Art is prophetic | Forum

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WhiteMoon777 Apr 6 '23
prophetic means spiritual thing in the mind. Art is about how you feel and getting your emotions and feeling out through a PICTURE!! or SCULPTURE or anything you INTEND TO BE ART!! and it will save your life never give your art away to people outside your coven...
rigo666 Apr 12 '23
Vervm experiar tamen... Avdivi o Thame a maioribvs, et ipsi vervm norant, circa Aegypti Navcratem, antiqvorvm deorvm qvendam fvisse, et ipsi deo nomen Thevtati, cvi et sacra sit avis qvam ibim vocant. Tvm vero te, vniversae Aegypti regem, mvlta qvidem in vtramqve partem, de qvibvsdam eivs inventis cvm eo disservisse: cvm avtem ad qvaestionem de literis ventvm esset, nvlla ratione probasse: qvod homines literis confis, minvs memoriae stvderent.

Tham: Qvorsvm ista?

Soc: Nempe ob candem cavsam nihil ipse scripsi.

Tham: Fortasse, et qvis tv?

Soc: Socrates ille, sapientissimus Apolline teste ivdicatvs.   

The Forum post is edited by rigo666 Apr 12 '23
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 13 '23

Weirdly enough my Translator recognizes Latin script with the U as V. Not expecting that. I know it was used in English that way until the W, but surprising anyway. So I'll do the work for the other 8 people that will read this.

"However, let me try the truth... I have heard, O Thame, from the elders, and they themselves know the truth, that there was a sort of ancient god near Naucrat in Egypt, and the name of the god themselves was Theutatus, to whom the bird which they call there is sacred. But then he, the king of all Egypt, had discussed with him much the same way on both sides about some of his discoveries: he had previously been twenty-five years old in regard to letters, but he had proved by no means that men trust letters and study little by memory."

Tham: What is that?

Soc: Of course, for some reason I wrote nothing myself. 

Tham: Perhaps, and who are you? 

Soc: That Socrates, the wisest judged by the witness of Apollo.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 13 '23
rigo666 Apr 13 '23
"Et ipsi deo nomen Thevtati" means "And the god's name is Thoth."

"Cvi et sacra avis qvam ibim vocant" means "And to whom the bird, which they call the Ibis, is sacred."

Socrates tells Thamus that he has heard that Thoth of Egypt had invented letters and writing. He expresses concern that those who depend on writing become forgetful and possess a weak memory. 

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 13 '23
Well that's an online translator for you. 
Rune Apr 14 '23
Still made sense, though.
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