The End of the World According to Hypocrisy | Forum

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Anna Feb 15 '22
I'm not the fan of Hypocrisy band but I came across their dystopian songs on Facebook. They seem to be relevant to our modern times. At least, this is the sentiment of the considerable number of people.

They have a master plan
Divide us all, make us suffer
Terminate the human whore
We'll drop like flies, we're the lab rats

You hate me, I hate you
They're feeding off our hatred
They're feeding off our anger
They push me, they push you
They push us in the corner and wait for us to explode...

Governments around the world
Is about to succeed with their evil plan
Exterminating humans
See how we run, see how we suffer
Turning us against each other...

The Covid pandemic contributed to the rise of conspiracy theories; Bill Gates' micro chips, China wanting to conquer the world, the Great Reset, to name the few. Do you find a glimmer of truth in it or is this all bullshit perpetuated by people wanting simple answers to complex questions? Is there some master plan or should we attribute more to incompetence than evil?

The Forum post is edited by Anna Feb 15 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 15 '22
I like Hypocrisy, and I've used their music on occasion, although I've never really thought of it as being revelatory, but some of it is really good. It's a pretty tight band.

The one thing that would bother me most of the things mentioned would be China. I've been a little worried about them for a while now, and the current state of affairs just adds to that.

I've been having consistently random thoughts within this context like I feel I'm about the right age to get the most out of life before everything goes to shit, more or less, i.e., not sure I would want to have a full life ahead of me.

There does seem to be a certain intuition that we may be at the onset of something rather ominous.


Lucifer Dragon
Lucifer Dragon Feb 15 '22

Quote from Cornelius Coburn 


Anna Feb 15 '22


It often happens with metal songs that I like the lyrics and general message but I can't stand the vocals.

I liked Chemical Whore the best. I wrote a short blog about it. I disagree with the premise that the Big Pharma is plotting our demise and making money of it. The human body is weak and prone to disease. So we turn to science to either cure us or, at least, ease the pain. In the medieval times, if there was a plague, people turned to God and organized penitentiary processions whipping themselves. Now scientists and doctors replaced the Church but is this some kind of the devil's plot or people's longing for immortality or at least long healthy life? If sick, people do everything to get cured.

I don't really see any danger from China. I see it more from Russia. If they really invade Ukraine, the middle Europe will face a refugee crisis. Our government is preparing new refugee asylums so something might be going on.

The global covid hysteria caused the democratic governments to temporarily introduce quasi-totalitarian measures, which additionally gave rise to multiple conspiracy theories but I attribute it more to incompetence than some evil plan. The reason for that is that I saw covid paranoia among ordinary people, including my coworkers and friends.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Feb 15 '22
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Feb 15 '22
The invasion will start in about 5 days. And like our former president, I am a huge admirer of Vladamir Putin. Mainly for being better than any other industrialist leader at being Machiavellian. A true fucking Prince.  So good at it everyone wants to stop him.  Just an industrialist with power and swagger. 

I love breaking news and this is going to be some good breaking news. 

And it's not like ISIS is invading a dirt village, Ukraine (And Belarus) are probably better off back with Mother Russia.  Dont worry, Poland is too Western. Though you all have the same pastry food, Poland has nothing to worry about.  

And why would Poland ever be a destination for fleeing Ukrainians?  That's like fleeing rebels in Honduras for the glory El Salvador.


GO RUSSIA! Fuck some shit up!

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Feb 15 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 16 '22
Quote from Anna,

It often happens with metal songs that I like the lyrics and general message but I can't stand the vocals.

I felt the same way when I first started listening to death/black metal, and there was even a brief discussion of this in one of the threads back at the old 600 Club with the Darklight4444 character.

I felt that some of the music/melodies were very good but that they were fucking it up with the harsh vocals. I even remember emailing a track to a guy that liked Black Label Society and Zakk Wylde and he said pretty much the same thing "The music is good, but the vocals suck." - I believe the track was Follow The Reaper by Children of Bodom.

You do become accustomed to the vocals eventually, but still, there are different degrees of this "harshness". Bands like Hypocrisy, and Agathodaimon aren't really that harsh at times, and the latter even do some clean rock/operatic vocals that are quite good, Ribbons Requiem 99 also by the latter (later in the track) as one example.

Anyway, I still feel the same way about much of it, e.g., Cannibal Corpse, but there is also much that I do like after a couple decades of exposure to these particular genres.

Anna Feb 16 '22

Quote from Dark Enlightenment 

And why would Poland ever be a destination for fleeing Ukrainians?  That's like fleeing rebels in Honduras for the glory El Salvador.

Well... so far Poland has always been a primary destination for Ukrainian economic migration. I know how funny it sounds but we are for them what the US is for Mexicans.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 16 '22
The End of The World According to Skeeter Davis


donot Mar 18 '22
OK. And you wanna be what the US is for Mexicans? 

Anyways, it seems the reds are back.

The Forum post is edited by donot Mar 18 '22
Anna Mar 19 '22

Quote from donot OK. And you wanna be what the US is for Mexicans? 

Anyways, it seems the reds are back.

It's not that we want it. Now, these are not immigrants, they are war refugees. We have to let them in.

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