The problem with Islam, quite frankly is that it needs a reformation the likes of what Christianity went through. If you genuinely want to understand the Islamic Problem look at pre reformation Christianity, there may have well been moderate Christians in those times, but, even those felt that homosexuals should be killed and all the rest, the same as moderate Muslims of today. More over, though there are moderate Muslims who aren't radicalized, Islam over all as an institution, as it is in the grass roots sense, still silently endorses default support of radical Muslims for the reasons I mentioned above. This makes the importation of Muslims into the west a huge problem; just look at the Muslim no go areas in places like London, Paris... and these aren't necessarily radical Muslims, but moderates, who can easily be infiltrated by radicalized Muslims, who in turn can influence many to act in radical ways in keeping with Sharia law, that obviously can spill over into the larger society outside of these all Muslim neighborhoods within these places, because of the overall incompatibility between the cultures.
We don't need moderate Muslims, but modern Muslims that are made civilized by bringing them into the 21st century culturally and/or perhaps psychologically, that is to say, in any case, a complete reformation of the whole religion of Islam and of Muslim culture, not to mention the over all culture of these primitive people being imported into the west under cuckoldism and white guilt regressivism.
Christianity went through at least a three phase reformation, beginning with the protestant reformation, followed by the renaissance reformation, all the way up to the reformation in the Enlightenment period.( classical Deism/Deist in America and England at that time was still considered very much Christian and all classical Deists still thought of themselves as Christians, only minus what they saw as innovations by what they called the priestcraft, especially in the areas of what went against common sense; the virgin birth...) Islam needs to follow suit and these imported Muslims need to be modernized before they are imported anywhere in the west. To better illustrate this FACT, imagine if Christianity and Christians still are as they were in the middle ages and in preceding periods, but especially the middle ages and they were being imported into culturally and politically incompatible areas, all in the name of so called tolerance and shit like that, despite the fact they are insulating themselves within their host countries and are anathema towards the values and way of life of those countries who was so kind to allow them asylum for whatever reason, talk about ingrates.