We don't really know anything about the nature of these relationships. Was there some emotional investment in it or was it merely about sex? In the case of the latter an ape will do. People can get turned on by some really weird shit. Sometimes, the coarse, the crude is arousing. Like an acquaintance of mine had an affair with an old, ugly stinking farmer with dirt under his fingernails. It turned her on that he fucks her right after milking cows or shoveling pig shit. But it was strictly about sex and nothing else. No real commitment. And such a relationship can end as quickly as it began, especially if there are no strings attached.
A "man" is a programmed faux-chivalrous testosterone crammed alpha-bitch feeding heteronormality. And that's really all that needs to be said.
How fucking hard is it to pretend you give a shit, make a funny but confident/memorable impact, give it a week, and then go back and have the simplistic girl nailed by midnight? A little assertive action is all that's really needed after the initial impression. It's fucking easy. And if you ignore them or treat them like shit, they'll fucking absolutely lose their fucking minds. Not a stereotype. If you notice a little, but don't pursue, they'll go insane.
This mindset works best.
But EVERY fucking alpha-guy does that and plays that stupid game. Fucking boring. Guys are boring and stupid. It gets you laid a whole lot if you do it right, and will leave a trail of scorn if you do it a little and then stop caring. You can either fuck 'em one by one, or make them lose their minds one by one. Or one, then the other. Sometimes they try to kill themselves I guess. It really comes down to what really gets you off.
But that is not my fault, mom was too much of an autistic dyke to give us attention. So that was, like, getting back at her through transference or something..
See Danish Faggot, that's how you troll with incel shit.
Heres a true Story from 2011:
In real life, if you do that, they'll strip down to their cute green underwear, sit across from you on the couch, and look at you until you "be assertive". Like, "Oh please take me to the bedroom and fuck me, but this is as much as I'm willing to do!" And that really is about the BIGGEST "Please fuck me" signal I think girls are capable of.
If you arent assertive, because she's a boring fucking rap-liking, internet meme airhead, she'll fuck the nasty Brazilian dude out of frustration over you ignoring her. One guy can get other dudes laid by just being there and not giving a shit. He didn't have to even move, as she only straddled him because you wouldn't move on her.
Love the sliding standards of what a guy has to do... True story. Hi, whatever your stupid fucking name was. She was a Mormon bitch from Utah that lived in OB with a ghetto black girl name, Katrisha, something like that. Hi, whore, I think was your true name.