Satanist Witch Here!!! | Forum

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WhiteMoon777 Apr 5 '23
Bless the Full moon oh evil ones!! HAIL SATAN!! Blessed be the name of our DARK LORD!! LUCIFER THE MORNING STAR!! KISS THE HAND OF THE MORNING STAR!! My name is Dana Smith, and I live on the EasternShore of Maryland!! I am very excited to be here!! I was lead Here!! What an awesome Satanic facebook this is!! so much better than the other one!! Only the special ones can be HERE!!! I am a black Woman, and I do have an issue with white people..Why would they hang us out of tress?? Thats very hard to digest! What white people have done. However we are all Black like our Father in HELL HEAVEN!! so lets move forward from there.. 

I met Lucifer when I was a Christian and I was recruited online by a real Satanist!! I have been elevated to the title of WITCH!! Satanist Witch..I  was visited by Baphomet whom invited me into the church, and I accepted whole heartedly the invitation. I still live with my mother who is christian!! WOW!! My altar is private in my room!! and I do not have an athame at this time..

Apples are sacred to witches..paint your red apples black, and keep them on your altars at all times!! we are in the season of the PINK MOON!! Lets remember our holy days, lets remember our moon phases and let us never depart from our books of shawdows!! Fall is a sacred holiday!! and I look forward to this FALL!!!!

Its nice to meet all of you!! I will continue to POST what I feel LEAD TO SAY!! SO IT BE!! BLESSINGS TO ALL!! AMEN!!

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Apr 23 '23
Amen and Amen. Welcome to this variety of Satanists, every one has his or her own mind or point of view ,  your point of view is welcome, but remember  it will be more or less different  than the views of others,  it doesn't mean that we don't like you,  it means that we are different,  we are like Belial ( without a master), we appreciate your actual facts  to increase our knowledge and development in the building of our own point of view of the one we call SATAN. Welcome and hail the Dark Lord Satanas.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Apr 23 '23
She was suspended Berardo. Fuck it, she was okay. I say let her back to her writing. She had a nice altar and would probably give a good blowjob.
rigo666 Apr 23 '23
You shouldn't say the "BJ" word around here anymore. People will get offended. Satanism is gay these woke times. 

Cornelius didn't mean it everyone. What he meant was that WhiteMoon is a non-binary Mexican-African-American shemale crossdresser on testosterone surppressants who enjoys performing fellacio on penis bearing people as a means of sexual equity allyship. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Apr 24 '23
Sounds like something a machine would say.
rigo666 Apr 28 '23

Antare lambhamanu pujnga smajansat dahvanurpaadhu co imsamaana. 

He samaanu sitibhavat yahvrtayan co lishan. 

Niilatua pujhure siyuphra smaasat samjaighaadha.

He imshula sharngayat dahvatiya tihullat utare siyuphra. 

Ane pujnga smadarat parobhavata bhuda co bhuda smajhahnat asatum.  

Vidhaikat dahvatiya yahgoru aivartho vasan as. 

He vitikarat yahgoru jhatre syahnu ane vitinamkhahmat bhudu diva co syahnu dukhanta. 

Sharo pujnga vitiblavat parobhavata mahjhalu upe imyambara co parobhavata yambarai ehubhuma jhatre yambarai ehukumpa.

He dahvatiya smakarshat mahjhalu co vitivusat yambaru ehubhuma co yambaru ehukumpa he vitibhavat sharo. 

Ane pujnga vitikarat mahjhalu dahvanurpaadha co sajhahkalu he prabhta smaagat co divu dwan tiasat.  

Do pujnga vitikarat parobhavata imyambarai smavishat asatum yantre aika dadha co parobhavata bhuma skhatan asatum. 

Ane dahvatiya vitikarat bhumu skhatan samaana co vitikarat imyambarai mighaadha. 

He pujnga vitikarat parobhavata pujhure bhumu isbanna im siva vaghan darmahrai im dharaya vaghan darmahrai smakaashatan kirpa san ivasan sivai kaksho tu dharaya as co vitibhavat asatum.

Sharo bhumu tibhaliiyat im banna im siva vaghan darmahrai im dharaya vaghan darmahrai smakaashatan kirpa san ivasan sivai kaksho tu dharaya co dahvatiya vitidhaikat vasan asatum sharo.

- Shimshak Shankar Moysha

The Forum post is edited by rigo666 Apr 29 '23
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 30 '23
Well, bing tiddle tiddle bop to you too. 
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 30 '23
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