I was planning on actually writing this up on my blog, but since I keep on getting technical errors, why not post this right here. A lot of us have heard about the U.S. Elite (the people who are wealthy, who pretty much run the country of the U.S.). Many of us have come across those who are resentful of this Elite of course. I myself have come across the usual slogans, "Theyr'e getting more richer" etc. I even know of one intelligent family member who has had a fine career in the past, that has payed well (not the Trades).
This one family member of course one time told me of how the Elite doesn't give a "damn about us" and instead "They really want to make a profit," you name it. Now personally I have written a previous blog of mine, on my takes of Nationalism, as well as expressing my dystopian viewpoints on U.S. politics. This applies similarly.
As someone who comes from LaVey's school of thought, I have no problem with the Elites taking advantage of the U.S. This all goes back to the animal kingdom, the strong simply thrives and dominates the inferior organisms. The animal kingdom is simply facts. So why play the victimhood blame mentality? This all goes back to the Nietzschean definition of slave morality. The lowest organisms resenting the aristocratic values of the higher organisms, and wishing to overturn the aristocratic culture. Now as someone who comes from a Satanic background, I have my respect for the Elite's of this country. After all, they did it themselves to survive, thrive, dominate, and earn the respect that they deserve. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a small percentage of wealthy elitists applying Satanic philosophy.
I was planning on actually writing this up on my blog, but since I keep on getting technical errors, why not post this right here. A lot of us have heard about the U.S. Elite (the people who are wealthy, who pretty much run the country of the U.S.). Many of us have come across those who are resentful of this Elite of course. I myself have come across the usual slogans, "Theyr'e getting more richer" etc. I even know of one intelligent family member who has had a fine career in the past, that has payed well (not the Trades).
This one family member of course one time told me of how the Elite doesn't give a "damn about us" and instead "They really want to make a profit," you name it. Now personally I have written a previous blog of mine, on my takes of Nationalism, as well as expressing my dystopian viewpoints on U.S. politics. This applies similarly.
As someone who comes from LaVey's school of thought, I have no problem with the Elites taking advantage of the U.S. This all goes back to the animal kingdom, the strong simply thrives and dominates the inferior organisms. The animal kingdom is simply facts. So why play the victimhood blame mentality? This all goes back to the Nietzschean definition of slave morality. The lowest organisms resenting the aristocratic values of the higher organisms, and wishing to overturn the aristocratic culture. Now as someone who comes from a Satanic background, I have my respect for the Elite's of this country. After all, they did it themselves to survive, thrive, dominate, and earn the respect that they deserve. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a small percentage of wealthy elitists applying Satanic philosophy.
I was planning on actually writing this up on my blog, but since I keep on getting technical errors, why not post this right here. A lot of us have heard about the U.S. Elite (the people who are wealthy, who pretty much run the country of the U.S.). Many of us have come across those who are resentful of this Elite of course. I myself have come across the usual slogans, "Theyr'e getting more richer" etc. I even know of one intelligent family member who has had a fine career in the past, that has payed well (not the Trades).
This one family member of course one time told me of how the Elite doesn't give a "damn about us" and instead "They really want to make a profit," you name it. Now personally I have written a previous blog of mine, on my takes of Nationalism, as well as expressing my dystopian viewpoints on U.S. politics. This applies similarly.
As someone who comes from LaVey's school of thought, I have no problem with the Elites taking advantage of the U.S. This all goes back to the animal kingdom, the strong simply thrives and dominates the inferior organisms. The animal kingdom is simply facts. So why play the victimhood blame mentality? This all goes back to the Nietzschean definition of slave morality. The lowest organisms resenting the aristocratic values of the higher organisms, and wishing to overturn the aristocratic culture. Now as someone who comes from a Satanic background, I have my respect for the Elite's of this country. After all, they did it themselves to survive, thrive, dominate, and earn the respect that they deserve. It wouldn't surprise me if you had a small percentage of wealthy elitists applying Satanic philosophy.
I think you have a decent mindset, I have no problem with the elite, merely that I'm not among them right now. Throughout history the tribe or people occupying that position have varied, so personally I'm not interested in crying about some group I don't like being a part of the elite, I'm interested in studying the mechanisms and stratagems employed to get to that position.
For example, if you look at South Africa you can see that there were two different white tribes who coexisted in what became South Africa, initially the Union of South Africa as created by the English. After the second Anglo-Boer war, the Boer, having been massively outnumbered and defeated were relegated to cheap labour in the mines. As time went on though a secret society formed among the now "Afrikaner" people, you see Afrikaner was a melting together of the Boer and the Cape Dutch, called the Broederbond (Bruderbund/Brotherbond).
This secret society went up against the two leading secret societies in South Africa, the Freemasons and the Sons of England, and managed to take over the country without even firing a bullet in 1948. While I'm not a proponent of the worldview espoused by the Broederbond, it was a great feat, and not all that different from the feats accomplished by other nationalistically-inclined secret societies at the time.
Ironically due to the weak worldview, which incorporated a racial chosenite/Calvinistic version of Christianity, this same secret society which overcame so much would end up destroying the country it created as well as aiding in the communist takeover of South Africa. If you ever want to read about them look into these books "Brotherhood of Power" by Serfontein and "Superafrikaners".
You've probably heard of project Coast, the biological warfare program started by the SADF, they had the means to wipe out every non-white life in South Africa, and chose not to. The guy at the head of this project, Wouter Basson, interestingly enough went on to work for Gaddafi, and also ended up being threatened by the CIA for access to his work. I'm also aware that project Coast was also connected to an Israeli program purposed with designing biological weapons that can target people by race. Suffice to say, the Broederbond had the means to maintain its power and dominion over the region, but chose against it. Some say, and I believe them, that they've morphed into what is today called the Solidarity movement, an extremely powerful movement building private Afrikaans institutions to combat government policies restricting the ability of Afrikaners to study in their own language, they're also involved with secessionist movements which are gaining steam, so they may rule again.
My point is, it is the biological imperative of any tribe or people to become the elite, as such it is always interesting to study their techniques in hopes of learning from them, and possibly using such techniques against them should the need arise. But even the techniques alone do not ensure the preservation of such a group, as the Broederbond proved, since unlike National Socialist Germany which faced overwhelming odds, the collapse was a top-down event, whereby the elite betrayed the people, and in doing so possibly destroyed any chance they had at future dominance over the region.
The missing component is a worldview which takes advantage of the inherent qualities of the people or tribe that seek to formulate it, as well as devise methods to negate their inherent flaws. I don't think Lavey had a coherent worldview, nor do I think he could've joined the elite. I'd say that Aquino was more suited to the task, however time will determine how coherent his philosophy and the structures that he left behind will prove.