The time I almost killed my friends | Forum

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Dantalion Feb 22 '24
When I was about 25 years old, myself and a group of my friends went on a camping trip to the San Rafael Swell near Goblin Valley Utah. We set up camp and in the middle of camp was the fire pit with a big circle of chairs around it. I brought some meth and got super spracked out and was drinking bloody marys. My friend Damien was getting really drunk too. It was night time and everyone was sitting around the fire in the chairs drinking and Damien and I decided to go for a little hike. We hiked up the ridge that was above the camp and saw a bunch of loose rocks lodged in the ridge. Being the drunk, and in my case spun out dumb asses we were, we started dislodging the rocks and watched them tumble down the ridge. Most of them were too small to reach camp, but the people around the fire took notice and started yelling at us. We kept doing it, and luckily they moved out of the way, because we came across this huge boulder and it took both of us to dislodge it and it tumbled all the way down and crashed into the area where the chairs were and hit a chair. If one of my friends were still sitting there it would have killed them. It was all good though, nobody got hurt, and we all laughed about it. We stayed up all night and got smashed and I did acid later in the trip. I hiked down little dead horse canyon (I think that’s what it’s called) on 3 hits of acid. I didn’t make it that far up the canyon. I stopped a short way up because I couldn’t hike on the uneven sandstone and we had to go back to this spot where there’s an overhang and you can chill and we had to wait for everyone to get back from the hike because we were too fucked up.But yea, that camping trip was a lot of fun. If I can remember more drug stories like this, I’ll post them.
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