I'll even simplify it.
What makes a real Satanist?
What makes a fake Satanist?
What does one do or not do to make that distinction per your definition?
I'll even give you mine, which for integrity sake, I completely ripped off from Mindfux.
It boils down to natural firey response to abstraction as a form of attainment. Abstraction being defined as "the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events."
That. I say that's the line of separation.
What say you?
Satanism literally is defined as the worship of Satan, so a Satanist is a person who worship Satan or someone being a part of a movement or religion that worship Satan.
A fake Satanist is someone like TST for instance that calls themselves Satanist and use satanic imagery to gain attention but are not actually interested in the worship of Satan and the esoteric. It's not about "you do not believe as I do and therefore you are not a satanist". I earlier described the difference between a Satanist and a Luciferian where I pointed out that it's their primary interests that separates them.
Good point. You have provided depth to your criteria by deferring to the dictionary definition, which is:
The worship of Satan, typically involving a travesty of Christian symbols and practices, such as placing a cross upside down.
I have interest in botany, which is the study of plants. I can tell you all about their structure and make up. A botanist studies plants, which are made up branches and leaves. They use the sun to grow. They need water and sunlight. To be a botanist you must delve deep into the world of botany literature and botany texts and study it. You then have to apply the things in those botany books to do botany, which is the study of plants.
A botanist is simply an expert or student learning botany. The specific study of plants.
I gotta ask. Since we are going on definitions for everything, what travesties of Christianity have you committed? Do you have an inverted cross? How do you do your Satanism. Apart from just selfish objectivism, like in an Ayn Rand novel. How do you do your worship and practice your Satanism?
Like how do you apply your Satanism with someone who gives you endless shit for their amusement?