So my question is what is your side on this? And please elaborate.
So my question is what is your side on this? And please elaborate.
Satanism is, almost by definition, an adversarial belief system. The point of being a Satanist is to go against the grain of society wheresoever that grain infringes upon one's will. If Satanists were to become the majority of any given area, I would think that we would rather quickly disintegrate under the weight of too many rebels trying to rebel against the idea of rebellion. This is the reason that we don't proselytize (that, and it's annoying). Satanism isn't for everyone. We will never have the majority of just about anything, and that's the way it should be.
And besides, your proposed society only takes into account the Rand/LaVeyan political philosophy within Satanism. I, for one, am very anti-Social-Darwinism.
And even besides that - they've tried Ayn Rand Fantasy Camp before. Whenever a bunch of rich libertarians get uppity and "go Galt" together and try to start a new society, it always ends up crumbling instantly.
those that I consider weak, are completely and stematically rooted out.
A society of everyone out for their own ends and back stabbing to get there, isn't this already the base ground we are in?
The idea that laws cover the actions of many so some in power can get what they want is a basic idea under “Might makes Right”. How a person actually interacts in that society can be shown as interaction, adversary, fringe dwelling or ignore.
I agree with everything that has been said thus far. Living in a commune of Satanists would suck in my opinion...not because of the Satanists but because of the commune.
Any time you get too much of one singular belief or ideology in one geographic location it tends to suck. It doesn't matter what the ideology is. Even if it was a commune where bacon is served for every meal and free blowjobs (or mustache rides...don’t want to be sexist) are handed out like candy.
The point is even if you love bacon and oral sex...after a month you’d probably kill for a steak and some good old doggy style. At least I know I would.
I would offer this up as food for thought:
I think that we live in a Satanic utopia right now (or at least those of us who live in America...I can’t speak for anyone else).
As an American Satanist I kind of feel like a seagull in a landfill. It might not be the prettiest or cleanest place on earth. As a matter of fact there’s a pretty good chance you may end up stepping on an HIV positive needle or eating an Ebola contaminated hot dog, but at the end of the day there is a lot of shit to play with and no one’s really watching (except for the NSA of course).
Do I like the fact that I live in a world where I spent the entire week being bombarded by the same stupid memes about Kim Kardashian’s ass...not really (let me clarify...I’m just as fond of a naked female ass as the next heterosexual swinging dick...but after the first hundred views it kind of loses it’s luster….and there was a lot of luster on that ass...I bet Johnson and Johnson made a killing off all the baby oil the sold to cover that thing...but I digress).
Do I like stupid people?...No, but they are entertaining.
Do I like bullshit political ads that are designed to make you feel like you are important? No, but it’s entertaining.
As a Satanist I like my toys (i.e. people) and I like my pastimes, and I like that I live in an environment where I can enjoy them freely.
Possesedbysatan666: Dimitri gave you 20 years for any satanist country or society to collapse or crumble apart, I could give you 5 years. To me, it's very impossible to have a satanist country, perhaps we could have small satanist communities, enjoying a carnal paradise, but no more than an small group of people, remember we are rebels, we don't let nobody to dominate us , we are free, therefore we practice the individualism which it's contrary to the world pluralism.
Special thanks tu luz for proof reading my original post. I usually try to have the best grammer but I also recognize the fact that being human means making mistakes, learning from them and taking every precoution to not repeat the same mistakes. So once again thanks to luz for hammering out my original post so it is simpler to read.
It's a shame to ignore someone's opinion because they happen to spell poorly in a certain language.
Did you learn English from the Polish ONA guys?
I'd like a word with your pupils... As an Eastern European Satanist, I'd rather talk to them than to their Christian English teacher. I want to hear from them how people who cannot spell or who are trolls should be made soap of. (I'd like my news from the source.)
Regardless of the similar values in life philosophy, you should take a better look at the forums around here and it will give you a good impression on how a real world "Satanic Utopia" would end up. Actually, you only have to go by this one thread. But I digress.
Possesedbysatan666: Dimitri gave you 20 years for any satanist country or society to collapse or crumble apart, I could give you 5 years.
I give you less than that. In fact, I would be willing to bet that the majority of Satanists that got together to try this whole thing out would be gone or dead before even reaching the area in which you were trying this experiment out.
Well, personally, I don't feel like living with a bunch of Satanists. Don't know how Zach does it as I am a fairly anti-social individual. I'm easily irritated and I like being isolated for more than a little bit of time. I don't need anyone distracting me. Plus, ya'll are assholes. Assholes I like but assholes nonetheless.
Do I like stupid people?...No, but they are entertaining.
Do I like bullshit political ads that are designed to make you feel like you are important? No, but it’s entertaining.
You see, in a Satanic Utopia (my understanding being a world of primarily Satanic ways and Satanists) those things would still exist. And abundantly. Again, just reference the forums.
You see, in a Satanic Utopia (my understanding being a world of primarily Satanic ways and Satanists) those things would still exist. And abundantly. Again, just reference the forumsI agree.
Exactly how am I trusting human nature in the context of the question and in what way is it different from the current state? (Are we currently having to trust ROBOT nature?)
The utopia will crumble very quickly, as it splits off into ever-smaller groups, with each claiming to be the TRUE representation of Satanists.
This will go on until everyone has declared themselves President of their own little group.
Don't believe me? Just look at how the CoS started to splinter the moment something was achieved (fame, glory usually). Look at how The Satanic Temple became the TST and The Satanic Coalition.
It's almost as if Satanists don't have the ability to join forces for any reason for any period of time.
It's almost as if Satanists don't have the ability to join forces for any reason for any period of time.
This is because Satanism is too arbitrary for unification. It's like having a nation built upon a foundation of liking Oreos.
Joining forces to attain a goal is possible for Satanists, we've all seen it done before, but as you say, there's a time limit. I think most organizations work out that way. In time, if the organization does not entirely disband, their original function is generally lost. This goes for political parties all the way down to the local indi-rock bands.