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Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
Okay, so a little mini-rant. 

I swear to fucking god, if I hear one more atheist tell me I believe in god, Imma go positively bananas. 

Seriously, every time there's a YouTube video, an article, or a news story involving Satanism - no matter how well researched the article or whatever is, no matter how carefully it is explained that we are largely atheistic, there is *always* a handful of atheists in the comments who try to say that Satanists can't be atheists because their Satanists, or even worse, that we're just Christians on the opposing team. And then, when it inevitably turns into a shitfest of shitposts, you have all these half-educated nimrods trying to sound smart by discussing Satanism using "facts" that are completely, one hundred percent made up. Usually it's some shit relating to Luciferianism. I mean, come the fuck on! Do some basic research before posting about something you apparently know literally nothing about, except for Christian propaganda! Read a fucking wiki article or something before you get on here and make completely baseless assumptions about my religion. If you don't like it or disagree with it, that's one thing, I'm cool with that. But I at the very least do some preliminary research on something before jumping feet first into attacking it. Atleast know what it is you're talking about before you launch into a tirade. Or, at the very least accept the fact that Satanism is largely atheistic when I *as a fucking Satanist* tell you that it is.

Basic. Fucking. Research. God damn.

And, another thing - for some reason, it's almost always atheists. Christians, from what I have personally experienced, have very little problem accepting that Satanists are largely atheistic. What the fuck?

What are some times when you have been vexxed and frustrated by the ignorance or backwards-ness of people that you should otherwise have agreed with?

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
That's actually the exact video that prompted me to write this haha
JasinElric Nov 2 '14
TYT is Fox News for far left-wingers.  Don't expect any degree of research from any media outlet.

I rather enjoy the misconceptions, and have no interest in clarification.  The general public will never understand basic Satanic concepts, and I like it that way.  Believe I eat babies and drink goat blood to get to sleep at night.  It's amusing.

But then again, I'm not part of any organization.  I can understand why this might piss you off, but you had to have seen it coming.

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
I suppose this pet peeve is just a personal extension of the annoyance I feel when people are just adamant in their ignorance, and would rather pull incorrect information out of their asses than take five minutes to read a wiki article or something. 

I had a guy claim that Satanists believe Satan created the universe in a fashion similar to Yahweh. Not once, even among theistics, have I ever encountered that belief. *sigh*

Kenneth Nov 2 '14

Quote from Khandnalie

And, another thing - for some reason, it's almost always atheists. Christians, from what I have personally experienced, have very little problem accepting that Satanists are largely atheistic. What the fuck?

For me, it's been the opposite. I've met many atheists who have very little problem accepting that there is such a thing as atheistic Satanism, while Christians I've met have a hard time with that (understandably, since the former group tends to educate itself on several schools of thought instead of restricting its expertise to one). I've yet to be in a situation since first stumbling on Satanism in which I've felt it necessary to discuss the difference with anyone.
JasinElric Nov 2 '14
I always thought Satanism was indifference to theism, not Atheism.  Have I been reading shit wrong all these years?
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14

Quote from JasinElric I always thought Satanism was indifference to theism, not Atheism.  Have I been reading shit wrong all these years?
*shrugs* Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Indifference to theism is still technically atheism.
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
Well, okay, in the context of this particular thread, let me rephrase that - indifference to theism is still within the bounds of atheism. Atheism being defined negatively in terms of theism. Not theistic, therefore atheistic.
JasinElric Nov 2 '14

Quote from Khandnalie
Indifference to theism is still technically atheism.
Could you explain this in further detail?  To me, it sounds like you're saying not giving a shit is the same thing as giving a shit.  

If I cared enough to come to a conclusion on whether or not there is, or is not a God/Gods, or feel there's no sufficient evidence, I would be either a theist, an atheist, or an agnostic; but since the prospect itself is trivial to me, I don't find any of these terms to be an accurate descriptor.

JasinElric Nov 2 '14
You seem to have beaten me to the response time lol.  I suppose you could view the matter as a black and white issue, though I do see indifference as a third side.
Owner/Admin Nov 2 '14
Labels are labels. Classifying different fractions of Satanism might make it easier to understand on the 101 level. At the end of the day I just consider myself a Satanist. Not LaVeyan. Not even strictly atheistic. Just a Satanist.

Certainly I have my views, beliefs and opinions regarding the various splinter groups. At the end of the day I am just a Satanist. Just me. I take what works from the various splinters and that is what I am.
The Forum post is edited by Owner/Admin Nov 2 '14
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14

Quote from JasinElric You seem to have beaten me to the response time lol.  I suppose you could view the matter as a black and white issue, though I do see indifference as a third side.
Eh, really just semantics at this point. Though, a term that I have heard before which might suit you: apatheist. 

And well-spoken, SIN admin of unknown origin! I couldn't agree more. 

JasinElric Nov 2 '14

Mr. Khandnalie;

I'm not one who enjoys fighting over titles much, but Atheistic Satanism has become such a household name I thought I'd cast my view at it.  I do like the term Apatheist!  Thanks, I wasn't familiar with that term.

Mr. Bl...SIN admin;

I agree, I'm not one for infighting or seeking a universal definition of Satanism.  This thread just seemed as good a time as any for my 2 cents.

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
Hugs and butterflies and kittens and rainbows for Satanists everywhere!

Kenneth Nov 2 '14
Reminds me of the "Meet the Pyro" video.
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
Kinda what I was going for.

I had a picture of Anton LaVey as a pony, but I couldn't find it.

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