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AlexTheTerrible Dec 11 '22
Don't know if I've stated this before or not. When it comes to music I don't really care about the politics whether it's Far Left or Far Right, so long if the style is good.

Here is this one Mainstream band I enjoy listening to on occasion.

AlexTheTerrible Dec 11 '22
H8Machine is also a pretty cool band. H8Machine is a Far Right NSHC (National Socialist Hardcore Band) from New Jersey. They're probably one of the very few American White Power Skinhead bands that have a great style of music. What makes them different from the old school Racist Skinhead bands, is the fact that most of their music isn't as outright racist unlike your typical Racist Skinhead Music. It's funny though that videos of their songs keep on getting removed off of youtube, just because of the bands affiliation with the White Power Scene, when most of their music hardly have anything to do with anything that would be "racist." I personally have all of their CD'S since I realize how much of a police state the Internet has become.









The Forum post is edited by AlexTheTerrible Dec 11 '22
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 12 '22
After my favorite "Melodic Death Metal" band released a new album (which was pretty good) I got into the singer's back catalogue and developed a Judy Garland-Like  obsession with the singer. 

That led to her first band and the genre "Metalcore". Their new singer took 4 albums to catch up but their gems are all on the first three albums. 



The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 12 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 12 '22
I'll take the Arch Enemy over that shit (I thought maybe the first one, but nah), and of course the Arch Enemy doesn't entirely define that brilliant little flower - I'm just a sucker for the girls I guess.
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