SIN quarterly journal | Forum

JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Oct 28 '14
Ok, so we're Satanists. We're here on SIN. We've made the conscious decision to help SIN exist with monetary contribution. Now what?

Zach said that there are about 30 paid members of SIN. All of whom find enough use from this network to spend a little money toward its operation. One is to assume that these same individuals are serious about their Craft, and have experiences to share.

Would anyone be interested in compiling a quarterly SIN journal, released either in PDF or on hardcopy, where the members of SIN share their experiences on predetermined subjects. Each installment of the quarterly journal could have different themes. One issue could be about lesser magic, one could be about greater magic, one could be about lifestyles (cooking, fashion, the outdoors, ect).

The legacy of any collective is not in their numbers but in their deeds and ideas.

I would be very interested in reading the insights of the 29 other paid members on a variety of subjects.


The Forum post is edited by JamesSTL Oct 28 '14
Owner/Admin Oct 28 '14
I am with Topper on this one. I thought about taken the best blogs and thread to use in a zine. But, I do not want to be responsible for sifting through all the posts, making and paying for it.
Quote from DrTopperBottoms Why go through the work of creating a journal if you can post your article here in a blog or a forum post? By making a journal, you would be potentially curbing stories/articles that would attract new paid members to the board. I've seen a few forums create a journal/newsletter of sorts. It always works out great until you realize someone needs to keep it up, push members to write articles, edit them, etc. Sure, it would be a nice novelty, but eventually, it will turn into shit. Just my two cents.

Owner/Admin Oct 28 '14
It is not a bad idea James. I personally have to much on my plate right now. If someone wants to take on the project feel free.
Quote from JamesSTL666 Would anyone be interested in compiling a quarterly SIN journal, released either in PDF or on hardcopy, where the members of SIN share their experiences on predetermined subjects. Each installment of the quarterly journal could have different themes. One issue could be about lesser magic, one could be about greater magic, one could be about lifestyles (cooking, fashion, the outdoors, ect).

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Oct 28 '14
Well, we could put it out there not just fir paid members, but for everyone. It could be a site feature. One would have to be a paid member to write for it - for being a member, you get the privilege of giving your voice something of a megaphone. We're all egotistic assholes, who among us could resist having their name plastered up next to a nice shiny title on a super-duper special promoted pdf?

We solicit the members of the paid subforum to write articles regarding their views on that quarterly topic, gather them, edit them into a nice-looking pdf, and publish it to the community. Hell, if the response is big enough, Zach could make a nickle or two selling physical copies, if he so chooses. 

The paid members get a neat opportunity to express themselves, and get to contribute something nifty to the site, the site gets more content, and if he's lucky, Zach might make a buck or two.

JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Oct 29 '14

That's what I intended to say.. that the paid members would be the contributors.

I could probably take on some responsibilities toward this........ Mr. Watts, where you at?

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Oct 30 '14
I'd be willing to contribute to this if it were a thing, for the record.
Orgasmic Karmatic. Mod
Orgasmic Karmatic. Oct 30 '14
I could see myself getting involved in something like this but not all the time and it would depend on the whole subject. Sometimes, I simply just have nothing to say. ;)
Orgasmic Karmatic. Mod
Orgasmic Karmatic. Oct 30 '14
Ya know what I miss? The effin Ooze.. Doing shows on the Ooze was a blast.
Owner/Admin Oct 30 '14

Quote from OrgasmicKarmatic 2 hours ago Ya know what I miss? The effin Ooze.. Doing shows on the Ooze was a blast.

No reason why we can not do it again. I can reach out to Xeno. But, even if he is unwilling we have a whole new cast of characters. Lets set it up ! 
MatthewJ1 Oct 31 '14

I would be interested in this and would contribute essays - probably one per month.


Maybe the journal could be here on SIN. Zach or someone else could set the topic and then people could contribute pieces of writing which addressed the topic.


It would have to be well moderated so only pieces of writing which addressed the topic would be admitted and all other stuff would just be removed.


You could lock the thread after a few weeks to maintain each separate editions integrity.


Anna Oct 31 '14

Quote from MatthewJ1 Maybe the journal could be here on SIN. Zach or someone else could set the topic and then people could contribute pieces of writing which addressed the topic.

It would be boring as fuck. After two or three articles people would stop reading it. Anybody remembers Into the Fire lame e-zine? If the SIN journal goes this way, it will fail miserably. There can be a predetermined topic, but as James suggested, a very broad one like magic, lifestyle and so on so that each article is unique. If all articles are on the same narrow topic, then reading them will be a pain in the ass just like grading school essays.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Oct 31 '14
johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Nov 1 '14

Quote from JamesSTL666 Khan:

That's what I intended to say.. that the paid members would be the contributors.

I could probably take on some responsibilities toward this........ Mr. Watts, where you at?

What is up? Do you need something from me?

I could help with this quarterly journal, but I'm not sure what I'll write about. I have lots of hands on skills though. 

For example, I could write a 100 page epic about detailing your car. WHY would Satanists need to know how to get anything (food, droppings, blood, semen, etc.) off the paint/upholstery, I'll leave that up to the Satanists. But I know lots about this subject (among other subjects of a similar nature)

Owner/Admin Nov 1 '14
If someone wants to do it go for it. I can not take on anymore projects.
JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Nov 1 '14
I'm willing to coordinate this thing. What topic do we want to do first?
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Nov 1 '14
I would suggest that the old devils  ( not old in their physiological life ,but in their long satanic experienced lives) , let them give the first list of topics, and you James choose the topic according to  the line of thought you consider it would be a brilliant topic for us as satanists,  if we get lost and we see that we aren't contributing enough in knowledge  or we are getting bored ( as Anna posted it) then we'll close that chapter, and we'll start a new one. The journal will be our legacy and inheritance to new generations of s.i.n.ers,  therefore let the honorable and old devil called Zach Black start with the first topic,  then the rest of the old satans of S.I.N continue with the next ones.  Finally, all the rest of us as satanist, let's us sharp our minds to give the best we can give to those who will be waiting for our satanic knowledge, and they'll feed from it.
Orgasmic Karmatic. Mod
Orgasmic Karmatic. Nov 2 '14
When The Ooze ran, a lot of us members ran it. I, along with FemaleSatan and Bettedoom (Names most probably won't be familiar with) ran a weekly show on Friday. It takes a bit of work but really simple when you get into the swing of things. The only issue is timing and making sure that people (host/cohost) show on time. Otherwise it can turn into quite a mess. 

Going into the holiday season, it is kind of hard for me to put together a schedule but I would be fine figuring out a day or so a week that I could run it. It really depends on audience and topics available. (And MOTIVATION) But I know how to run blogtalk and I am pretty sure I still have my active account there. For a long time I was the Ooze "secretary" and set up the shows when things got hectic. 

As for the journal thing, there would have to be the same motivation and goal drive as there would have to be with BTR.

JamesSTL Chapter Head
JamesSTL Nov 2 '14
Madam Karmatic,

You have more experience on the matter. You are probably the best qualified for the task. 

Let me know if I can be of any assistance. I can do copy editing, and have some experience with Adobe Acrobat.

Once upon a time I was a student journalist, though it's been 13 years since I've worked on a publication. Like riding a bike, right? Right.

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Nov 2 '14
I'm not the best at proofreading or anything of the like, but I have a good eye for layout and typesetting.
Troll Member
Troll Oct 27 '15

Quote from Orgasmic Karmatic. When The Ooze ran, a lot of us members ran it. I, along with FemaleSatan and Bettedoom (Names most probably won't be familiar with) ran a weekly show on Friday. It takes a bit of work but really simple when you get into the swing of things. The only issue is timing and making sure that people (host/cohost) show on time. Otherwise it can turn into quite a mess. 

Correct. The Blogtalkradio accounts have EVERY DAY SLOTS available (except whatever is spoken for by the regular show). Therefore if they are free or paid there could be a show EVERY DAY and it would record and archive them. Experimenting with the technology, getting the actually interested, even beyond members, just people who want to become vocal on air, would be sufficient.

The Forum post is edited by Troll Oct 27 '15
thejefffrye420 Oct 24 '16
did the idea of the quarterly mag get dropped? Because it dosen't look like it was that popular, or at least had enough of a following in the forum to garner any furtherance.

Personally I would become a lifetime member.
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