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KPaz666 Mar 29 '22

At work, I was talking to a co-worker I know is a wacky Christian (flat earther, Q'Anon / conspiracy theorist) about a friend who is a spitting image of singer Billie Eilish. I showed him a picture of the singer first because he said he didn't recognize the name.  When I did, he deadpans - "she's a Devil Worshiper!"

Folks - I almost said, "no but I am!" but I kept my mouth shut - I was too stunned to respond and I wasn't in the mood for an argument but that was the funniest shit I ever heard.

Rune Mar 30 '22
That sounds like the kind of person who doesn't watch the Superbowl half-time show because they believe it promotes degeneracy and Satanic rituals.
KPaz666 Mar 31 '22
Yes!!! And the illuminati too! I know he hates Beyonce because allegedly she flashed an Illuminati signal with her hand during the Superbowl! But this was a first I've heard about Billie Eilish
Dantalion Apr 6 '22
Half of Hollywood and the music industry is either closet Satanists, Scientologists or occultist in general so your co-worker probably isn’t too far off the mark. If they said that to me I would just say “Yea, maybe. So what?”.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Apr 6 '22
Scientology may be the reason there is a Q-anon conspiracy.  Those are the most likely kid-touching elites. 

Just ask yourself, "What is it that the super adventure club really believes?"  Apparently children have more marlocks. Which is good for super adventurers like R Kelly. Or creepy old men that like living on boats with teenage boys. 

The subtext of this episode being, "Go be in your fruity little child molesting club, Isaac Hayes". 

Who quit the show only to be ostracized by the church the rest of his life. 

Personally I can't abide those DC-8's.

I can only shutter as I pass by their weird-feeling indoctination center. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Apr 6 '22
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