Questions on the Satanic Thulian Society | Forum

AlexTheTerrible May 30 '24
Out of curiosity, have many of you heard about this organization Satanic Thulian Society? I recently saw an interview of the leader by Aleister Nacht (some well known Theistic Satanist). Apparently the organization considers themselves "LaVeyan Theistic Satanists," they apparently believe that LaVey was a Theist. I have no interest on joining any LHP organizations since I am pretty much solitary and independent. The one thing however that I didn't like about the leader is on him making this remark that Atheistic Satanists (Satanists who regard Satan to be symbolic) are nothing more than Atheists playing wardrobe games. I personally disagree with that statement 100%, in my opinion no matter if you are a theist, agnostic, atheist or whatever, if you come from a background of LaVey and your viewpoints are in connection with the Left Hand Path, then you are technically in my opinion one of us. I recently discovered an anti Satanic Thulian Society page from disgruntled members, and recently saw a couple of vids of the leader trying to "explain his past." Any thoughts? I am curious on hearing about this from anyone who are familiar with this organization including any former members.  
Anna Jun 1 '24
I was at one time on their short lived forum. And no, LeGivorden is not some hardcore intolerant theist. Actually, his former followers who keep badmouthing him resemble religious fanatics more. Not sure what the bone of contention is. I can only guess he probably "betrayed his infernal mandate" or disrespected in some way "Daddy Satan". 

And seriously, this page looks like written by a child who can't get over his chronic butthurt. Valid criticism is definitely OK, getting one's panties in a bunch not so much.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Jun 1 '24
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 1 '24
Shut the fuck up you dumb ugly bitch.  That dyke might like you, but I would rather slit your fucking throat and piss on the wound as you die. Keep posting here, bitch. 

Satan commanded me to say that. Satan has decided because you're the only one left who can answer my further questions i need to know, and refuse to I have the right to bully you with death threats and treat you like shit.

A world where I don't get what I want I am allowed to not be nice.  That's what this world deserves from me, especially the one that can answer what pissed me off and doesnt. Since I was up against women in Satanism, i needed to get one of my own to help me go after the bitches.  But after the last time she said she won't play here anymore.  I fucking will.  I am doing it on my own again. It will be only rage that I was just another fucking interrogist, JK, John Ali, Noah Romando, or any meme monkeys you fucked with, And I want to kill someone for it.  I refuse that I deserve that bullshit. 

I don't care if i failed the second time through their bullshit I deserved a debriefing.  You don't hijack someone's mind for and fuck them thereafter because they told a bald bitch to fuck off and then crash theie car after you called her and her mystery friend fatasses.  I had a mystery car accident surrounded my missing time. Over that fat bitch? Fuck that bitch and her fake interaction with me. Like the bitch ever gave a fuck about me. What god cock did she suck to get that clearance? 

And I'm not schizophrenic.  You're government is just that fucked up in its head. I thought this was about a fucking awesome psychic job, or something where NOT trusting people and telling them to fuck off is useful.

I got fucked out of that because those fuckheads also wanted a faith and love part to demonstrate what a suggestable bitch I was.  What the fuck does love have to do with being a fucking reader or trusted? Since when is fucking gullibility a virtue.  You stupid godamn religious fucktards. But I did it anyway.  I picked the one behind the first game in 2012 who also posted at 600 at that time. Xear should have never made that bitch a mod. Had enough fucking accounts. It made the most sense. And I got nothing but shit for not paying attention to the bald bitch that would be retarded to trust. That should be fucking arbitrary but wasn't.  It shouldn't matter who it is if your testing something else. But for me it fucking did and that pisses me off. 

I will never pay taxes for a government that sponsors that. Fucked this country. Fuck you NSA. YOU OWE ME for 10+ YEARS. 

I hope Trump gets sentenced to prison and his loyal followers rise up and collapse your pathetic fucking government. BECAUSE THATS WHAT IS DESERVED FOR DOING THIS SHIT TO PEOPLE. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 2 '24
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Jun 4 '24
Where the hell did this come from DE? The OP got his thread hijacked. May I suggest making a blog for this next time .. So as to the original OP post . Yes I have heard of them. I must say I know nothing about them. My knowledge of the Thule society is pretty limited as well. .
AlexTheTerrible Jun 4 '24
My apologies Zach. I should had probably mentioned this earlier, but the blog thing on my end has an OW Debug issue. I can't get to my own past blogs because of the issue. I can probably still make a blog and submit it, but the OW Debug issue still pops up.
Nick218 Chapter Head
Nick218 Jun 6 '24
what is your question...
Nick218 Chapter Head
Nick218 Jun 7 '24
I am apart of the STS what is your Question ?????
AlexTheTerrible Jun 7 '24
Sorry for the late response Nick, I am a pretty busy person. What's the organization like in general? I understand you consider yourselves Theists from a LaVey background, and that your organization views LaVey as a Theist, if I am correct? What's the founder/leader like? Is it true that your founder dismisses "Atheistic Satanists" as not really Satanists, and that Theism within Satanism is like the true religion of Satanism? Iv'e seen a couple of vids of your founder explaining that a lot of people have been trying to take down STS. Why is that? Why is it that former members have a bone to pick on your organization? Again I am not trying to attack your organization in any shape or form. Words, texts, and replies can often give people the wrong impression of an individual. I am just simply curious, since I am not entirely familiar with your whole organization.
The Forum post is edited by AlexTheTerrible Jun 7 '24
Nick218 Chapter Head
Nick218 Jun 7 '24
You are OK sir.. May all be well with you... I understand.. The STS is theistic Society that focuses on the time of 1975. The time of the COS and the TOS before the big blowout and picking up from there .. No I don't consider myself a Laveyan. Satanism is much older than A.Lavey..I just acknowledge his work along with other Scholar of our path of Infernal Geometry... The organization as a hole is a Laveyan organization but there are other angles in our society..Like myself I walk the path of the Ash . Diabolical Gnosticism. Ancestral Satanism, 218,182 the Infernal Geometry of the Black Sun . I have my own teachings that i being into his Society.. i have walked my path all my life . I grew up in Magical Childe nyc that was back in 96....The leader is cool he made me a Priest in his order . He does dismiss atheistic satanism completely. We believe in what we call on and call forth .. I understand you have questions.. it's OK...! Ppl don't like what the STS is doing so they are gunning for him. Pulling what ever they can to black ball him because of a past that he has turned away from ..I am here if you have abutting else. Be well. HAILS to you ...
Nick218 Chapter Head
Nick218 Jul 15 '24
Correction on that I stepped away from that Society I tried to work with them but they don't know s***...
AlexTheTerrible Oct 8 '24
Yeah Nick I rarely have any huge interests on joining any kind of in-person Satanist organizations. I like the style of being independent, for a while I was thinking about trying out the Temple of Set, but I knew someone who was an initiate in TOS, and he pretty much told me that TOS expects a lot more from you. Maybe in the future I might try out the Temple of Set, but for now I am not interested in trying to please any organizations expectations.
The Forum post is edited by AlexTheTerrible Oct 8 '24
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