1st Satanic Rule Of The Earth | Forum

Dantalion Mar 8 '22
When it comes to the 11 Satanic Rules Of The Earth, I can live by all of them no problem except for part of the first one. When it comes to the part of giving opinions when asked, sometimes you have to give an opinion to convey what your thinking about something without stating it as fact. With the way the English language is constructed (maybe every other language too, I don’t know), you have to communicate in the form of opinions sometimes. Everything isn’t fact, it’s just your view on things sometimes, and you have to communicate things to people in the form of opinion. Other than that I’m flawless when it comes to the Rules Of The Earth. Pretty easy to abide by.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Mar 8 '22

If I wrote rules of earth they'd go like this:

1. Even satirical rules and statements will lose their satirical value and become an irony of themselves when applied by the mundane. 

2. Magnanimous is the veil that sells you a will. 

3. Morals are the veil that sells you a way. 

4. There is such thing as instinct. That covers all your sugar and fluff. Moving on.

5. War is not going anywhere and peace is not going to replace it. See previous. 

6. Survival. Always priority one. 

7. Everything is subject to decay and can be permenantly altered in a microsecond. 

8. Divinity is a fallacy that removes itself through logic in every appearance. 

9. Good luck.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Mar 8 '22
Anna Mar 9 '22
I think the first rule of the earth is there to warn you against being a nuisance, or to put it bluntly, against being a pest in your social environment. The point is not that stating your opinion or giving your advice uninvited is always wrong, rather that there are certain social situations when doing that is a faux pas. It's up to you to figure out when it's suitable to express your opinion and when it is not. And again, it's not a hard rule or a dogma. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with being a nuisance or an asshole. It merely means that acting in such away can have consequences such as people excluding you from their social circles. If you don't mind that, then it's all right. But if you want to keep your friends, then you should mind social cues. This rule, this guideline is closely connected to another "rule" stating that you should not complain about something you don't need to subject yourself to. If you are aware of the consequences of your actions and in spite of that you proceed with your actions, then you should not complain about the consequences. That is if you know that something you say or do is not welcome by people and you do it anyway, then don't complain later that the people have enough of you and that they rejected you.

Now an example. Let's say I'm together with my friends and colleagues. We have a discussion about politics or whatever. Everyone says what they think and I say what I think too. But let's take another situation when my friend or a colleague has a new haircut that I think it's awful. Should I say that to them? I think not unless I'm asked. After all, what other people wear and what they look like is none of my business.

Dantalion Mar 9 '22
I know what you mean and as with everything, there’s discretion. It’s just, especially if your dealing with another Satanist, somebody could take it literally. Especially someone that’s easily annoyed at anyone and everyone.
Anna Mar 9 '22
I think we should be taking those "rules" in their context. Anton LaVey was the head of the Church of Satan. It was and still is an organization, a community comprising a considerable number of people from different backgrounds, having different views and attitudes to life. The only thing they had and still have in common is adherence to LaVey's philosophy. In spite of all the talk about individualism, if you establish an actual organization, you have to introduce certain rules or, at the very least, guidelines, the code of conduct binding all the members in order to make your organization cohesive. Otherwise, it will fall apart. The CoS has always stressed the importance of the members being respectful to each other. It was especially valid in the past, when the CoS was more of a real life organization with members meeting each other in real life rather than online, gathering in grottos or in each other's homes or visiting LaVey's home if they were part of his social circle. Some of those "rules" might have got introduced to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Mar 9 '22
Dantalion Mar 10 '22
I think a lot of the rules and guidelines they put in place is to assuage the general public that still has the satanic panic mentality that Satanists aren’t a threat to society. I find it contradictory that the main ethos of the COS Satanic philosophy is indulgence, yet they outright ban drug use in their organization. That’s why I haven’t bothered to become a member. Satanism to me is basically “sex, drugs and rock n’ roll”.
Anna Mar 10 '22
The CoS ban on drugs is similar to the Catholic Church ban on masturbation or contraceptives. Unless you run to your Satanic or Catholic priest to confess your "sins", how are they to know you're a "sinner"?

There's one problem though. Some drugs are illegal. In some countries all drugs are illegal. The CoS tries very hard not to get involved in criminal activity.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Mar 10 '22
Satanist since more than a decade

Quote from Dantalion When it comes to the 11 Satanic Rules Of The Earth, I can live by all of them no problem except for part of the first one. When it comes to the part of giving opinions when asked, sometimes you have to give an opinion to convey what your thinking about something without stating it as fact. With the way the English language is constructed (maybe every other language too, I don’t know), you have to communicate in the form of opinions sometimes. Everything isn’t fact, it’s just your view on things sometimes, and you have to communicate things to people in the form of opinion. Other than that I’m flawless when it comes to the Rules Of The Earth. Pretty easy to abide by.
The 11 Satanic rules are rather straight-forward. 

They are rules of general cordiality and decent conduct. 

It's not a sin if you can't adhere to them. 
You're just proving yourself to be a shitty excuse for a human being. 

But seeing modern times, breaking the first rule is rather popular nowadays with all the entitlement concerning gender/sexuality and what other depravity going on..

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Aug 27 '22
Laws, ordinances, dogmas, rules, etc., are dictated to control,  dominate  and so on those who are under the fear of the law givers. BUT ANY LAW, it doesn't matter if it is considered  given by human  or Gods (gods) or of divine precedence,  IT CAN BE BROKEN for those who dare with its consequences,  and if the violator of such a law is a friend of the law giver ,he  or she will not have consequences,  they will apply the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law. The law makers and givers will always leave a space  or and exit  to any law to be broken without consequences,  what it is legal for someone  ,it is elegal for others  and vice versa. What it is legal in some countries,  it's elegal in others. 
Rune Aug 28 '22
To be fair, this set of rules isn't really rigid like the ones in other belief systems.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Aug 28 '22
Some laws were meant to be bent; others broken. Established for society as a whole where individuals vary dramatically. Many laws target the weak, juvenile, and immature, so everyone has to pay. I do get harassed on a regular basis because of it, but instead of acting like an idiot, I make an effort to be polite and handle the situation for the most favorable outcome, and nine out of ten times I am sent on my way without incident, but every once in a while you cross paths with some fucking asshole who is just fabricating shit to create status for themselves.
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