Fear of Death? | Forum

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Anna Feb 21 '23
Recently, I've read this:

The Psychological Legacy of COVID Continues

And I scratch my head. I thought, perhaps foolishly, that health care workers, who regularly see the patients dying, are somehow desensitized to death. Even if they're not totally immune to the fear of death then, at least, they aren't freaking out because of it. 

And you? Are you afraid of death? Do you think about getting old and/or dying?

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 21 '23
Some (perhaps few) get off on death and destruction; many fear it and create opposition to it in elaboration of fairy tales that circumvent it in rejection of it. Myself, I prefer the truth in whatever form it takes. Lying about it, sugar coating it, or brushing it under the carpet may provide temporary relief but ultimately in one way or another everyone will have to deal with it.

I think about it occasionally to frequently, depending; at times I even develop somewhat of a fascination with it, and other times I think about my age and how far I've made it in comparison to countless others. I've recently watched a few vids about terminal cancer patients and many others that fall within the arena of death - needless to deny any interest in it.

When I first read your post Anna, and I didn't read the entire article but just skimmed through some of it to get the gist of it, a quote emerged (from Rocky I believe) "If you wanna play in the band, you gotta pay the man", so, is it worth it? Yes, I think so, to me anyway, but as the old adage goes - your mileage may vary.

Edit : no, not really. It's just another one of those non-user errors where the forum software compactifies multiple paragraphs into one. I did try deleting and reposting but no dice.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Feb 21 '23
Rune Feb 22 '23
I don't fear death, just getting there. I'd rather not suffer.
Anna Feb 23 '23
I'm afraid of getting dementia or Alzheimer. I keep forgetting stuff now so aging looks scary. It won't be tragic if I poop in my diapers. It will be worse if I smear myself and everything around with shit and laugh to myself like an idiot. Compared to this, nuclear war looks like a fairly tale scenario. I'm longing for the end of the world in Putin's style. But the bitch can't make up his fucking mind. Dunno what he's waiting for. Could someone, please, hit Moscow by mistake?
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 23 '23
Forgetting shit is perfectly normal; someone took a stab at me about twenty years ago on that and said "It doesn't get any better with age.", and I'm really no different in that respect now than I was then. Occasionally I go upstairs/downstairs for something - my mind wanders - and forget what the fuck it was I went there for. Sometimes I pause for a few seconds and it comes to me, and other times I figure if it's anything important it'll come back to me.

Not to add insult to injury, but the scarier thing I learned about Alzheimers' a while back was that it's not just about being absent minded and that it can also affect automated processes of the biological system which renders additional depth to the phrase "Don't forget to breathe.".

I heard Putin discontinued an arms treaty, but that it's likely just to keep inspectors out or something to the effect. I think he's mostly bluffing (just to reiterate), but I could be wrong. The ones who will get the shitiest end of the stick in a War Games scenario will be those whose lives are just beginning, unlike me whose already lived more than half their life. I heard China is/is contemplating supplying arms to Russia - an eye for an eye.

I'm not sure about nuclear Armageddon, but I wouldn't rule it out since the shoe does fit given the amount of chaos and disorder in the world these days. I am getting old, and the world is pretty fucked up, and for that and everything else my priorities as of late remain status quo. Get in the car and drive like a fuckin' maniac - and enjoy the scenery also (that's good too).

Edit : no I didn't fucking edit, it's just that the forum software turned my post into a wall of text again, also the formatting options weren't visible on the first submission (none of them including the strikethrough) so I couldn't do a strikethrough, but on this edit I see they have magically appeared, so we'll redo that now as well.

I guess there is no strikethrough, I thought there was for some reason. My brain must still think I'm at the other forum or something.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Feb 23 '23
Anna Feb 23 '23
I was half joking, half serious. I'm not really longing for the global war. I'm not that arrogant. But I drop into Religious Forums from time to time and just today someone posted "Oh I'm so scared of a nuclear war" topic and it made me wonder whether it's indeed the most scary shit that can happen. Because from some experience I got in my work the suffering that comes with old age and mortal illness seems to be equally, if not more, dramatic.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 23 '23

Yeah I know what you mean. We pretty much follow the same path as some botanicals : grow, wither, and die, although with Homosapiens I would asssume the process to be a bit more intimate.

Maybe the best we can hope for is to just die peacefully in our sleep, and since death remains somewhat of an unknown any terms herein ambiguous.

Anna Feb 25 '23
My grandma died in such a way. We didn't even notice the moment she died. If the doctor didn't tell us she was dead, we would still think she was only sleeping. But on the other hand she spent several days in bed and had advanced dementia. Not a very happy scenario.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 26 '23


I don't know about percentages but there are those that die of natural causes and then there are all the other ways, e.g., those that live by the sword die by the sword

I (perhaps 'we' I don't know) like pictures of beautiful women in dresses too (a little), or maybe I just like beautiful women, anyway, it's just not the same and not always appropriate - maybe like once a month or something.

Anna Feb 26 '23

Quote from Cornelius Coburn

I (perhaps 'we' I don't know) like pictures of beautiful women in dresses too (a little), or maybe I just like beautiful women, anyway, it's just not the same and not always appropriate - maybe like once a month or something.

It's always appropriate.

Death can be beautiful too. And Lady Death is sexy.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 26 '23
That would've made for a good thread primer, but for my post I would've went for something a bit more specific:

Angel of Death:

The inclusion of a dress increases the level of difficulty, but the closing credits/soundtrack was a no-brainer

Slayer - Angel of Death

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Feb 26 '23
I've seen a lot of people dying, and I've seen countless of dead people, I started looking at dead persons when I was 9 years old, it became  a custom to me . I used to like to gp to funerals to give my last respect and I loved to give speeches .I have faced the moment of death to myself 37 times, at the beginning ( to tell you the truth) I was always afraid,  I used to get cold,  and I used to tremble a lot,  but, again,  after those 37 times,  I'm adjusted to face death, and I'm not afraid anymore,  I wouldn't like dying of course,  I love a lot of things of life, but if my last time comes to die,  I'll go out of this fucking world with gladness and joy,  it's because I will stop suffering of a lot of things I don't like, therefore,  if that beautiful moment of death comes to me "IT IS WOLCOME), and it doesn't matter the way it comes, I've already lived the life I wanted and I don't regret of anything . Hail Satan for that. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '23

I'd say Anna is absolutely spot-on with her assessment of old age though. I just watched a video of actors and musicians who are still alive and in their nineties, or course I knew anyway, but like she said, seeing it just solidifies the horrific reality of it. They morph into a disfigured shell of their former self; some still there mentally for the most part

Like they say though, no point in worrying about something you have no control over, or do you? I suppose you could commit suicide in the least painful manner, but I don't really care for that option either. It's a dilemma, the old rock and a hard place, and of course many will succumb to other ways prior to the decrepit phase.

The solution remains the same : get in the car and drive. I even have elaborate systems of navigation in place to spice things up a bit. There's that, and then there's all that other shit, but yeah, that's just me, and I'm mostly different.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '23
Anna Mar 1 '23

Quote from Cornelius Coburn

I'd say Anna is absolutely spot-on with her assessment of old age though. I just watched a video of actors and musicians who are still alive and in their nineties, or course I knew anyway, but like she said, seeing it just solidifies the horrific reality of it. They morph into a disfigured shell of their former self; some still there mentally for the most part

My patients are people with achievements; university professors, doctors, journalists, artists etc. Their families nearly always decorate their rooms with the souvenirs of their former glory; their paintings, university diplomas, the books they published. The most completely lose their minds. Those that remain conscious try to show some class as long as their deteriorating health allows them to. Usually, it's not very long. It is sad but it also shows you what is really important. The social prestige will pass away. Your job achievements, your wealth, social position, intelligence and then your health will be taken away from you. We are born naked, we die naked. What will remain? You as a human being? The way we love and care for each other? This sounds banal but maybe this is what really matters?

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 1 '23

I've thought about all this before, and when it comes to creation I figure everything is the way it is either because it's the best possible way, or there is no other way. You are bringing things into existence within certain parameters that abide by physical laws of space and time where the existence of these things are to be reconciled with these laws in a most reasonable and sensible manner.

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