In our country that's every refugee group until after Vietnam in sequential order.
1800's - Present
Fucking starving Irish Catholics and some tuber shortage sent the whole lot of them to literally breed the stereotype of the fertile Catholic.
Then the Italians were next a generation later, and they bred like 1/2 of them died in infancy.
Then came the Polish, who still endure today for being stupid in America joke culture. Dumb polacks. For example a "polish hotdog" is putting the hot dog through the bun the wrong way.
Then came all the Latin ones after "viva revolucion" destroyed everyones chance of keeping up with Europe. Puerto Ricans and Cubans initially, then Mexico and central America after the cartel assured everything South of The United States will be a corrupt and violent hellscape thereafter.
All pretty much meandered in entry level and bred above average in the first generation after influx.
But it has leveled off with American rates. They first waves are so integrated culturally their higher birthrates have more to do with religion, like Mormons. The latter wave thrive in their mom and pop taquarias and auto-related ventures, while the rest do freelance in the home depot parking lot.
Other then a majority of Asians, The ones that break the trend from the getgo are all the Armenians that now thrive in their native liquor stores, mini marts, car washes, and gas stations. Or the Kurdish/Chaldean muslim oppressed Coptic Christians that now thrive in their native liquor stores, mini marts, car washes, and gas stations.
Persians all have white luxury cars so they seem to do well too..
That's why I propose only the freedom oppressed be granted immediate refugee status as the ones fleeing war, economy, and famine, all trend towards forming ghettos and multiply excessively, historically anyway. Any group today has a lot of breeding to catch the (1850-1950) Catholics though
Honestly, it's not specific to any one race, but specific to the tired, poor, and huddled masses yearning to transplant the exact same environment in general.
The supposed "extremism" being a wake-up call for the West.
The Western way of thinking being one of compliance and female imperative which degrades human spirit and nature to one of being fleshy automatons with disrespect and degeneracy.
A call to return to senses. To show respect to the elder masters of yore.
That Islam is the very last bastion of Masculinity and spirit that lead to mankinds greatest achievements (after all were many Scientists of the past Muslim... and I am talking of the Muslim Scientists from the Classical world during Medieval times).
For those who consider themselves "Satanists", it might be actually wise to discover the counter-narrative where it concerns the Muslim world. Media in Western society has done a great job of painting them in a bad light since the Gulf War.
Media in Western society has done a great job of painting them in a bad light since the Gulf War.
Let's offer a different perspective.
The supposed "extremism" being a wake-up call for the West.
The Western way of thinking being one of compliance and female imperative which degrades human spirit and nature to one of being fleshy automatons with disrespect and degeneracy.
Satanist since more than a decade, I'd wondered what it was that led the ONA founder to convert to Islam. Your comment about Islam as the last bastion of masculinity provided the answer. I'd also wondered why the ONA was so cartoonishly pro-violence. Your comment answered that one too.
All questions have the same answer.
But the modern left wing has also done a great job of painting them as "just like us who are misunderstood". You should research the islamic ideology and history. There was no golden age. Muslim just invaded nations and stole their scientific discoveries. There is a reason why there were never no age of enlightening in the islamic world.
You just don't see western environments (below) in predominately Muslim places, at all...
[Modern downtown cityscape with astronomically expensive condos]
And what Arab country has a nightlife with this demographic...?
[Golddiggers pose for photo outside nightclub in descending order of attractiveness]
...or a club like this?
[Definitely NOT an Arab nightclub]
More months of plandemic and Arabs will teach us democracy. It's not a long way from this:
to this:
Oh, and as Cassandra, I predict that soon all nightclubs will be closed due to Lambada getting more and more popular. Did I spell that shit right?
You should research the islamic ideology and history. There was no golden age. Muslim just invaded nations and stole their scientific discoveries. There is a reason why there were never no age of enlightening in the islamic world.
I wonder whether you even finished an elementary school.
Stop telling others to do their research while you did none yourself.
As to why the Ottomans were doomed to lose to the European powers, the answer is simple: the Industrial Revolution happened in Europe first. Whenever older systems competed with European industrialization, the older systems lost. This was true, for example, in North America, where European-style industrialization overwhelmed the capabilities of the indigenous peoples, and then, just a little bit later, the industrialization of the Northeastern States overwhelmed the capabilities of the more agricultural South.
Wikipedia is a propaganda page administrated by feminists at the moment and is therefore unreliable. They have for instance lied about MGTOW...
Stop telling others to do their research while you did none yourself.
I did not because of obsessive compulsive disorders and abuse in home...I wonder whether you even finished an elementary school.
That was Dubai, UAE I was posting pictures of and describing.
It's the other way around as far as who is teaching what to whom.
Do the oil Muslims count still?
Islamic civilization is still around in Northeren Africa up until various parts of South Europe (Spain, Portugal, Greece,...) and reaching out to the East. You cannot read religion from a person and local architecture.
The other reason why David Myatt converted to Islam has had less to do with "masculinity" and "pro-violence" and more with the steadfastness and no bullshit attitude of Islam. A devout follower of Islam is steadfast. They take no bullshit. The word of Allah is holy. This, unlike Christianity and even Satanism where people mold their retarded beliefs and other ideologies around it. Where the foundations are being eroded and rotten.
As with anything which experienced a "golden age", these civilizations didn't go away. They remained but got outshined by a different civilizations (and partially absorbed by it).
Satanist since more than a decade, I'd wondered what it was that led the ONA founder to convert to Islam. Your comment about Islam as the last bastion of masculinity provided the answer. I'd also wondered why the ONA was so cartoonishly pro-violence. Your comment answered that one too.
One thing that I would wish to add to what Dimitri wrote is that both national socialism and islam were (at least at the time Myatt embraced them) anti-establishment ideologies. That is they were, and I think they still are, in direct opposition to conventional beliefs, rules and principles of the contemporary Western society. Just when Bush uttered his famous words "You are either with us or with the terrorists", when Osama bin Laden was the main public enemy and the fight with terrorism was the epitome of patriotism, Myatt not only converted to Islam and adopted a Muslim way of life but, above all, he actively and publicly defended bin Laden and propagated acts of terrorism against the West. Why? Because defiance, taboo breaking and subversion of the dominant social order are the means leading to the personal autonomy and individualist anarchism, which are the essence of the ONA Satanism. And there was no greater taboo at that time than supporting Al-Qaeda and pissing on the sacred World Trade Center tragedy. It was provocative to the self-righteous, patriotic-oriented "Let's shed a tear for all the victims of Muslim atrocities" dominant social attitudes. Bin Laden was Satan to the West, the most feared and detestable enemy. From the Western perspective, Islam was the embodiment of all evil. So Islam wasn't the aim but a tool of subversion. Anything that went against the social and political status quo would do... for Myatt and the ONA that is.
Islamic civilization is a mouse sitting on a fish which the cats let it have and dole out because otherwise they'd have to fight each other over who gets the biggest portion.
As for individual Muslims, they think it's praiseworthy to blow themselves up. 'Nuff said.
I'd wondered what it was that led the ONA founder to convert to Islam.