New Chat room | Forum

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Apr 5 '22
Check out the new’s linked to the SIN Facebook group which has over 1000 users . So there should be people about on a regular bases . I am not sure if you need a Facebook account or not to use it .
The Forum post is edited by Owner/Admin Feb 25 '23
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black May 11 '22
Well it seems to be functional. It is forcing you to register. There are restrictions too as far as bandwidth and volume of people . How well  it works with several on camera is still unknown. For those of you that have been around since 2014 you likely remember the chat room was off the hook sometimes.  Sigh .. 
Owner/Admin Feb 25 '23
Check out the new’s linked to the SIN Facebook group which has over 1000 users . So there should be people about on a regular bases . I am not sure if you need a Facebook account or not to use it
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