Darkness is covering the whole world, the King of the North (Belial) is advancing with His mighty army of powerful demons to take over and possess what the faithless and cowers are leaving behind for the lack of conviction in their own sacred teaching. My daughter Elendar, everything has its own time , and you has come in the right time, it was good for you to pass through that disgusting experience of false teaching in the christiandom to know better now, if you want to keep it secret it is good too (secrecy is one of the pillars that sustain the witches knowledge) , but remember that the old demon once said:" There is nothing occult that will not come to light, and every tree is known by its fruits ", sooner or later your works or deeds will speak louder than your satanic secresy, and you have to be prepared for that moment , therefore, prepare yourself at all times, live your life and enjoy it, you are welcome the this house of the Devil, don't be afraid and you'll possess the crown of life and you'll stand on the gates of all your enemies to feast in front of them. Welcome to S.I.N.