The Chronicles of Satanism among other things | Forum

Cornelius Coburn

The Chronicles of Satanism among other things

Three Satanists walk into the Deny Ignorance writing forum. Less than a year later one walks out. Yes, it was me.

Why? Because I'm not going to have some Italian Ferrari guru faggot moderator fucking up what I write. They just wreak of righteous innocence and white light faggotry elevating the mentally challenged high upon a pedestal for 'trying' which is basically tantamount to 'lying'.

I can usually hold back until I get close to around a thousand posts before the shit starts hitting the fan, although it's not really that I'm "holding back", but more like a natural progression of events that eventually comes to a head at some arbitrary point a ways down the road.

I've been pretty active on forums since around 2000, but even more so 2015 and on. It was 2016 when I joined The 600 Club. In that time whenever mods or any other staff snip, censor, or hinder my writing in any way, I just keep my mouth shut and quietly move on to another venue. At times I creatively craft ways of saying "fuck you", but nothing too direct like your typical forum exiles which just ends up making you look stupid and like you actually care – if speech is silver(at best), then silence is golden.

Here is an example of one of my latest posts that proved too much for the new "guns blazing" bleeding heart Ferrari guru faggot mod.

Mine is normal type and the user I was replying is italicized. The moderator-snipped part is bold at the end:

I will refer you to a much earlier comment I made to you,


It would seem than that you're happy to accept that there is only "The Universe". ?

I wouldn't say that I'm "happy" or overly thrilled about any of it, but in the most widely accepted theory the universe encapsulates all of existence, and you're the one that made use of this finite model as some sort of argument leading up to your "infinity equals zero" conclusion – politely put.

The objective universe is all there is. It's a 'real' existence and to extend the scope of it in the manner you have is tantamount to asserting an objective conclusion via the subjectivity of faeries and unicorns.

And I've already told you that "infinity" is nothing but an abstract concept. It's a term used to denote an unfathomable distance or measurement but doesn't have any real existence.

Infinity is the mathematical answer you get when you solve for density in the d=m/v formula applied to a zero-volume singularity, but even then the answer isn't infinity – it's more like 'undefined' because of division by zero(nothing).

Your commentary is entirely exclusionary to the infinite number of possibilities of our reality.  It would appear you don't understand the ∞ = 0 that I have written about.

You can entertain the 'virtually' infinite potential latent within some existential concepts, but you can't just take that along with everything else and squash it down asserting that you have now transformed something that is infinite to nothing, therefore "∞ = 0".

Perhaps, as a starting point to help, take a line from the signature of Sirius.


I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.

There doesn't have to be a "The Universe" for ∞ = 0, or even ∞ = 1 for that matter.

It's just more sprinkling pixie dust in the land of subjectivity and unicorns. People are free to think whatever they want, but that doesn't mean it's real or right. There isn't a day that goes by without some dude from left field spouting off subjective notions as objective reality which would include but is not limited these grand epiphanies.

Well, this had an awesome reception, LOL.

Up for 4 days and only 18 views, now 19. Somewhere around 4 of those are me checking for errors and what not. So about 15 people have viewed this in 4 days, and I imagine no one has actually read the whole thing.

Unsurprisingly, it is disappointing, but also totally hilarious. Truth is, as I’m writing this, I’m still laughing.  That most people haven’t even bothered to check the thread out to see if it’s even shit or not, that’s hilarious.

It should come as no surprise then, given the hilarious lack of interest, with this thread and the last thread, Part 5 will not be a posted. I’ve got better things to waste my time on.

So "grand" in fact that the icing on the cake is getting all demented and butthurt because other users apparently aren't partaking in the enthusiasm of your grand dissertation which is excessively verbose and impractical.

Not to mention that rant about ATS users/veterans. It doesn't do much for your credibility. I think you get more views with more replies, so maybe this will help.

That's good for now. I can add more later on a different note.

Anna Feb 3
Sorry for your disappointment. Personal attacks, even mild ones, are not allowed there. This includes mocking someone without using insults. This is not going to change. In this respect, DI is different from SIN, where taking occasional jabs at someone is not forbidden.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 3
CC, your writing here has never been clipped or censored. You should've never left. Everything you have to say is valued here, as one idea and even jab may spark a new conversation or idea. Here, we just jab back and keep on moving. However, if your name was Tom Lopus, you may be subject to a hijacking.
The Forum post is edited by Baphomets Feb 3
Cornelius Coburn

No need to be sorry, and there's no "disappointment". It's just a game. That's all. Always has been. If I need a place to write I'll find one.

I was making a point about that Encia Mod. They're different. I don't think any of the others cared or would've interfered. I don't even care. I could care less about any of it. It's just writing. Writing and music.

Nobody cares Anna. I don't care. It's mostly just trivial unimportant shit that I do when I feel like writing something.

Cornelius Coburn

I've never had a reason to leave here Baphomets other than the place was becoming a little dysfunctional and not very active, but no internet forums are perfect anyway, and I've already left a few when I get in one of my moods and rub some mod the wrong way, and DI is just one more. Those UFO/UAP conspiracy type sites like ATS and DI are mostly out of context for me and my stay was running a little long anyway.

I'm out of the loop somewhat with that AK guy, but I recall some users from around 2020-2021 maybe that were pretty secretive and would hang around for a couple days and then delete all their posts and I remember thinking that maybe that was them. I've even came across some users on the conspiracy sites that seemed vaguely familiar to that and thought maybe they were there too.

I was thinking about going over some of my past experience with the 600 Club and here and listing some users I remember, but I only go back to 2016. I think CM goes back to 2013, but it could be before that. I remember them talking about a user named Diavolo or something from the 600 Club.

Anyway, fuck Deny Ignorance. One thing I don't tolerate is mods or any other staff fucking with shit that I write and I'm not about to walk on eggshells for some lame ass bitch/faggot or whatever the fuck else it might be – you never know these days.

Anna Feb 4
I didn't have problems with the mods so far. I know they don't tolerate off topic replies and going personal so I try to avoid that. I wouldn't call that walking on eggshells really. The point can be made without resorting to mockery although it can be tempting to laugh someone off when they write something ridiculous. On the other hand, these are conspiracy sites so they are like a natural home for crazy beliefs and weird theories.
Cornelius Coburn

Yes, I already made a point several times about the mods not being a problem in general except that one, and you know what they say? It only takes one rotten apple...

And I don't give a rats' ass what they will and will not tolerate in their biasly subjective little mind(s) until it comes to fucking up shit that I write, then it's time to roll on, and that's just the way I "roll". Always has been. It's a simple condition really, and it works for me.

And whether or not you would or "wouldn't call that walking on eggshells" is just one more "subjective" marginal within an arena of subjectivity.

I'll make my point in whatever manner I see fit, and if a particular mod doesn't agree or feels sympathy for the recipient and sees a need to resort to their bleeding-heart white light faggotry, then they just fuck off and I'll go somewhere else – it really is that simple and always has been.

Conforming and being wary of any particular subjective mod-mind, assimilating, and acting accordingly, is in a sense "walking on eggshells". Especially in absence of profanity, so many times what it boils down to is circumvention via craftiness of the constructed insults/attacks.

At times it may be necessary to undermine the credibility of an opponent in lending credence to an argument provided the language itself is non-offensive which is practiced daily in courts-of-law.

Anyway, I'm done talking about DI. Like I said: "nobody cares; I don't care", so, moving on to other things now, like greener pastures and other shit.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 4
I wouldn't associate with anything or anyone that censors me. That's bullshit group-think. That's why you won't find me on any other platforms or social media. Discourse is natural and keeps things interesting... should be encouraged and allowed. I have no desire to go check out conspiracy boards - although I do miss AK, and that would be the sole, tempting reason.
Cornelius Coburn

Especially when the reasonong behind the censoring is pretty fucking lame and weak, but like I said, I thinks it's the mindset of one particular individual, and they are fairly new as a mod – no problems really till they showed up.

And I think this place is really the only platform where I've had zero problems. I know we've had some seriously fucked up people come on here in the past and maybe that's justification, but that really is an etirely different animal than what's being discussed here.

I think maybe I've interacted with that AK guy in the past, but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe he was that Finnish guy from a few years ago, and then Zach remarked about some dude maybe being AK back around 2020. They're often pretty secretive and it's not exactly discernable who they are, but they do have a certain persona about them that definitely stands out.

And yeah, there was maybe a user or two that vaguely reminded me of that from the conspiracy sites. 

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 4
Let the discourse ride.
Cornelius Coburn

Yeah that was him. His username was SingendeSage, and he was here in 2021. I played chess with him a couple times, talked a couple times in private messages, and he even asked for my email, but I never saw or heard from him again. It was the same guy that Zach remarked about maybe being AK. Not AK, but maybe at least in a group labeled mysterious and it maybe made one wonder if these "mysterious" users were related maybe in a "Chloe" sort of way or something.

There was another user though from around the same time whom I think is specifically the person you're talking about. I recall re-posting a track of theirs that I thought was kind of cool – I'll bump it up sometime.

I remember the dude that was being really rude and obnoxious to you. I think that was before Zack made you a mod, and the reason your profile went private how it remains to this day.

So what kind of writing would you like to see here other than what we're already doing? Any preferences, ideas, or suggestions? Or does it not matter?

I know this new year has been seriously hectic and expensive. I still got the Volvo T6 turbo. It's a pretty peppy car and I like it. A couple more grand to go and it'll be paid off and then on to some other moderately sporty piece of machinery.

Been cold as fuck here. In the negative numbers a lot of the time. I'm going to have to dump another five gallons of kerosene in the tank today while I'm waiting on oil delivery.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 5
Well, CC - you can start by posting some of the things you would've been posting on the other site. Jump into a forum and get something started. We can see where it goes. I have ideas about the blog issue. I think at this point, I could fix it, but all of the blogs on the site since 2014 will be lost. And I guess I'm stuck with not knowing how to preserve all the posts if I have to deactivate it temporarily to enter an updated code. We'll see. For now, use a forum.
Cornelius Coburn
Just unleash the Nietzsche and fuck this shit up? "Jab jab jab" I like that idea too. And music? Yeah? Lots of music. Maybe we need some good new music. Some really good evil melodic music and mix it up with the writing.

I think using the forums is okay for now. Just take it day by day. Maybe Zach might want to launch a new site someday in the distant future or something.

I'm just a writer. I write shit, but have also done some HTML, scripting, and programming in the past, but not so much anymore.

Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Feb 5
Whatever tickles that fancy.
Cornelius Coburn
I was going to have a look around and see if I could find some remnants of that AK guy.
Cornelius Coburn

Alone in the Dark

How about pause for a piece in recognition of past members that are no longer to be found, but only remembered, while remnants remain...

Alone in the Dark

Cornelius Coburn

In Remembrance

Whatever happens, will again, or would not have at all...

Everything goes, everything comes back; eternally rolls the wheel of being. Everything dies, everything blossoms again; eternally runs the year of being. Everything breaks, everything is joined anew; eternally the same house of being is built. Everything parts, everything greets every other thing again; eternally the ring of being remains faithful to itself. In every now, being begins; round every here rolls the sphere there. The center is everywhere; bent is the path of eternity...

Cornelius Coburn
Quote from Baphomets Well, CC - you can start by posting some of the things you would've been posting on the other site. 

I suppose we could do that. Maybe that and some of the more recent stuff – there's lots of it. I don't think the redundancy will be much of a problem since the sites don't share the same traffic except for CM and Anna as far as I know.

I used to get seriously fucked up and write some pretty far out off-the-wall shit here. I suppose I still do, just not as much. There is some revising, rewriting, and reposting of older material too at times.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Feb 6
Cornelius Coburn

I'm (obviously) only acquiring threads, posts, and other written material that I created myself. It's nothing new really. Been doing it since around 2015, and anything written pre-2017(roughly) likely isn't repost-worthy unless it gets a rewrite of some kind. It's about the same time I started saving anything I thought was worth saving – reposting and revising often go hand-and-hand.

I'm just a hobbyist writer, and I guess until I stop doing it, I'll need an outlet of some kind. The mainstream social platforms are good for some things but lacking in comparison to these internet forums: like milk that's gone bad. Put it back in the fridge and maybe it'll be fresh tomorrow.

Most internet forums ultimately fall short in one way or another, and it usually involves "censoring" of some kind. Sometimes you got either one particular cook, a novice cook, or just too many cooks that end up spoiling the fucking soup.

And that's all fine if you want to be a good dog and let some oversensitive dumbass(or whatever the case) chop away at or delete your writing as they see fit.

You're right Baphomets. Censoring is bullshit(and often fallible) and should only be done in the blatantly extreme cases like we've seen here.

That Satanists from here aren't stupid. They know how to play with the other dogs so as to not disrupt the kennel; others just stopped caring – like saying fuck the little voice.

Cornelius Coburn
I see this place still gets a lot of traffic. In some ways even more than the conspiracy sites.
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