The Build-a-Religion Song Game! | Forum

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Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Oct 19 '14
So, it's no secret among us devil-worshipping baby-sacrificing evil Satan-y types that when it comes to the beliefs of various religions, things can get downright..... arbitrary. From Mormon holy underwear to Christianity's weird obsession with hot steamy gay sex, to Hindus and their cow fetish, a lot of religious tenets are just kind of silly. 

So, on that note, let's make one of our own! Let's Build-a-Religion! Like Build-a-Bear but funner. We'll all take turns writing the various beliefs and building blocks of our new faith. But! To keep it interesting, and so that we can say we have legit prophets, all beliefs must be based upon various songs! Our holy scripture can be a playlist. You write out the belief, and at the end, you link to the song that inspired it.

I'll start us off with an example....

Khandnalie Member
Khandnalie Oct 19 '14
As revealed by the prophets Geddy Lee and Neil Peart - 

When we die, we go to a place called Xanadu, where we will forevermore dine on sacred honeydew melons and drink the milk of paradise. The ghost/spirit of Kublai Khan is the guardian of Xanadu, who watches over it.

The Forum post is edited by Khandnalie Oct 19 '14
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