There are a couple variations and I believe one has a preferred active ingredient over the other and is not available in the US and must be ordered from Canada.
Good luck with that, and you can thank me later.
Without going into to much details, I recently has accidental incounters with a gentleman a few times. Now when I pass gas, it sounds different. I'm afraid that what if my family and friends hear that I pass gas different and they think I have done something shameful or homosexual. How do I shrink my sphinctor back to normal?That's actually a myth. Unless your a super-whore fucking bowling pins nightly anal penetration does not stretch out your sphincter any more than a massive shit would.
Now fucking vaginas. You can tell when a bitch likes to be fisted. Usually fat bitches. Not always, but usually. And that's good for the asshole, because unlike orifices intended for two way travel, there's no kegel exercises needed to tighten that shit back up, because it's not necessary.