People whine about us becoming dependent on technology, or about the non-possibility of a robot uprising, or this that and the other, and all I can do is shrug and say "That's the price of progress. This is the path we chose from the very moment we started making flint stone tools."
If there's one article of actual "belief" that I have, it's that of eventual human apotheosis. Through our understanding of the universe, we will one day become as gods. It is not only our destiny, but our responsibility to bend the world to our will. Engineering is nothing if not making the laws of physics your bitch.
Now, we should always keep a keen eye on the consequences of our actions, and make sure to maintain a sustainable ecosystem for ourselves and our non-human brethren (*cough cough* Looking at you, climate change deniers.) But past that and making sure we don't wreck the place? Go buck wild. Let's make robo-servants that skip right over the uncanny valley and straight into sexytown. Let's clone some sheep, and hell, a few people. Gimme a double stem-cell burger with a side of GMO fries. Actually scratch that, lemme clone a little bit of test-tube meat of my own ass and fry that up as a steak. I want autocannibalism to be not only possible, but affordable, and come with mashed potatoes and broccoli. Fuck capitalism, let's go total post-scarcity. Let's do this whole 'science and engineering' thing bigger and better than we ever thought possible. Fuck that whole "but we're not gods" or "what right have we to play gods" nonsense - we ain't gods yet, but we are on our way, and ain't no sense in stopping at every pissy no-victim self-limiting shouldn't-be-a-problem ethical non-dilemma in between us and godhood.
Sorry, went on a rant there.
Back to the OP - EMP's are a thing, if you're worried about a robot apocalypse.
This is a topic that for me, was a major turnoff with the CoS...their insistence that one day machines will do virtually everything we humans do, and better.Are you serious brah? It's not even close to a major cornerstone.
LaVey only mentions it in passing( and seemingly in a sexual nature, aka: the real doll)butthis seems to have become a major cornerstone if their thought system.
I don't have my head in the sand, I know technology is making amazing gains in the field if robotics. But even if the "day the robots took over" was right around the corner, I think it would be entirely unsatanic to simply bail out and let machines do all the heavy lifting.
The arts, music, literature, film, the stage...these are all things born of the human experience, and would all suffer greatly in the age of machines.
There's no denying the advancements that have been made in artificial life, but can you seriously see machines running the show without human hands to guide them? And if so do you welcome a world run by robots or (like me) do you shudder at the thought?
It's one bullet point in one small aspect of Satanism (Pentagonal Revisionism).
That's like saying the production of sperm is the entire purpose of sexual reproduction.
When it comes to human endeavors like art, poetry, love making, magic, and enlightenment, humans will always be useful and beautiful. Technology is only one half of the coin. Remember, it was our humanness that created robots and AI in the first place. Even if AI takes over one day (which I am sure it will) we will have moved on to another planet or already have defenses in place just in case Ultron and Dr. Gero decides to wipe us out.