Excuses for brain wash | Forum

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BabyDevilBoi Mar 9 '24
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 10 '24
Control. Brainwashing. Like trying to convince the masses that they need some jab, and if that doesn't work to their satisfaction then they proceed with the ultimatums.
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez May 6 '24
A lot of religions wake their children up very early in the morning, it is with the intention of repeating their beliefs through Scriptures readings, singing of songs ( according to their beliefs), repeating and repeating mamtrams, etc. I personally see that as a clear brain washing. When those children grow up, !!!guess what? their brain is so washed that they can not think outside of that circle, which has been implantedin their tender brains.
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