First off, millions of people are caught up in their opinions and personal morals when in fact, they need to be informed about the facts. Believing that we should accept Muslims because of tolerance is a belief based on personal opinion which is run by emotion.
The main goal of radical islam is to conquer the nations for their god Allah by force. They believe that women are good for one thing only and at a very young age, so young tgat many of them either die because their bodies are not ready to handle it or obtain serious injury which prevents them from being able to procreate which means they are now useless. They also believe that those who reject Islam are their enemies but have a system where they still blend in and befriend all types of people only to decieve them by lying about their religion. In new year of this year many young women in Europe were raped after Islamist were brought in with a wave of refugees. They believe that the laws of the lands do not apply to them. If Allah says they can rape the women then they will disobey law any day.
What I have stated are all FACTS that I obtained from studying the Islam war against the west. I also studied some of the quran as well as became a member of Act For America. Act for America has a site with all the information you need to understand. It is founded by a xtian but she has made it clear that the organization is not based on religion but fighting to keep America free from Sharia Law. I use the site for information and believe everyone who ever questions the issue with Islam should read the information and pdf files from that site.
We have to ask ourselves if we choose the safety of our families and children or do we choose Islam. Because no nation is safe. I choose Americans over foreigners and feel they should be sent to the nations near their countries. Well those nations are already dominated by Islam so there is no need to send them there. They migrated to America and Europe and placed many ISIS soldiers among families so that the people would "feel sorry" for them and open their borders. This is a trojan horse tactic. If you read up on their strategy you will see how they believe our emotions and empathy are our weakness. They know exactly what they are doing and they know how to defeat us because they studied their enemy.
"Islamaphobia" was a term created to instill a fear of social scorn onto the public. If anyone speaks against Islam they are accused of being Islamaphobic but there is a huge difference between being against something and fearing it
Radical Islam is scattered and can no longer be detained or stopped because we fought to bring them into our borders. We literally begged the enemy to come in and change our policies and take our women and children. Maybe we didnt realize it but according to Islamist, that's exactly what we did.
Study the war of Islam vs Christianity because to them, America is a Christian nation and they are at war with christianity. Also study their Sharia Laws because these are what they want enforced in the nations they take over
Of course we aren't to fear. Islamist fear death at the hand of a woman because it is a disgrace and they will not enter paradise if a woman kills them so empowered amd armed women are a huge weapon because to die for their cause is an honor except it being by a woman. We need more women in the military. Excuse me if I am all over the place, writing is not my talent
I give you a single bullet and a gun and put before you two dogs - a rabid pitbull snapping it's maw at you while howling and an old mastiff with no teeth that farts and sleeps in its own piss. What do you choose to shoot?
That was a trick question - the liberal faggot shoots himself out of misplaced white guilt.
The "Islamic problem" first begs the question, "Are they there for balance, or are they there to be a forest fire?" Both serve as regulators within dynamic systems. Call it an aberration of observing or indication of design, but this universe and all it's complex systems have an uncanny ability for self regulation and medians.
Crowd-fund a statue of Baphomet. Baphomet statues solve everything.The only thing that Baphomet statue actually accomplished was bilking a bunch of fools out of monies they clearly didn't deserve to have.
Hmm, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea in the end.
Every religion has that self serving bullshit going for it. If you were to ask the proverbial "powers that be" the important point is: "What do you add to our society?" Preference here for compliant kool-aid drinkers to be the default. Especially in the US.
They want people who love "freedom", believe in "democracy", vote, pay taxes, and go to jury duty. They want people who see the US as an entity of benevolance and doing an obstensive "good" for the world. They want people who come for "The American Dream". They want people who work and do what their supposed to. They want the obedient who call belonging to one of two opinions free thought.
Religion only comes up if you have extreme views that dont reflect the above.
It's the only thing keeping the identity as a Shangri la of sorts. Amazingly.
The problem is overblown Muslim's don't
present a threat to the power structure right now and the sporadic terror
attacks they do commit are probably viewed as acceptable losses in the grand
scheme of things. The goal is to prop up Western population decline and continue
economic growth with new blood from all over the world including the Middle
East and Africa but so far they have failed to do to them what they managed to
do to Christianity which is assimilating it into consumerism they didn't
succeed in turning these particular third worlders into mindless shoppers and
porn addicts so far and this is causing turbulence In the end really is the fault of white's for
being a bunch of Panda's who refuse to reproduce forcing the system to
So, if any of you have been paying attention to the news today, a couple of Islamic extremists showed up at a satire magazine's office in Paris and shot at least 12 people dead. With AK-47s they somehow obtained.
What do Satanists think about this situation? Islamic terrorism has been going on for a few years now. What is the solution we, as in largely Western powers, should adopt?
Humanist taboo is forcing your view on others/not tolerating other views.
Muslim taboo is to acknowledge a world where their truth isn't valid. Their views are everyone's views lest you be stoned by boycotts.
It's a culture that refuses to see itself objectively. Just like most fundamentalist and any other fervent noncritical belief.
"No! The rest of the world dosen't have to walk around on eggshells about depicting your prophet or human rights icon, even if it is fucking a camel or Israeli flag."
Fuck the sacred. All the sacred.
And every western society is trending to secular humanism.
After they stopped burning heretics, the Catholics built an observatory and came up with the big bang theory. And Methodists stopped doing fag-drags and now marry fags in drag instead. Across the board the arrow of society is scientific secular humanist whether anyone accepts it or not. It's just not there yet. Halfway at most.
People aren't ready for the application part and western society is stuck on secular fascism. Racist is the new negro. So while it flipped it hasn't included "Profane and backwoods opinions of others you detest" as something to be indifferent (or "tolerent") towards yet. The next step Is doing to even the nost repulsive views what logic and the internet did to Giorgio Tsukalos.
"Oh, what cute little backwards beliefs you have and you came up with them all on your own? Well you have a right to hold them."
Less than 100 years away from figuring that out in my optimistic view.