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Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from AlexTheTerrible @Tom Riddle "He was not so smart as some claim him to be."

Please explain the why to us in your own words.

What I mean with it is that LaVey was a normal intelligent person who just used his common sense. As a Satanist he realized what function religion had for the human animal and why it existed for so long time which he realized would be benefiting for the Satanist.
AlexTheTerrible Jul 20 '21
@Tom Riddle "There are many people who pretends to be Satanist because they are either attention whores, have a political or religious cause above the self or because they are reverse Christians who are mentally ill."

It looks like my explanation against the term "pseudo Satanist" won. It looks like you had some trouble coming up with what a "pseudo Satanist" is. You see the difference between you and I, is I don't define things by labels. The definition in which you defined under this quote, does not make the logical match in what a "pseudo Satanist" is. So this label "pseudo Satanist" fly's out the window. Instead why not call these people "not Satanists?"

The Forum post is edited by AlexTheTerrible Jul 20 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from AlexTheTerribledoes not make the logical match in what a "pseudo Satanist" is. So this label "pseudo Satanist" fly's out the window. Instead why not call these people "not Satanists?"

Because they pretends to be Satanists. I don't understand what your issue is...
Anna Jul 20 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Because they pretends to be Satanists. I don't understand what your issue is...

The issue is that you didn't define what a pseudo-Satanist is. Also you wrote that Satanism is a personality trait while there is no such a personality trait as Satanism. You could say that Satanists should have specific character traits but you didn't name them so far.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from Anna 

The issue is that you didn't define what a pseudo-Satanist is. Also you wrote that Satanism is a personality trait while there is no such a personality trait as Satanism. You could say that Satanists should have specific character traits but you didn't name them so far.

I have defined what a pseudo-Satanist is... It's people who pretends to be Satanists while they in reality are not Satanists. 
Anna Jul 20 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
I have defined what a pseudo-Satanist is... It's people who pretends to be Satanists while they in reality are not Satanists. 

This is circular reasoning, it explains nothing. 

C'mon. Are you really that autistic that you cannot even explain what you mean?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Dark Enlightenment

No, his church is The MGTOW variation and has no use for live nude altars and other excuses to see a bunch of naked chicks like CoS and Game of Thrones.

So he obviously wouldn't be after something like this: 

And if he was going to pose for such a photo he'd have to get multiple sex dolls and position them with fishing line. 

Funny you mentioned sex dolls. I forgot that possibility. A sex doll could be representative for Mother Earth.

I do like the chicks on the picture.

I don't have a picture of 5 naked chicks reaching for my junk. He was doing something right. 

If you Google "Church of Satan nude altar images" you get pages and pages of nudity. Black and white pictures of 60's pussy. Endless pussy. Like that was his purpose. It didn't so much focus on ritual photos as much as photos of rooms full of naked 60's and 70's pussy. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from Anna 

This is circular reasoning, it explains nothing. 

it's not circular reasoning. Am I a doctor if I say I'm a doctor and dress like a doctor?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Anna 

The issue is that you didn't define what a pseudo-Satanist is. Also you wrote that Satanism is a personality trait while there is no such a personality trait as Satanism. You could say that Satanists should have specific character traits but you didn't name them so far.

I have defined what a pseudo-Satanist is... It's people who pretends to be Satanists while they in reality are not Satanists. 
Defining "pseudo-satanist" as a person who pretends to be a Satanist is non-statement without first defining what a Satanist is.

And more than some copout like, "a Satanist is a person who incorperates Satan".  

Like saying a Botatanist is person who does botany, or a pseudo-botanist is a person who pretends to be a botanist. 

Doesn't help if you can't define botany.  

The question deals with what is known and defined.  In a situation where the subject is still undefined the explanation provides no clarification.

Pretend nobody knows and provide depth to what qualifies as Satanism to remove the fallacy from your statement. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
I'll even simplify it.

What makes a real Satanist?

What makes a fake Satanist? 

What does one do or not do to make that distinction per your definition? 

I'll even give you mine, which for integrity sake, I completely cherry-picked from Mindfux.

It boils down to natural firey response to abstraction as a form of attainment.  Abstraction being defined as "the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events." 

That. I say that's the line of separation. 

What say you? 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Yes it's the same old same discussion what a Satanist is. In the dictionary Satanism is defined as the worship of Satan. CoS can easy fit into that definition because when they are their own gods who regard Satan as a symbol of themselves then they do worship Satan as the worship of Satan is the worship of themselves. 
The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Okay, I'm going to ask my question again and I want to apply what you just now said to the questions I asked. I think I was too late the first post.  Using the response you just gave please answer the following questions,  so there's no confusion to your application. 
Quote from Dark Enlightenment I'll even simplify it.

What makes a real Satanist?

What makes a fake Satanist? 

What does one do or not do to make that distinction per your definition? 

I'll even give you mine, which for integrity sake, I completely cherry-picked from Mindfux.

It boils down to natural firey response to abstraction as a form of attainment.  Abstraction being defined as "the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events." 

That. I say that's the line of separation. 

What say you? 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from Dark Enlightenment I'll even simplify it.

What makes a real Satanist?

What makes a fake Satanist? 

What does one do or not do to make that distinction per your definition? 

I'll even give you mine, which for integrity sake, I completely ripped off from Mindfux.

It boils down to natural firey response to abstraction as a form of attainment.  Abstraction being defined as "the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events." 

That. I say that's the line of separation. 

What say you? 

Satanism literally is defined as the worship of Satan, so a Satanist is a person who worship Satan or someone being a part of a movement or religion that worship Satan.

A fake Satanist is someone like TST for instance that calls themselves Satanist and use satanic imagery to gain attention but are not actually interested in the worship of Satan and the esoteric. It's not about "you do not believe as I do and therefore you are not a satanist". I earlier described the difference between a Satanist and a Luciferian where I pointed out that it's their primary interests that separates them.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Dark Enlightenment I'll even simplify it.

What makes a real Satanist?

What makes a fake Satanist? 

What does one do or not do to make that distinction per your definition? 

I'll even give you mine, which for integrity sake, I completely ripped off from Mindfux.

It boils down to natural firey response to abstraction as a form of attainment.  Abstraction being defined as "the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events." 

That. I say that's the line of separation. 

What say you? 

Satanism literally is defined as the worship of Satan, so a Satanist is a person who worship Satan or someone being a part of a movement or religion that worship Satan.

A fake Satanist is someone like TST for instance that calls themselves Satanist and use satanic imagery to gain attention but are not actually interested in the worship of Satan and the esoteric. It's not about "you do not believe as I do and therefore you are not a satanist". I earlier described the difference between a Satanist and a Luciferian where I pointed out that it's their primary interests that separates them.

Good point. You have provided depth to your criteria by deferring to the dictionary definition, which is: 

The worship of Satan, typically involving a travesty of Christian symbols and practices, such as placing a cross upside down.

I have interest in botany, which is the study of plants. I can tell you all about their structure and make up. A botanist studies plants, which are made up branches and leaves. They use the sun to grow. They need water and sunlight. To be a botanist you must delve deep into the world of botany literature and botany texts and study it.  You then have to apply the things in those botany books to do botany, which is the study of plants. 

A botanist is simply an expert or student learning botany. The specific study of plants.

I gotta ask. Since we are going on definitions for everything, what travesties of Christianity have you committed? Do you have an inverted cross? How do you do your Satanism. Apart from just selfish objectivism,  like in an Ayn Rand novel. How do you do your worship and practice your Satanism? 

Like how do you apply your Satanism with someone who gives you endless shit for their amusement? 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 20 '21
Sorry, SIN. Just wanted to point out that the thread title is "The Islamic Problem," yet once again, here we are. Tom has changed the subject to what Satanism means to its little self and we are all playing along for the comedy. I suppose one true "satanic" characteristic must be the innate ability to hang yourself from a meat hook.
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from Dark Enlightenment  how do you worship and practice your Satanism? 

And is that Satanism an action in life, or do you keep it under cloak and dagger? 

The worship of Satan takes place in the ritual chamber yes but it only makes sense for me on the satanic holidays despite I always have finished a ritual with a "Hail Satan!". Personally I do not celebrate the other satanic holidays beside my birthday and on that day I used to perform the traditional satanic ritual ceremony to honor Satan. Now I feel satanic ceremony and holiday is meant to preserve a social connection and since I have no satanic friends or allies I see no reason to celebrate these the satanic holidays.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Quote from Baphomets Sorry, SIN. Just wanted to point out that the thread title is "The Islamic Problem," yet once again, here we are. Tom has changed the subject to what Satanism means to its little self and we are all playing along for the comedy. I suppose one true "satanic" characteristic must be the innate ability to hang yourself from a meat hook.

You started that conversation in the first place when you accused me for being a LaVey ass kissing dude without independent opinion...
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
No, Bamphomets, I would like the slaughterhouse of "satanic praxis" ineptitude to never end! People can enjoy watching hamsters run in a wheel over and over.  
Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Dark Enlightenment  how do you worship and practice your Satanism? 

And is that Satanism an action in life, or do you keep it under cloak and dagger? 

The worship of Satan takes place in the ritual chamber yes but it only makes sense for me on the satanic holidays despite I always have finished a ritual with a "Hail Satan!". Personally I do not celebrate the other satanic holidays beside my birthday and on that day I used to perform the traditional satanic ritual ceremony to honor Satan. Now I feel satanic ceremony and holiday is meant to preserve a social connection and since I have no satanic friends or allies I see no reason to celebrate these the satanic holidays.

His purpose here is great. Slow threads can be resurrected by his learning disabilities alone. 
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jul 20 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jul 20 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Baphomets Sorry, SIN. Just wanted to point out that the thread title is "The Islamic Problem," yet once again, here we are. Tom has changed the subject to what Satanism means to its little self and we are all playing along for the comedy. I suppose one true "satanic" characteristic must be the innate ability to hang yourself from a meat hook.

You started that conversation in the first place when you accused me for being a LaVey ass kissing dude without independent opinion...
No, Tom. I made a comment. You could have left it at that.

And no worries, CM. He is not going anywhere soon.  Hanging meat isn't very mobile.

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jul 20 '21
Yes back to Islam topic. The problem is not Islam but the western feminized world. It's a problem especially in Europa where there are most islamic immigrants. In that moment Europe became a patriarchy again I'm convinced that Islam no longer would possess a threat. I have seen how weak muslim men really are.
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