Suggestion for the first one: Nightmare Alley (1947).
Suggestion for the first one: Nightmare Alley (1947).
My suggestion: The Prophecy
Sounds cool though. I second The Prophecy, haven't seen that since I was a little Elric.
The new movie Lucy (2014) by Luc Besson is about as Gnostic LHP as it has ever gotten on the movie screen. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it.
I saw it. Besides Scarlet Johanson spreading her legs for her captors, I didn't see any LHP stuff in it. Maybe I was too preoccupied with the bunk science that formed the primary plot of the show.
The exaltation of the Self. To become Godlike.
LHP does not begin and end with a shiftless declaration of Godhood. It is a quest for enlightenment -- to become Godlike through struggle and study. The ancient Greeks and Indians were onto these concepts in antiquity.
Nietzsche called it the ubermensch.
The Lucy film fictitiously demonstrates "Godliness", or what could be classified in modern times as biological saltation.
Somewhat related... a crude LHP influence flow chart:
LaVey -->
Rand -->
Nietzsche/Freud/Jung/et al -->
Schopenhauer/Blavatsky -->
Corpus Hermeticum (Greek origin) / Eastern philosophy (India/Vedic period)
The shaky scientific foundation is beside-the-point. It is a movie about ideas.
To digest art, one must sometimes "suspend disbelief".
If 1930's readers of Brave New World were to take the novel at face value, thinking the scientific premise absurd, they would certainly overlook the philosophical undertones. We citizens-of-the-future may find it remarkable that many of the points in Huxley's book were right-on-the-money.
C'mon, guys. Am I the only one who picked up on this stuff? Really?
Like I said, too preoccupied cringing at the bunk science. I am, afterall, a man of science.