I understand that the OP comes from an RHP perspective and prefers the path of acceptance and swallowing of one’s pride. (Humility is a trite virtue for the followers of some paths).
Do you have reading comprehension issues? Did you read my previous posts? Did you read the article I posted? The mom was given a specific and good advice, in my opinion. Who speaks of acceptance or humility? Do you know what being assertive means? It has nothing to do with being humble or turning the other cheek.
I will quote my previous reply and the relevant part of the article. Perhaps, if you read it one more time, you'll finally get it.
<<I think you misinterpreted the advice of the psychologist. He advised
her not only to keep the conversations short and to the point but also
to stop engaging with the teacher's demands, stop justifying and
excusing herself and also stop offering help. In short, he advised her
to be
assertive, to let the teacher know she's not the one to be
ordered around. But in order to be assertive, the woman has to deal with
her negative feelings first. This is why he suggested taking deep
breaths to release tension and speak encouragingly to herself to boost
her self-esteem.
"You need to shift the situation
by speaking to [her] the same blunt and quick way she speaks to you,"
says Dr. Kirschner. "No more ‘dextification,’ which stands for
defending, explaining, excusing, and justifying." I also have to stop
making myself so available:
"When you enter the classroom,
try ‘Yes, no, got to go,’" Dr. Kirschner says.Essentially, stop hanging
around, stop asking how to help. Stop engaging with her demands.
Drop-off should be quick. The hope and intention is that in time she
will get the message that I expect the same respect from her that I give
myself in her presence. That I’m not a wimp, and I’m self directed.
"Remember to keep your
conversations short and to the point. And if you have difficulty not
getting upset, breathe into those feelings, and talk encouragingly to
yourself," Dr. Kirschner advises.>>