The "Islamic" Problem | Forum

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Wolfie Jul 20 '21
Tom, why would patriarchy immunize Europe against Islam? Also what is it that makes Muslim men weak?

What Europe needs to do is stop accepting immigrants from Muslim countries, since the majority of these immigrants don't want to assimilate culturally and don't want to contribute to the economy. As for the immigrants already accepted, they should be given the choice of contributing to the economy or dying of starvation. If they rise up in anger, they should be brutally put down. If they won't assimilate and won't participate economically, then they didn't come to Europe in good faith, and Europe owes them nothing.

Does my preceding paragraph express a patriarchic attitude?

If the Muslim countries object to their expatriates being treated with severity, they may tamp down the oil spigots, causing oil prices to rise. If that happens, the West should do what should have been done long ago: Make a deal with Russia whereby we kick the shit out of the Islamic pipsqueaks and then dole out the oil under the auspices of a global governing body.


Would that, also, be patriarchic?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21

Muslims should be divided on the world stage. 

I can't compare the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to Syria or Palestine. If people migrate from places like Abu Dhabi or Kuwait City to elsewhere they are probably leaving because they can't afford it.  E.g. The per capita GDP in Qatar is 70 times that of Syria. 

The interests of the rich ones seem to be buying football teams and representing their dicks in tall buildings or absurd 400 foot yachts. And also worth mentioning, restricting immigration from poor Arab countries. 

I don't think they should count because the sheiks are all Arab Chryslers and Duponts. 

Europe is being overrun with Syrians, Jordanians, and Iraqis, not Muslims. It's the financial influx equivalent of Eritrean, Somali, and Sudanese.  What the fuck is a person who initially made 980/year gonna do? 

And I am sorry poor people were opportunistic and gave European cities a new refuge ghetto, but I think it's unfair to categorize all Muslims the same. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Wolfie Jul 21 '21
Dark Enlightenment, if the bulk of Muslim immigrants are Syrians, Jordanians, and Iraqis, then the phrase "Muslim immigrants" is simply shorthand for Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi immigrants. Even so, we could certainly be fastidious and use the eleven syllables instead of the two in "Muslim," and I encourage anyone who cares to start doing so. I, for my part, can't find it within myself to give a shit, but in this post, out of respect for you and your opinion, I'll use the eleven syllables.

The vastly larger issue is whether Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqui immigrants should be accepted into European countries. I say no. No, because, by and large, they don't want to assimilate into European culture. No, because, by and large, they don't want to contribute to the economy. No, because, by and large, they don't like Jews, who are already in place, assimilated, and contributing. No, because they're fucking Muslims, which means they're religionists, and we don't need any more religionists. Why can't we find any immigrants who are fucking atheists?

  As for the fact that most of these immigrants are unskilled, so their economic options are limited - Many Mexican immigrants arrive (illegally) in the United States without highly marketable skills. The myth is that they go on welfare. The reality is that they work their asses off at any job they can get. Ask any American restaurant manager to identify the demographic of their hardest working subordinates. If Mexicans are in the mix, you can bet the manager will say the Mexicans work harder than everyone else. This is what Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi immigrants should do, but largely don't. They're parasites. They should be treated with the same degree of mercy that we afford to tapeworms.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
Quote from Wolfie

What Europe needs to do is stop accepting immigrants from Muslim countries, 

That part is to late now. They are so many... 

Quote from Wolfie Tom, why would patriarchy immunize Europe against Islam? Also what is it that makes Muslim men weak?

My experience with muslim men is that they are very collectivistic which I see as a sign of weakness. They are also easy to offend, easy to butthurt. I mean... Draw a picture of their pedophile prophet and they will cry and become aggressive.

A patriarchy allows only men to vote and raises boys to become tough, strong and aggressive men (with other word masculine). The fact that men in Europa are to weak because of their mentally castration it becomes easy for muslim men to dominate. Here is an example. If the boy was raised in a patriarchy he would be more fearless and try to destroy that muslim guy. I believe killing in self-defense should be legal.

I believe Commission on Human Rights is outdated and should be modified so countries in Europa can have death penaltry for terrorism (which attacking freedom of speech also includes), attacking private ownership, treason and cheating with social help cause these are the primary key for the success, wealthiness and happiness in the western world. Death penalty is how we can eliminate those who posses a threat to our primary values in the West based on the ideal of innocent until prove guilty.

The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
Quote from Ba Adil The main problem which mostly occur is that European Union alwas sends each year a  very large amount of funds to many muslim countries including mine so they can develop their infrastructure and other departements including health care and education which don't  get invested for these main purposes but instead goes to the corrupter politicians and ministers's bank accounts and that's a catastrophe. I can just tell about this muslim country Morocco which I'm it's citizen, Morocco loses each year 50 billions USD dollars only because of corruption not to mention what's been told as "Phantom Projects" which don't even exist in reality and "rents economy" that destroyed our state.

The real problem it that the western world do not conquer the Middle East and creates colonies as they once did, so they can take the oil because woman mindsets like "oh those poor souls" are away of it.
Anna Jul 21 '21

Quote from Tom RiddleI believe Commission on Human Rights is outdated and should be modified so countries in Europa can have death penaltry for terrorism (which attacking freedom of speech also includes), attacking private ownership, treason and cheating with social help cause these are the primary key for the success, wealthiness and happiness in the western world. Death penalty is how we can eliminate those who posses a threat to our primary values in the West based on the ideal of innocent until prove guilty.

Death penalty will not stop the fanatics. You forget that many of the terrorist attacks were suicide attacks. You cannot threaten to take the lives of those who are already ready to die for their God and whatever insane beliefs they profess. A religious fanatic, especially of a Muslim type, doesn't give a shit about his earthly life. He's willing to sacrifice it for the cause, for something greater than him.

And take an average Westerner. Would he be willing to sacrifice his precious life for his country or whatever value he claims to cherish? He could take a risk and fight but only if he's paid enough. This is the difference between Europeans and Muslims. The former can't see past the end of their noses. Occasionally, they can cry crocodile tears for the miseries that befall their fellow humans in less fortunate places on earth while giving less than half a fuck about their families and local communities, not to mention something greater like their nation or that abstract collective called the European Union. The Muslims, on the other hand, were brought in more collective societies, where the individual interests are subordinated to the interests of the community. I'm not saying that collectivism is better but this is what explains these people's determination and fearlessness in the face of death or other potential consequences of their behavior. That also explains their unwillingness to assimilate. People, for whom tradition is something sacred, will not cut themselves off their roots.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 21 '21

Quote from Wolfie Dark Enlightenment, if the bulk of Muslim immigrants are Syrians, Jordanians, and Iraqis, then the phrase "Muslim immigrants" is simply shorthand for Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi immigrants. Even so, we could certainly be fastidious and use the eleven syllables instead of the two in "Muslim," and I encourage anyone who cares to start doing so. I, for my part, can't find it within myself to give a shit, but in this post, out of respect for you and your opinion, I'll use the eleven syllables.

The vastly larger issue is whether Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqui immigrants should be accepted into European countries. I say no. No, because, by and large, they don't want to assimilate into European culture. No, because, by and large, they don't want to contribute to the economy. No, because, by and large, they don't like Jews, who are already in place, assimilated, and contributing. No, because they're fucking Muslims, which means they're religionists, and we don't need any more religionists. Why can't we find any immigrants who are fucking atheists?

  As for the fact that most of these immigrants are unskilled, so their economic options are limited - Many Mexican immigrants arrive (illegally) in the United States without highly marketable skills. The myth is that they go on welfare. The reality is that they work their asses off at any job they can get. Ask any American restaurant manager to identify the demographic of their hardest working subordinates. If Mexicans are in the mix, you can bet the manager will say the Mexicans work harder than everyone else. This is what Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi immigrants should do, but largely don't. They're parasites. They should be treated with the same degree of mercy that we afford to tapeworms.

I really can't argue against that beyond separating the rich ones from the poor ones and offer that the acclimation rates of Muslim migrants mirror those of Non-muslim Africans. It is my opinion the determining factor is not religion but initial Per Capita GDP. 

Poor people tend to suck dry any economy they are part of. Poor societies are that on the global stage. 

Similarly The Sudanese genocide refugees had the same unemployment issues, same acclamation issues, same fertility issues.

Religion still takes a back seat to a lot of poor people at once.

For the question, "Why do the poor Asians, Eastern Europeans, Persians, and Central Americans all work?" I can only answer maybe it would be different if 2.5 million came in 6 months?

And that leads to a greater point about instinctual social ethos.

Maybe there is a natural honor behind artificial constructs. A proto-morality and innate self respect of the individual evident,  like acknowledgement of territory and claim. 

Even though welfare is easier, way more self serving, playing a victim card can be ultimately beneficial, and it is for millions of ghetto dole bludgers, it is still detestable to take without the honor of earning it for yourself for many people, even the  herd-idealistically unaffiliated. 

It reminds me of O9A and by extension white nationalism. 

In the original O9A MSS there was a lot about "The Satanic Qualities of noble contribution to society".  "Are you an honorable contributor?",  type stuff.  Largely in line with Germanic work ethic and the instinctual nature of kindred self-sufficiency.   Granted they added a bunch of shit about culling AIDS junkie scum or others that don't contribute, but you had the same basic premise of the darwinistic anti-social welfare state.  

One could conclude "nature's way" (which is personified by a total lack of social welfare handouts) is the furthest thing from  an EU countries Value Added Tax to begin with. 

 But all civilization is artificial and you get what your social constructs beget. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 21 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
Quote from Anna 

Death penalty will not stop the fanatics. 

In time there were would be no longer any left of them as they were all exterminated. Death penalty is a method to clean a society for mess... Of course it does not take them all alone with that as there are still those in the islamic world but if the West reconquered the 
Middle East we will take the oil and the terrorists would no longer have benzine to their warfare...
Anna Jul 21 '21
Somehow the death penalty didn't rid the societies of the not so distant past of murderers and other serious criminals. Neither did it discourage determined people from committing grievous crimes. The abolishing of the death penalty is quite recent invention in the history of mankind. It didn't change all that much. As for the military intervention in the less civilized but oil-rich shitholes, we've seen that too.

I wonder where you're taking your information from and how you come to such silly conclusions. It doesn't make any sense. I guess your only reason for typing is... typing.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
Quote from Anna Somehow the death penalty didn't rid the societies of the not so distant past of murderers and other serious criminals.  

It depends on what crimes we are talking about. I talk about death penalty for terrorism and cheating with social help, not murder and rapes etc... Terrorism is just not people making suicide bombs. Attempting to murder Rasmus Paludan for instance because he utilize freedom of speech is also terrorism...

Quote from AnnaAs for the military intervention in the less civilized but oil-rich shitholes, we've seen that too.

Yes but they did not made them into colonies. They just left them into a complete mess. Their goal was to force democracy and this will always lead to failure. They should just make them into colonies like the British empire once did.

The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
AlexTheTerrible Jul 21 '21

Quote from Anna

I wonder where you're taking your information from and how you come to such silly conclusions. It doesn't make any sense. I guess your only reason for typing is... typing.

It's probably a copy and paste thing for him.
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 21 '21
Quote from AlexTheTerrible It's probably a copy and paste thing for him.

Prove it.
Anna Jul 21 '21

Quote from AlexTheTerrible
Quote from Anna

I wonder where you're taking your information from and how you come to such silly conclusions. It doesn't make any sense. I guess your only reason for typing is... typing.

It's probably a copy and paste thing for him.

Nah, it's his genius speaking.

I wonder why he doesn't start for elections. See, he has a solution for everything.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 21 '21
I think there's a massive fallacy over all this.

Anna compared The Muslims to the Ukrainians. That's sorta unfair. The specific reason of the latter is to gain employment. Like our Mexicans. They wanna pick fruit. Bend and scoop. Apply paint to drywall, or wait at Home Depot with their 1985 Toyota Tacoma + oversized bed for "hauling".

There's a difference in the character attracted. The type to come for work are the type to stay in Derkastan because they have something to fight to protect. When ISIS disrupts their life they fight back. The ones drawn to assylum are automatically ones prone to finding the road of least resistance with the least to protect. 

It's like if the the cartel started a civil war in Mexico and we had to deal with all the ones who wouldn't fight for Mexico. It wouldn't be the ones looking for work anymore. 

It would be by design women and children, and the men looking for an easy way out. 

Im just not buying war-torn refugees are a representative snapshot OF ANY CULTURE. 

Also it's the first massive European influx of refugees like this. There was a wave of Morrocans in the 1980's, but like the Ukrainians it was work related.  And the numbers weren't like this.

You got screwed Europe you got the least honorable and capable of another country's society.  The "fleeing" part always carries an inherent victim card people seeking work does not. 
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 21 '21
Anna Jul 22 '21
I don't really see the correlation between the unwillingness to risk your life to defend one's country and the unwillingness to work. I mean the former requires heroism, the latter not so much. The wage work doesn't even require some honor and loyalty. It's enough to do what one is paid for. If there was a reign of terror and genocide in my country, I would probably run as fast as my legs could carry me, tried to get out instead of fighting. I don't imagine myself not working though. I think cutting down welfare for those with a refugee status would discourage many of those who are unwilling to work from coming.
Anna Jul 22 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Anna Somehow the death penalty didn't rid the societies of the not so distant past of murderers and other serious criminals.  

It depends on what crimes we are talking about. I talk about death penalty for terrorism and cheating with social help, not murder and rapes etc... Terrorism is just not people making suicide bombs. Attempting to murder Rasmus Paludan for instance because he utilize freedom of speech is also terrorism...

Quote from AnnaAs for the military intervention in the less civilized but oil-rich shitholes, we've seen that too.

Yes but they did not made them into colonies. They just left them into a complete mess. Their goal was to force democracy and this will always lead to failure. They should just make them into colonies like the British empire once did.

What your dumb ass forgot or is ignorant of is that most immigrants of non-European descent have come to the Western Europe from the former colonies. So how can the cause of the problem become its solution?

Next, there are so many Muslim immigrants here that any aggressive methods would escalate the conflict and cause civil unrest, if not total chaos. Perhaps, it would make some ONA peeps happy but I doubt an average European would rejoice at the ensuing havoc.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 22 '21
Quote from Anna 

What your dumb ass forgot or is ignorant of is that most immigrants of non-European descent have come to the Western Europe from the former colonies. 

They were not colonies anymore at that time they came to the western world... 

Quote from Anna 

Next, there are so many Muslim immigrants here that any aggressive methods would escalate the conflict and cause civil unrest, if not total chaos. Perhaps, it would make some ONA peeps happy but I doubt an average European would rejoice at the ensuing havoc.

What is that nonsense?
Anna Jul 22 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Anna 

What your dumb ass forgot or is ignorant of is that most immigrants of non-European descent have come to the Western Europe from the former colonies. 

They were not colonies anymore at that time they came to the western world... 

Quote from Anna 

Next, there are so many Muslim immigrants here that any aggressive methods would escalate the conflict and cause civil unrest, if not total chaos. Perhaps, it would make some ONA peeps happy but I doubt an average European would rejoice at the ensuing havoc.

What is that nonsense?

Read it as many times as you need. No need to hurry, slow-thinking kid.

Migration from the Colonies to Western Europe since 1800

And what nonsense? Your nonsense? Each time you write something, it's total bullshit. You don't check your information at all. You know nothing and can't even be bothered to read before you post.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 22 '21
Quote from Ba Adil And what do you expect that's all about? 

That these countries shall not have their own government. Islamic governments are corrupted because Islam itself is based on corruption. It's a religion based on preserving the pedophile "prophet"'s regime. 
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 22 '21
Quote from Anna 
Read it as many times as you need. No need to hurry, slow-thinking kid.

I won't because the title itself proves it's bullshit and a waste of time to read. There is a difference between immigration from the colonies and the islamic world. For instance India was a british colony and the indians are primary hindus. Immigrants itself is not a problem. It's those with islamic beliefs that is a problem. These do not only include islamic imigrants but also those who have converted to Islam. In fact those who converted to Islam was often more extreme.

Quote from Anna 

And what nonsense? Your nonsense? Each time you write something, it's total bullshit. You don't check your information at all. You know nothing and can't even be bothered to read before you post.

It's only you and your autist friends here who perceive my writings as "nonsense"  and it's because you have a personal bias against me that hinder you in being objective.

Quote from Anna No need to hurry, slow-thinking kid.

You are so pathetic. Sitting behind the screen with a government that protects your silly ass...

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