Dark Enlightenment, if the bulk of Muslim immigrants are Syrians, Jordanians, and Iraqis, then the phrase "Muslim immigrants" is simply shorthand for Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi immigrants. Even so, we could certainly be fastidious and use the eleven syllables instead of the two in "Muslim," and I encourage anyone who cares to start doing so. I, for my part, can't find it within myself to give a shit, but in this post, out of respect for you and your opinion, I'll use the eleven syllables.
The vastly larger issue is whether Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqui immigrants should be accepted into European countries. I say no. No, because, by and large, they don't want to assimilate into European culture. No, because, by and large, they don't want to contribute to the economy. No, because, by and large, they don't like Jews, who are already in place, assimilated, and contributing. No, because they're fucking Muslims, which means they're religionists, and we don't need any more religionists. Why can't we find any immigrants who are fucking atheists?
As for the fact that most of these immigrants are unskilled, so their economic options are limited - Many Mexican immigrants arrive (illegally) in the United States without highly marketable skills. The myth is that they go on welfare. The reality is that they work their asses off at any job they can get. Ask any American restaurant manager to identify the demographic of their hardest working subordinates. If Mexicans are in the mix, you can bet the manager will say the Mexicans work harder than everyone else. This is what Syrian, Jordanian, and Iraqi immigrants should do, but largely don't. They're parasites. They should be treated with the same degree of mercy that we afford to tapeworms.
I really can't argue against that beyond separating the rich ones from the poor ones and offer that the acclimation rates of Muslim migrants mirror those of Non-muslim Africans. It is my opinion the determining factor is not religion but initial Per Capita GDP.
Poor people tend to suck dry any economy they are part of. Poor societies are that on the global stage.
Similarly The Sudanese genocide refugees had the same unemployment issues, same acclamation issues, same fertility issues.
Religion still takes a back seat to a lot of poor people at once.
For the question, "Why do the poor Asians, Eastern Europeans, Persians, and Central Americans all work?" I can only answer maybe it would be different if 2.5 million came in 6 months?
And that leads to a greater point about instinctual social ethos.
Maybe there is a natural honor behind artificial constructs. A proto-morality and innate self respect of the individual evident, like acknowledgement of territory and claim.
Even though welfare is easier, way more self serving, playing a victim card can be ultimately beneficial, and it is for millions of ghetto dole bludgers, it is still detestable to take without the honor of earning it for yourself for many people, even the herd-idealistically unaffiliated.
It reminds me of O9A and by extension white nationalism.
In the original O9A MSS there was a lot about "The Satanic Qualities of noble contribution to society". "Are you an honorable contributor?", type stuff. Largely in line with Germanic work ethic and the instinctual nature of kindred self-sufficiency. Granted they added a bunch of shit about culling AIDS junkie scum or others that don't contribute, but you had the same basic premise of the darwinistic anti-social welfare state.
One could conclude "nature's way" (which is personified by a total lack of social welfare handouts) is the furthest thing from an EU countries Value Added Tax to begin with.
But all civilization is artificial and you get what your social constructs beget.