Mormon rage prompted by “Jesus”. | Forum

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Dantalion Apr 28 '22
I just had a very troubling and traumatizing memory of my childhood that still effects me to this day, and this event was a huge…..HUGE catalyst for me leaving the Mormon church when I was 12 years old. <br />
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So when I was 11, my Boy Scout troop and I went to a camping trip to our main scout leaders cabin that was located at a forested mountain oasis in Utahs West Desert. My main scout leader also happened to be the Bishop of our ward at the time. His name was bishop Rowley. He was parapalegic and confined to a wheelchair. He had multiple 4 wheelers that were specially designed for people that have no use of their feet. All the gears were in the hand controls and they were not what I was used to. I’m used to shifting gears with my feet on a normal 4 wheeler, and I was experienced with normal 4 wheelers at the time. Well he let us use his special 4 wheelers on the last day we were on the camp out. I was riding one of them around and I didn’t shift the 4 wheeler correctly and I lost control of the 4 wheeler and crashed it into a barbed wire fence and bent the handlebars of the 4 wheeler and got it tangled into the fence. <br />
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All I can remember is the pure rage of this evil man and the threats of him saying he was going to kill me. The rage and abuse that was in this man’s eyes was something that I’ll never forget. I believe Jesus possessed this man and filled him with evil rage and he verbally abused me in the entire ride home in his truck. I don’t remember crying, but from that point forward I I was super skeptical of everything about the Mormon church until I ultimately left it when I was 13 years old. For the year and a half after that happened, I began to reject everything about the Mormon church. I remember one day pissing on the wall in one of the activity rooms of our ward when no one was looking because I was like “fuck this place”. I fully believe Jesus and their “god” can possess people and fill people with rage. Just read the Bible and some of the things “God” does and you’ll see what I mean. <br />
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It’s my personal testimony that In the name of Jesus, people become possessed with hate and evil and denying them is the only salvation to a fulfilling life. It’s when you have to see it for yourself is when it finally clicks. <br />
The Forum post is edited by Dantalion Apr 28 '22
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Apr 28 '22
He got angry that you wrecked his quad? I was hoping for something juicy here.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Apr 28 '22
Kind of reminds me of a time when I was a sophomore in highschool and had been playing the piano in accompaniment for the very strict narrow-minded missionary baptist church that I had grown up in. At this point, I had immersed myself in music and had taken AP Music theory in preparation for my future endeavors after high school. I knew a lot about music and was very head'strong.

One day after the Sunday evening church, I very respectfully asked our song leader and choir director to meet with me after church and they agreed. During this encounter, I explained to them that the music in the church would sound so much better and feel more energetic and moving if everyone was not singing in unison. I explained that I could help teach the choir 4-part harmony and also assist at a greater level during choir rehearsals. This person had no musical background or training in music, mind you. And I, very innocently believed if I communicated my proposal in a very respectful, explanatory way, I would be understood and appreciated.

But no. His face got blood red and eyes got glassy and he began yelling about why it was not a good idea. Then he got his bible out and started quoting scriptures about how females had to stay in submission and under men and god in the church setting, blah blah blah. In this church, women were not allowed to hold leadership positions or speak out during services. They were asked to wear head-coverings and wear dresses and skirts only in the church building.

It was this particular incident in accordance with several others that happened around the same time, that I realized how hypocritical christians are. I also realized their IQ is very low. They would choose half-assed, unappealing music to fill their chambers and turn down a very polite free-of-charge proposal to whip the choir into shape. I guess it really hurt his misogynistic ego to know little ol' cute 15 year old girl knew more about his position than he did. He KNEW I'd have done a better job than him.and shown him up.

Remembering this still gets me fired up. Im genuinely getting pissed at that fucker all over again. Man, fuck him and fuck his ugly wife and kids. Hopefully they have all had a terrible life.

Dantalion Apr 28 '22
Here’s something juicy

He regularly abused his son Jeff. He would routinely yell at his son and physically abuse him in front of us. His son was very anti social and damaged. His son would only shower like twice a year (if that). Bishop Rowley owned a property down the street from my house (that has since been sold and developed into a golf course and neighborhood). They had a horse feed business. He would make his son work at this business with no pay and he would do hardcore physical manual labor for free and would tend to horses all the time and his son always smelled like horse shit and would never shower. One day, the bishops father was talking to some construction workers that were working on a main artireal road by our house and an errant driver veered off the road and hit a car that his father was standing behind and it pinned him between two cars and he lost both his legs.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Apr 28 '22
That is juicy and Im glad that happened to him.
Dantalion Apr 28 '22
Just read your other reply. Hearing you describe the blood red look in their eyes makes me shudder. I remember that same look in Bishop Rowleys eyes. I’m going to have trouble sleeping tomorrow thinking about “that look”. Oh my hell it’s so traumatizing!
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Apr 28 '22
I was visiting Salt Lake City with my son and we took the tour of the LDS Conference Center. I innocently asked how much it cost to build. The tour guide became enraged. He said he didn't know and nobody needed to know because they trusted the church elders. He said the question was insulting. 

Gee, I wonder how corruption happens if there is no transparency?
Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Apr 29 '22

Prompt: Mormon rage prompted by "Jesus"

On a screen: montel rath watches his two sons perform at the april board of directors meeting in new york.  He turns to smile.  the angels are smiling, too. 

The Romney Twins, backstage at the vfw, sleep.  The prom picture, posted on YouTube, becomes a viral hit.  The prom picture, posted on YouTube, becomes a viral hit.  Lady Gaga bites her arm off.  � new acts emerge each night.  The June 12, 2013, Billboard chart shows fifteen new songs, thirteen new albums, and eleven other pop charts all within the top one hundred.  The video versions of those songs are shown on nearly every major channel.  The videos “do” one song and step off the air.  The next song, “Look at Me” plays on the radio.  Lady Gaga writes a new song for “Happy Halloween,” single.  Adults laugh and whisper.  The younger kids, dressed as the devil, candy, and candy baskets, exit the shadow of a giant jack-o-lantern, and trick-or-treat as if they were eighteen. Five months later.  title, new york, new york, new york.  Med.  shot, montel rath, parked outside the retirement home.  Med.  close shot, marcus, the older brother of montel, is looking through a window to his room.  a cemetery access opening leads to, outside, a growing graveyard of hockey figures.  a picture of larry glover, the king of hockey, falls on a nearby grave. The statues depict things the real Larry Glover would never do: pet cemetery pet cemetery Marauder, the mayor of jfk, looks down at his security detail, nodding at some younger recruit, then turns his attention to the mayor of madrid in Spain, who sits on a prison boat in a pool of his own blood.

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Jul 3 '22
The old Jewish Beelzebu said:" They shall put you out of the synagogues ( churches, mosques,  templos of worshipping, etc); yea, the time cometh,  that whosoever killeth you  will think that he doeth  God service ( or the will of God)" . I just feel indignant and I feel sorry for the Mormons,  Jehovah's witnesses,  Branhamites,  Baptists,  Pentecostals,  Methodists,  Catholics,  Jewish,  Muslims,  Bhudist......etc....that through their twisted interpretations of their Sacred Books force the fulfillment of the events which are made clear  by prophecy , they impose the fulfillment of the prophecy and make sure that their followers swallow their stupid reasons up to close the door of widom in front of their own dumbest faces,  and they think they are doing a sacred service to their false "God".
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