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Dantalion Jan 19 '23
I think that it’s safe to say that literally every Christian has used their Jesus fueled virtue signaling to try and get ahead, or to put it another way, to get a leg up for the goodies in society over people in the secular community. I live in Utah and at literally every job I’ve had here, my bosses and everyone in living wage positions are only in those positions because they’re Mormon. Those people network like a mother fucker and you best believe that if there’s an open position for a good job in this town, the Mormon gatekeepers have someone in mind that ISNT you. I’ve seen time after time external hires done for positions that tenured employees should get, and lo and behold the new cronies are Mormon. A really good example of how Christians weasel themselves into fortune and fame is Tim Tebow. That dude was the worst N.F.L player in history and the only reason why he got so famous is because he’s the poster child good Christian boy. I’m willing to bet that the majority of those people could care less about the religion and only put on a facade to get the ol’ wink and a nod.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jan 19 '23
I agree, Dantalion. Do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of Utah.
Rune Jan 19 '23
It happens here in Australia too, but not to that extent. We just get Christian politicians like Scott Morrison (he's a Pentecostal nutter who believes God called him to be PM) and the Australian Christian Lobby, who want to make this country a theocracy and are against the separation of church and state.
BlackOrbit666 Jan 20 '23
Christians have always used the so-called "Jesus" of theirs as a monetary control and extortion tool.

We can see a lot of churches in Vatican that are constantly asking for donations and donations for supposed helping of the poor, but... in the end reality shows the contrary as they are just getting our money for personal gain. 

BlackOrbit666 Jan 20 '23
:lol: now that is sure something that made me laugh.

How can a fictious entity known as the Christian God call him and made him to be a PM :))

As for his opposing of the separation of church and state, it is very obvious since they have a lot of political influences and they want full control over the politics with the help of religion.

Quote from Rune It happens here in Australia too, but not to that extent. We just get Christian politicians like Scott Morrison (he's a Pentecostal nutter who believes God called him to be PM) and the Australian Christian Lobby, who want to make this country a theocracy and are against the separation of church and state.

Rune Jan 20 '23
Yeah, thankfully, he's not PM any more.

The Australian Christian Lobby are still at it, though.

Satanist since more than a decade
It is one thing to claim Christianity for gain. 
It is another to be an actual Christian. 

Let that sink in for a moment. 

Yet it is not limited to work itself. 
Virtue signalling is done by many folks in different streaks of life. In my many years around I have seen, and still see, people doing that same within different practices. 

Satanic dick-measuring is the same thing, you only don´t get paid for it in cash but with (hopefully) credibility of who you perceive as peers. 

Truth be told, there´s a willingness to sell ones soul to gain credit in one form or another. Modern day terms it is called "networking". 

Anna Jan 21 '23
In Poland the Church has quite a powerful position so the politicians often try to appease it to gain favors. Although the party that rules now has remained in power more due to handouts to various social groups than to religious beliefs.

When it comes to the ordinary citizens, religious affiliation doesn't matter. The employers don't give a shit. Catholics aren't so close and helpful to each other like Jehovah witnesses, for example.

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Jan 22 '23
Most of the religious groups always have a way of sucking their pupils' money, and they become rich and powerful, therefore, they participate in politics to continue dominating the people's pockets, knowing that, we have to be smart to get good jobs, it's because those religious people will stay there for a long while . In the Churches, Synagogues, Mosqs, Temples of any God's or idol's worshipping, they force the people in such a way that they feel trap to pay the tithes or the monetary offerings, they treasures become huge and their presence in the communities is felt, but , when the people recognize that their money didn't go to the treasures of heaven , but to the treasures of their pastor, priest, himan, minister, etc. of god, then, they will piss on those desievevers.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 22 '23

Quote from Anna In Poland the Church has quite a powerful position so the politicians often try to appease it to gain favors. Although the party that rules now has remained in power more due to handouts to various social groups than to religious beliefs.

When it comes to the ordinary citizens, religious affiliation doesn't matter. The employers don't give a shit. Catholics aren't so close and helpful to each other like Jehovah witnesses, for example.

We have The Family. And that's not a conspiracy. Them and The Christian Coalition keep 'merica full of all faith prayer breakfasts and a certain game politicians have to play/pray. Only your CIA directors can get away with taking oaths on The Constitution.  Politicians use family bibles and such. 

In fact, in the entirety of American History only one president has acknowledged Non-believers specifically in a speech, Obama.  Most have speech writers reminding them that a large percentage of the country wants to hear "God Bless America".  Obama also did that.  In fact, the only President who's religiousity I never believed was even slightly existent is Donald Trump. Dude is a fucking cutthroat 80's Machiavellian Prince until the end. Crazy person or leader? 

Number of religious is shrinking relatively quickly.  USA is about a generation behind Scandanavia and Northern Europe (sans Poland) with irreligiousity. 

And I agree with Baphomets, OP.  Get the fuck out of Utah. Get an account with a food delivery app. And you can work anywhere in the country. Once you sign up on something like Door Dash, you can work anywhere they are in the continental US. No looking for a job. Just turning on an app.  I suggest Las Vegas or Tucson. The Almost West Coast vibe. Well, Legal weed anyway. California's burnt and expensive unless you want to live in Bakersfield or Fresno. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 22 '23
Dantalion Jan 23 '23
@Baphomets- Those wheels are already in motion. My timeline is about 4 years from now. I spend lots of time on Zillow.
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