The Mandela Effect | fact or fiction? | Forum

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Cornelius Coburn

The Mandela Effect | fact or fiction?

The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon where various groups of individuals seemingly recall past events, symbols, words, and titles et cetera as documented or transpiring differently than how they are actually recorded in the present day. The title comes from the 'supposed' false memory of many believing that Nelson Mandela died in prison during the 1980s where in fact this is actually contrary to how this information is actually documented in the present day. Nelson Mandela never died in prison, or so 'they' say.

Examples of this phenomenon resonate differently with different individuals, and oddly enough the titled phenomenon is actually an example of one that does not resonate with me as much as some of the others.

And here are a few examples of this phenomenon that actually do resonate with me:

1. Interview With - THE - Vampire. I saw this movie more than once, and I recall the title as being Interview With - A - Vampire.

2. Moonraker. Dolly NEVER had braces in any of the scenes, but I seem to recall a scene with her smiling at Jaws with her 'braces' twinkling in the light.

3. The word dilemma. Many, including myself seem to recall this as being spelled dilemna, and I have no idea why many would have recollection of such an oddly spelled word.

4. Mr. Rogers' theme: it's a wonderful day in THIS neighborhood. I grew up with this and I recall it as it's a wonderful day in THE neighborhood.

These are just a few and the examples are many, and it's kind of reminiscent of other phenomena such as ghosts, UFO sightings, or any other widely documented paranormal phenomena where there may in fact exist truth but often times mixed together with a plethora of lies, mistaken identity, or any other inadvertent or intentional false reports or claims, but it's like they say, it only takes one truth to prove any phenomenon.

It can also be worthy to note that with this Mandela Effect that many of the changes seem to not make nearly as much sense as the recollected original and in some instances maybe even to the point of borderline laughable.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 6
I enjoy mandela effects. A couple for me as well. The Berenstain/Berenstein books, as well as the fruit of the loom logo having (not having) a cornucopia. 
Cornelius Coburn

It was one of my binge categories on YouTube, and I think I've seen pretty much everything except maybe a handful of the newest vids.

It was also the highest trafficked thread of its category(The Gray Area) from my last forum.

I was thinking earlier that I haven't really written anything on Satanism which comprises many of the subforums here, but mostly just occult in general. Even Therion(Dragon Rouge) is mostly about the qlippothic (Hell) side of things where I was always going on about the ten spheres of creation – Crowley talked about it a lot.

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