I'm the typical jeans and t-shirt kind of dude, but if I go out I wear semi-formal black button-up shirts, lately, but still jeans. No tattoos, but for a while I did have the lower level decorated with occult imagery : Tree of Life, a rosy cross, miscellaneous Hebrew writings, a candle, essential oil burner - always somewhat of an issue when having the furnace cleaned or anything else requiring strangers in the area. Closing a door concealed most but not all.
I'm more of an occultist than a Satanist which doesn't appear to be an issue here, and speaking of "preppies", the video King by Satyricon has some preppy looking dudes in the audience who I presume might be Satanists, but yeah, they don't look it, but it fits with the context.
Not exactly tonight, but soon.