Thoughts on Peter Gilmore? | Forum

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Quote from NYRT For the most part I enjoyed the "Satanic Scriptures", Though I do feel much of his written work leaves much to be desired(the topic matter kept me going)...I can't take issue with him as the leader of the CoS because I'm not a member and they are quit mum about their actions (or inactions as they were).

I've never had a CoS card nor do I currently desire one this is because I feel that Gilmor and company seem to think or at least imply that they have ownership over the term Satanism. For example the article written by Gilmor titled "Rebels Without Cause" that can be found on the CoS web site seems to suggest this. Though I agree with some of what he says here may point and one of my reasonings for not wasting $200 for a little red card that probably costs less then a fourth of the current rate to make and send and also LaVey charged half the current rate prior to his untimely death is that seem to at least imply that the CoS owns Satanism and it's philosophy.
The Forum post is edited by possesedbythedevil666 Nov 17 '14
Felltyde Nov 17 '14
I have known many CoS members over the years. My general view on them was that they are truly bent on the idea of being elite human beings despite all evidence to the contrary. There are many exceedingly intelligent and successful CoS members, but no more then any other segment of the population.
I don't mind that the CoS is not "proactive", not involved with media or political debate, ( kudos to the Satanic Temple for what they do, just not my cup of tea...not interested in using my beliefs as a prop to shake up there establishment ...but to each their own) but in the end, the CoS does little for its members...the grotto system was long abandoned, and a Satanist no longer needs the CoS to act as middlemen to meet other Satanist. So the benefit to joining, other then moral support, is lost on me.
Quote from NYRTCoS does little for its members...the grotto system was long abandoned, and a Satanist no longer needs the CoS to act as middlemen to meet other Satanist. So the benefit to joining, other then moral support, is lost on me.

I agree with you on this. Thay should have at least left the grotto system intact and at best allowed to evolve into the new millennium and the ever evolving technology. 
I actually wanted to join the CoS for the so purpose of meeting other Satanists but then found out that there wasn't a grotto system anymore and discovered that there was and still are other Satanists online on sites such as youtube and now we have this site. I say Church of Satan who needs them? Not me and thats for sure!

As far as them being elitist I have no obvious issue with them on this as I tend to be a socialdarwinist myself. And Zach is the only CoS member, whom later resigned, I know of that I could possibly contact easily short of doing some kind of google search or email the CoS and actually get a nonautomated response though I've never attempted either-or nor desire to do. That said I'm sure you are correct I would think that amongst the CoS member camp that there are very entertaining and intelligent people amongst them. I just feel it to be illogical to stereotype a whole group of people because of a few well known bad apples.

The Forum post is edited by possesedbythedevil666 Nov 19 '14
johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Nov 20 '14

Quote from possesedbysatan666
Quote from NYRTCoS does little for its members...the grotto system was long abandoned, and a Satanist no longer needs the CoS to act as middlemen to meet other Satanist. So the benefit to joining, other then moral support, is lost on me.

I agree with you on this. Thay should have at least left the grotto system intact and at best allowed to evolve into the new millennium and the ever evolving technology. 
I actually wanted to join the CoS for the so purpose of meeting other Satanists but then found out that there wasn't a grotto system anymore and discovered that there was and still are other Satanists online on sites such as youtube and now we have this site. I say Church of Satan who needs them? Not me and thats for sure!

As far as them being elitist I have no obvious issue with them on this as I tend to be a socialdarwinist myself. And Zach is the only CoS member, whom later resigned, I know of that I could possibly contact easily short of doing some kind of google search or email the CoS and actually get a nonautomated response though I've never attempted either-or nor desire to do. That said I'm sure you are correct I would think that amongst the CoS member camp that there are very entertaining and intelligent people amongst them. I just feel it to be illogical to stereotype a whole group of people because of a few well known bad apples.

I've actually contacted the CoS before via email, to request for permission to use their copyrighted material (Sigil of Baphomet).

I actually got a non-automated response.

As for elitism..., Satanism was founded on elitism. It's a belief system that is non-beneficial to the weak, and may even be harmful.

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 20 '14
That's kind of a gross oversimplification. Satanism != elitism. 

It can and often is elitist - but elitism in Satanism is neither universal nor is it a core aspect.

Owner/Admin Nov 20 '14
Gonna drop some links here and a video. I have had a couple chances to talk with Gilmore. But, he will not take live calls.

Here is an interview I did with the founders of the Satanic Temple ( Brian Werner and Lucien Greaves ) and Peter Gilmore for the Village Voice. Village Voice is a major newspaper on the east coast.

The link is to page four of five pages of the interview. I started it on page four because that is where I come in. I encourage you to read the entire interview.

Village Voice Interview

And here is a radio show I called into. I followed Gilmore. I will link first the entire interview and the cut version of Zach Black for those that do not wish to sit through the entire interview.

Full interview - Thinking Atheist Here

Cut version with Zach Black Here
@jonnywatts Okay granted I may be wrong with the whole autoemail asociation to the CoS but I stand by everything else I stated before.

Gilmore, however, tends to take the works of LaVey to dogmatic, not to sound like I'm dissing dogma in and of itself but when the world has hosted the likes of jim jones and David keresh (hope I spelled the last name correctly I'm referencing the whole Wako event way back in the early  90's) it proves how religion and dogma can be taken way to far and even to the point of distruction. Simply put that educating yourself through the use of Internet searches, hell even the History Channel hs made at least one two hour documentary on The People's Temple, can go a long way.

Not saying the previous paragraph as a whole is what we have with the CoS but history tells when dogma goes to far how long will it take before people start to die as a result? Just consider this aspect as it may or may not apply to the CoS. Probably and hopefully not but what if though.

Felltyde Nov 21 '14
The problem with calling oneself "elite" is unless you can show proof of your higher standing in the pecking order , it's a useless label in everyone's but your own mind...and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with thinking highly if yourself, I know I do.
But just a quick overview of the CoS will show that it's elie status is highly questionable...look at the state of flux after LaVeys passing, look at how it's structures have fallen. It's devolved into some well spoken snobs on the internet.
I remember reading Gilmores essay "Iron youth" which claimed there is seemingly an army of satanic, super children being raised in the shadows, ready to take in the world. It's laughable, as are his ideas on if a few goth rejects with CoS membership cards are the best candidates for advancing the human race.

Felltyde Nov 21 '14
The problem with calling oneself "elite" is unless you can show proof of your higher standing in the pecking order , it's a useless label in everyone's but your own mind...and that's fine, there's nothing wrong with thinking highly if yourself, I know I do.
But just a quick overview of the CoS will show that it's elie status is highly questionable...look at the state of flux after LaVeys passing, look at how it's structures have fallen. It's devolved into some well spoken snobs on the internet.
I remember reading Gilmores essay "Iron youth" which claimed there is seemingly an army of satanic, super children being raised in the shadows, ready to take in the world. It's laughable, as are his ideas on if a few goth rejects with CoS membership cards are the best candidates for advancing the human race.

Juice Nov 22 '14

Quote from Cidic I could never be a member of the CoS.  I like smoking weed, and I'm not into the hypocrisy they put out.   Mention it and they start going off the hook, quoting every inch of LaVey and his view on drugs.  The problem is LaVey had some pretty strong statements about poisoning ones body, and the CoS likes to pick and choose.  They'll happily smoke tobacco and guzzle booze, but mention smoking the herb and you're not a Satanist.  I can't play stupid like that and pretend one substance is okay just because the government allows it and another is wrong because they don't. 

The current CoS comes off as a dog without teeth, authority-loving, and pretentious.  I have a lot of respect for LaVey, but didn't agree with everything he said (especially his love for adherence to the law), and the CoS seems to be stuck on him and unable to conceive of anything beyond his writings.  They haven't been active in ages, and their response to the rise of other Satanic groups is just laughable.

edit: That said, the Satanic Bible is still one of my main go-to texts, and I'll always /bow to Anton for coalescing this philosophical system.  I wouldn't be who I am today if he hadn't.
Philosophically, it wouldn't be Unsatanic to use any drug. Satanism stresses indulgence over abstinence and indulgence over compulsion. That being said, as long as you're in control of the substances you use, it wouldn't be hypocritical at all.
Anna Nov 23 '14
What the Church of Satan thinks of the Satanic International Network:

Don't give any attention to the Satanic "heretics"!
The Forum post is edited by Anna Nov 23 '14
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 23 '14
I love how the only name they'll allow him to show is The Satanic Temple.

Gilmore secretly loves us :P 
Anna Nov 23 '14
Yeah, that made me a bit confused that TST was left uncensored.
Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 23 '14
Well, TST is, to my knowledge, the only non-CoS Satanic organization that they have even indirectly acknowledged aside from the ToS.
JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Nov 23 '14
Quote from JamesSTL666

Thats right who really gives a fuck about Gilmor other then those that have nothing more to do then to show off an grossly over priced membership card?
@Beleth As far as Gilmore is concerned that is the long and short of his activities.

@MReynolds and @katnbrown I agree with the both of you. I read the Satanic Scriptures and watched the Inside the Church of Satan documentary and yes Gilmore does come off as being an intellectual. My two biggest issues that I have with the CoS, and this is likely due in part of the leadership of the CoS, is that the Church tends to be vary reclusive and underground at a time when they ought not to be. And the other being that they tend to have an unspoken but actions speak louder attitude of "owning" the term "Satanism" when in fact Satanism is more generic then they would care to admite and is generic in terms of Christianity but the CoS, at least the leadership and spokesmen tend to take a xtian approach in the sense that any given denomination of xianity such as Pentecostals claim that they know the true path to heaven and all others are devils while the Methodists and Baptists say the same thing.

But then again given the fact that we are here discussing anything associated with the Church of Satan demonstrates there relevance, which is probably nothing if not on it's final breath.

Jorōgumo Jul 21 '15
Don't know much about him to be honest, He isn't as interesting as LaVey
The Forum post is edited by Jorōgumo Jul 28 '15
RevMel Member
RevMel Jul 27 '15
Well he believes that the only true satanists belong to CoS. in my mind that's wrong, and something not espoused or encouraged by Anton Lavey. We have to be careful of denominational snobbery that many of our christian counterparts display.
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