If I wrote rules of earth they'd go like this:
1. Even satirical rules and statements will lose their satirical value and become an irony of themselves when applied by the mundane.
2. Magnanimous is the veil that sells you a will.
3. Morals are the veil that sells you a way.
4. There is such thing as instinct. That covers all your sugar and fluff. Moving on.
5. War is not going anywhere and peace is not going to replace it. See previous.
6. Survival. Always priority one.
7. Everything is subject to decay and can be permenantly altered in a microsecond.
8. Divinity is a fallacy that removes itself through logic in every appearance.
9. Good luck.
Now an example. Let's say I'm together with my friends and colleagues. We have a discussion about politics or whatever. Everyone says what they think and I say what I think too. But let's take another situation when my friend or a colleague has a new haircut that I think it's awful. Should I say that to them? I think not unless I'm asked. After all, what other people wear and what they look like is none of my business.
There's one problem though. Some drugs are illegal. In some countries all drugs are illegal. The CoS tries very hard not to get involved in criminal activity.
When it comes to the 11 Satanic Rules Of The Earth, I can live by all of them no problem except for part of the first one. When it comes to the part of giving opinions when asked, sometimes you have to give an opinion to convey what your thinking about something without stating it as fact. With the way the English language is constructed (maybe every other language too, I don’t know), you have to communicate in the form of opinions sometimes. Everything isn’t fact, it’s just your view on things sometimes, and you have to communicate things to people in the form of opinion. Other than that I’m flawless when it comes to the Rules Of The Earth. Pretty easy to abide by.The 11 Satanic rules are rather straight-forward.
They are rules of general cordiality and decent conduct.
It's not a sin if you can't adhere to them.
You're just proving yourself to be a shitty excuse for a human being.
But seeing modern times, breaking the first rule is rather popular nowadays with all the entitlement concerning gender/sexuality and what other depravity going on..