magic is the art of the occult | Forum

donot Dec 26 '21
What is the occult? Something that cannot be contained in logic. Magic could also be the same. Or something just completely different. Something that cannot be constrained by laws, something that cannot be contained in reality. So far.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 26 '21
Hey that also works for; god, The Holy Spirit, pele, (magic) ritual, prayer, the secret, the dark force, the only force, JJ Abrams, ghosts, demons, wood nymphs, rods, ferries, leprechauns, nephilim, Akkadian genies, jinn, Q-anon, The Illuminati, the rocket ship that follows the Hale-Bopp comet around, shapeshifting repitilians, ancient aliens, Lord Xenu, body thetans, Heaven, Hell, reincarnation, Valhalla, souls, eternal selves, mindstars, ley lines, Sedonan hippie vortices, energy crystals, the Bermuda Triangle, Nibiru, panpsychism, sports curses, and the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Try it out. 

What is/are ___________? 

Something that cannot be contained in logic....  Something that cannot be constrained by laws, something that cannot be contained in reality. So far.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 26 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 29 '21
Real magic is a secret of the acausal.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 29 '21
Shit, I forgot that one. 

I view it like an island in the Caribbean and the "psychic" that came along at 19 years to give a prophetic vision of a major disaster. And then the major hurricane came in the 20th year. And never mind the other 6 times in last century it happened. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 29 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 30 '21
Some do operate on the probability surplus of ambiguity, but to speculate on what might be a legitimate means of clairvoyance. Maybe it could be via alternate modes of the subconscious, dreams, or even some altered states.

Cosmology and theoretical physics often times describe the magical and the fantastical; god metaphors, but their field often requires them to steer clear of esoteric and theistic lingo when in reality they are all just referring the same force/phenomenon in different ways.

Lucifer Dragon
Lucifer Dragon Dec 31 '21

Quote from donot You think there's only one force/phenomenon shown in different ways.

Lucifer Dragon
Lucifer Dragon Dec 31 '21
I believe in magick

Hoodlum88 Dec 31 '21
Magic is the art proving a point through vacuous posting I think. 

Anyway, I nominate this for the best use of LBM in a major single release. Specifically for calling out the military industrial entertainment complex to it's face. 

They're leftist too! 

The Forum post is edited by Hoodlum88 Dec 31 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 31 '21
That's the way of the West. 

I like the way System of a Down put it better. Same basic stupid slave people message though. 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 1 '22
Manipulating the physical vessel and its' surroundings via consciousness seems pretty magical to me.

The way I look at this. Everything is either microcosmic or macrocosmic consciousness, so you have the mind of man and the mind of God. Much of the mind of God (macrocosm) is hard coded into the physical universe - things that cannot be changed, so it's not like some Dr. Strange shit where you can just go changing/altering things on a whim, otherwise you might fuck the whole universe up, i.e go fucking up Gods' work.

I suppose there would be a bit of debate as the actual scope of that which can be changed, and that which cannot.

donot Jan 8 '22
The main manipulation here, and what is of main importance, is the body. I consider this as an evasion. 
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