Stephen Hawking had kids? WTF! | Forum

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Dantalion Apr 5 '22
Just found out Stephen Hawking had 3 kids. I’m speechless. Typically, I only post Satanism related topics on this site, but I found this out just barely and I have to post about it somewhere, and due to the highly adult nature of what my post will be, I’ve decided to post about it here. So your head is probably spinning as mine is as to how in the fuck a vegetative cripple like Stephen Hawking could have kids and it probably brings up lots of questions and scenarios in your brain if it’s non-stop like mine is. I’ll just run through what’s going through my head :<br /><br />
How can his dick get hard? Did he twitch his jaw and he pops a huge boner to fuck his wife with, and she rides him till he spews little Hawkings? Is that the only part of his body that worked correctly? Did his dick work so well the he was the Casanova of man-meat? Did he talk dirty to his ol’ lady through his computer as he’s hitting it? What did he say? Did he have a really dirty mind? Did he mathematically calculate how long she has to ride him before he cums? He really did like black holes!!!! Did his wife get turned on by him? What did she tell her friends about how the sex was (if I were her friend I’d totally have to ask). Does it hurt him as she rides him (he was probably a frail pile of jelly just sitting there all day)? Did he eat pussy really well because all he can move (other that his dick) is part of his mouth….. Anyways, I could go on and on and on but I have to get to sleep, I have work tonight.
The Forum post is edited by Dantalion Apr 5 '22
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 5 '22
Believe it or not with ALS the dick is one of the few things that works. ALS only effects voluntary movements. What is truly amazing is he lived for 55 years like that, had at least occasional sex, and the guy that gave the world the myopic militant movie, God Is Not Dead died in 6 months. 
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 5 '22
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Apr 5 '22

Quote from Dantalion Typically, I only post Satanism related topics on this site
Not true, buddy. Not true 'tall.
Dantalion Apr 5 '22
Minus the drugs content. That doesn’t count.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 5 '22
See, that's the shit that makes internet Satanism a memetic joke unto itself. 

The belief there is a topic decorum. 

You don't demonstrate a satanic personality in rigid lockstep with occultnik dribble. The satanism comes in the "third side perspective" of the answer.  That can show itself in any topic that comes up, but rarely comes with the copy pasta incantations to the dark lord's of the abyss. That thinking the imagery is the identity and not the approach in life is pervasive.

It can be humorously summed up by the Death To Smoochy quote, "Every time they would play cowboys and Indians I was always the Chinese railroad worker". 

No better way to discern an LHP person than quirky or oppositional approaches to mundane minutia. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 5 '22
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