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Anna Jan 29 '23
I came across this article:

9 diseases that keep epidemiologists up at night

And reading this:

Raina Plowright of Cornell University says that even in the small proportion of bat species that have been studied, the animals carry thousands of viruses, "and we have no clue how many present risk," she says. "We don't have the technology to take a sequence and say with certainty whether it can infect humans or can transmit from human to human. We're blind, really."

Not to mention that variants pose threats, she says. "Just the tiniest genetic change can have a profound effect. What if we had [a pathogen] with a 50% fatality rate that transmitted efficiently?"

It made me wonder, yes what if?

Remembering the coronacrazy, considering how the world reacted hysterically to the virus with 1% or even less mortality rate, how would people react to the disease spreading as fast as Covid but having 50% or more mortality rate? Could you let your imagination run wild? What would happen?

The Forum post is edited by Anna Jan 29 '23
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 29 '23

I wouldn't be lucky enough to be immune, but the fun I would have If I was. Trash wouldn't have shit on me.  Like for starters, the nuke would go to Boulder not Las Vegas.  Mayhaps that would've been better.  A chance for a reset and they let the decrepit geriatric nigger god bitch tell them what to do.  Also RF should have had smarter people than he did.  

Typical Stephen King Christian "I'm scared of the number 13" bias. 


The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 29 '23
Anna Jan 30 '23
I just wonder what is more likely to happen; more government control, the rise of the totalitarian state with the cops shooting everyone going outside, forced vaccination, concentration camps for the infected? Or maybe total chaos, people looting the abandoned shops, banks, homes, killing each other in frenzy? Certainly, people would go crazy but what would that madness look like?
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 30 '23
What the world would have earned, at least The West. Then all their fear of totalitarian dictatorships will actually be real for once.  The world that matters can do a lot worse than Johnson, Biden, Trudeau, and Albanese, they just have to live through it before they'll understand how much worse their precious world changing can get. 

If rainbow assault rifle bans and climate initiatives can get people that riled up those snowflakes would all melt under actual fascism. And not the paranoid belief they're enduring fascism they have now. 

Actual viruses pale in comparison to memetic viruses (likely pushed China/Russia internet operatives) using Right Wing media to drive a stake through the major players on the world stage.  If it is any indication by all the Pro-Russia trolls ive interacted with, they most assuredly like using every possible angle to turn Americans against our pro NATO pro EU political left. 

Why not, though?  I got covid like 4 times. Bring on Captain Tripps. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 30 '23
Anna Jan 31 '23
I'm so terribly sick. It's the third week. Got antibiotics prescribed because the shit doesn't want to leave me alone. I'm so glad those silly quarantines are no longer in use. At least, I can go to the nearby shop to get some food without asking my auntie to do my shopping. It makes the difference. No more of that bullshit please. Never again.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 31 '23

It was called the "new normal" because the evil Commie-Nazis wanted to condition people to some post-apocalyptic society where they have no rights or privilege anymore. You should be especially wary of both! As blah blah are using viruses blah blah depopulation plot blah blah transfolk blah blah Disney+. They need a new pandemic or global crises now to really get it going.  They need it for the blah blah.  It never really gets to the blah blah but stays in a perpetual state of looming blah blah about to go down, and then they grab a pitchfork and bible and prepare for onset of the blah blah. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 31 '23
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 2 '23
I've had a couple sore throats over the past few decades, and if I did get sick it was relatively brief. I know after I fell in Angel Falls and remained in soaking wet clothes for a few hours, mostly on the drive home, I did develop this skin rash in a couple places, but I didn't consider the Falls as being a possible cause until sometime after. Like maybe the wet clothes were a catalyst for some kind of fungus or something - it's mostly gone now except for a couple faint spots on my legs.
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Feb 5 '23
Anna: I hope you are feel better today, it's wonderful to read your writings, take more vitamin c ( in oranges, lemonades, grapefruits, etc), and add some vitamins as supplements to your daily diet, that will strengthen you. As my mother used to say: "Let the healing power of Leviathan take away the venom which is in your body, and may the power of the Devil health you in the name of Satan".
Anna Feb 5 '23
Thanks Berardo. I was on sick leave for two weeks. I had terrible cold, sneezing and cough. I had to take antibiotics because the shit didn't want to go away. But I'm OK now and going back to work and life. It sucks a little bit to sit at home although the rest was necessary.
Dantalion Feb 7 '23
@Anna- I’ll bet your sickness originated from bats in one way or another. I absolutely believe that they carry thousands of viruses at once. In 2018, I visited Carlsbad Caverns and didn’t use due diligence after touching the railings in there which have bat shit on them and got deathly ill afterwards. Then when I visited Lehman Caves at Great Basin Natl Park, I got sick as well. Just like Johnny Depp said…..”Fucking bats man!!!”
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