened by our ignorance and I fear for our survival as a species with so much mad dogmatic ideas around. There is a part of me that hopes we can overcome these stupid ideas, accept our animal side and move forward intelligently. But i must admit Im pessimistic. In the meantime I hope we can enjoy life and treasure the caral delights. maybe probability will be outweighed and the stupid masses will be overcome and we can go on to greater things.

nikey69 Aug 14 '14
Hey Shawn

I have now read the posts which followed this tread.
you make an interesting point about dogma, which can be political and athiest and not simply religious. Woudnt it be wonderful if we had emotional decompression teached in Schools? Maybe then we could move forward. I am not postulating that the results would always be desirable but it would be a great starting point. Schools should be secular.

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Sep 20 '14
You can not use logic and reason to debate faith. For faith is not rooted in either logic or reason.
Anna Sep 21 '14

Quote from Moloch666 Seen through my eyes, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not religions, but tools made ​​from an elite to brainwashed people. Peoples blind faith gives them power.

Says a guy who believes in infernal deities. The pot calling the kettle black.

Your view on religion is pretty shallow. Religion is as old as civilization. Even in the stone age there was some primitive substitute of a religion. Religion exists because people have a need for it. If you look close enough, you will see that all gods and goddesses are archetypes residing in the human unconscious. That dark hidden part of the human psyche expresses itself through religion and ritual.

A religion is not something carefully manufactured in a laboratory by mad scientists or the "elite" to enslave people. Religions appear spontaneously and gradually, changing and evolving in time, with some religions influencing other religions as people migrate and interact with each other.

While it is true that religion was often used by the rulers to validate their power in the eyes of their subjects, it doesn't mean that those in power weren't influenced by the very same religion. People can lie deliberately but many bullshitters believe their own bullshit.
nikey69 Sep 23 '14
Firstly Luz I have great respect for you

I agree that word religions prey on fear as this is how they recruit. Zach I am inerested in this diatribe? What was the purpose for you?
Shawn Sep 25 '14
@Zach, it looks like Eric Hoffer agrees with you, too: (from The True Believer)

"The fanatic is perpetually incomplete and insecure. He cannot generate self-assurance out of his individual resources—out of his rejected self—but finds it only by clinging passionately to whatever support he happens to embrace. This passionate attachment is the essence of his blind devotion and religiosity, and he sees in it the source of all virtue and strength. Though his single-minded dedication is a holding on for dear life, he easily sees himself as the supporter and defender of the holy cause to which he clings. And he is ready to sacrifice his life to demonstrate to himself and others that such indeed is his role. He sacrifices his life to prove his worth.

 It goes without saying that the fanatic is convinced that the causehe holds on to is monolithic and eternal—a rock of ages. Still, his sense of security is derived from his passionate attachment and not from the excellence of his cause. The fanatic is not really a stickler to principle. He embraces a cause not primarily because of its justness and holiness but because of his desperate need for something to hold on to. Often, indeed, it is his need for passionate attachment which turns every cause he embraces into a holy cause.

The fanatic cannot be weaned away from his cause by an appeal to his reason or moral sense. He fears compromise and cannot be persuaded to qualify the certitude and righteousness of his holy cause. But he finds no difficulty in swinging suddenly and wildly from one holy cause to another. He cannot be convinced but only converted. His passionate attachment is more vital than the quality of the cause to which he is attached."

The Forum post is edited by Shawn Sep 25 '14
Shawn Sep 25 '14

"When it comes to faith, how is any one different from the other if it is accepted without question or skepticism? "

There's faith and believing in yourself. 

I'm too busy being myself -- the herd be damned. :)

johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Sep 26 '14
Ya know, if you think about it, logic and reason is a form of faith as well. Consider this: Why is it that we assume logic and reason is the best way to understand the universe? The same way that astrophysicists assume math is sufficient to describe the universe.

No, I have no delusions that logic and reason are as ridiculous as religious faith, but it seems to me the rational Man has taken his own creation (logic and reason) and elevated it to this pedestal. We assume it is how the universe actually works.

There's a great argument I read about this from Richard Dawkins. Basically, the idea is that, no matter what we see, smell, touch or feel, the end result of how we perceive evidence of our universe is always the same: The firing of neurons in our brain.

If you were to apply logic and reason to the above, you'd see that logic and reason are severely limited in its ability to provide accurate evidence for the workings of the universe.

But that's just me rambling way too early in the morning.

Shawn Sep 26 '14
Want to start a new thread for this?
Tenebrous_lion Apr 7 '16
Some assumptions are good for me and some don't serve. I've learned to simply release whatever i suspect is not in my favour whether a thought or a person. Period.
ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 7 '16

Quote from FraterLuciferi Religion is not based on faith but mythological characters that forms the basis of different philosophical and ideological beliefs. Religion is like a tree that grows with many different branches and will still grow with different branches. There is no reason to bash other religions but there is a reason to discuss in a way that leads to co-existence. I believe knowlede and understandings of context is the important key to co-existence. Christians will always consider Satanists to the evil extended arm because of their dualistic worldview but if they can learn to realise the ego through Christ's teachings, then they will develop a strong peaceful mind with no need to preach. There is no need to hate Christians or other dualists for their beliefs because it's seen from their ideological and philosophical worldview. Also, Satanists who spend their time on hating Christians is to me considered to be reverse Christians more as they are not liberated from their Christian background.

Here is where we agree. 

 "Satanists who spend their time on hating Christians is to me considered to be reverse Christians more as they are not liberated from their Christian background."

This is what I've been implying, that is implicitly saying from the start.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 7 '16

Quote from Shawn Want to start a new thread for this?
What, with you as coordinating editor, or designated ass kisser? :3 :p
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