Koetting and Incitement to Murder | Forum

Anna Dec 18 '21
I was thinking about putting it in the Satanic psychic thread but decided the Living God deserves his own thread.

A young psychopath, Danyal Hussein, brutally murdered two women in London. And though that happened back in 2020, Koetting now comes under fire for allegedly inspiring the murderer to commit the crimes. It turns out the killer attended Koetting's forum and was inspired by Koetting's video about the blood sacrifices bringing fortune. Before killing the two women Hussein signed a pact with a demon offering him their blood in exchange for the demon helping him to win the lottery. Koetting was banned from Facebook and YouTube. And, as usual, there are calls from "safe spaces" activists to the governments to effectively censor the internet and protect the citizens from the nasty terrorist content. Koetting's past involvement in the Tempel ov Blood and publishing Apex of Eternity for them where he encouraged assassination of the "religious figures" was also used in the media's crusade against him. Links:

YouTube removes occultist who influenced murderer of two sisters

Danyal Hussein: A teenage murderer with far-right links

YouTube slammed as Satanist who ‘inspired’ double killer Danyal Hussein with preachings about sacrifice is STILL online

Does Koetting deserve all the shit-talk? Shouldn't he be more careful with what he said and wrote? On the other hand, considering his past troubles with the law, perhaps he didn't care? Did he do all that for popularity?

Is this a modern witch hunt? Is a writer responsible for the sheep who can't think for themselves? Where are the limits of the so-called "free speech"? Thoughts?

Dusche Dec 18 '21
I see the Order of Nine Angles is not involved in any way. 

I see a modernday Leftist witch hunt.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21
Anyone that incorporates the wisdom of EA Koeting or The Order of Nine Angles (not connected) in their real life decision making deserves the consequence of their patsy ideology. The pathei mathos of Manchurian discontent. MSS is now a euphemism for pedantic deliberately "pseudointellectual" bullshit some lesbian pulled out her ass to work to that end. So proficient at manipulation this comment will have no impact on said ideologies appeal. And it will remain a fun read for the forseeable future. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21
Anna Dec 18 '21

Quote from Dusche I see the Order of Nine Angles is not involved in any way...

Of course, it is not involved. That one article Koetting published for ToB was like many other culling related articles. He might be inspired by bits and pieces from various sources but he's mostly his own dog. However, the media like putting all the occult whackos into one bag. Why do proper research anyway?

Today's cancel culture punishes people for words more than for deeds. You don't even have to commit a real crime. A thought crime is enough. This is internet vigilantism at its prime.

On the other hand, from time to time the occult scene attracts psychotic fruit loops who take creative writing, japes or even silly chit chat seriously and do something atrocious and stupid at the same time. Like that miserable dude from SIN chat back in 2012 or 2011 (don't remember now). Prevention censorship some are calling for does more harm than good. Shitty liberals need a nanny state to pamper them, I guess.


I agree that the fruitcake who killed the two women deserves his lot. What I find annoying though is those liberal whiny bitches calling for the censorship of potentially harmful content. You must now be extremely careful about what you say and write because some cuckoos might be triggered to go on a killing spree.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21
The censorship doesnt hurt it.  It makes it more appealling to those prone to being the japey bitch anyway. Just reinforces the appeal to those who are the flagged kind of disgruntled. UK especially.  With their culture of online prosecution for insensitive content and anything approaching hateful you have essentially made Mein Kampf a perennial bestseller. A still shining form on an elevated pedestal for cultural trolling or resistance. 

It's sorta like how the people that did the Q-Anon trolling essentially got our president's endorsement which led to all their japey bitches storming the capital building. 

Same militant anger at the monkey memes being exploited. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21
Anna Dec 18 '21
It might not hurt it but any lame and cowardly attempts at censorship awaken my self-righteous indignation. 

And what if some psycho decides to imitate Bluebeard, lures women to his house and there slaughters them in some damn secret room, leaving their dismembered corpses in a pool of blood?

Henri Landru already paved the way. Ban Perrault! Fairy tales are evil.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 18 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21

Quote from Anna It might not hurt it but any lame and cowardly attempts at censorship awaken my self-righteous indignation. 

And then you voice a strong opposing opinion to the latest social meme to go off like an inquisition.

It's another thing entirely to buy into it all so much you establish a sheepish little gang of dissidents to do real life sinister acts that get used to strengthen the meme your trying to supplant, while simultaneously trying to replace one form of authoritarianism with another.  

It's like they (The MSS parrots) talk about aeonics without having the slightest fucking clue how that works.  "See the new way takes the more extreme views of half of the old way and exalts it! Totally new mindset though." 

Like changing cyan to red by adding a negative filter. 

Still it is nothing by comparison to a truly sinister tribe like MS13. That's some real shit. 

Está bien amigo, para ser un VERDADERO (no es un pretendiendo) gángster mexicano tienes que tomar este rifle de asalto e ir a disparar a la taquería y matar a todos los que están dentro.

Then you will have proven your real life credentials and get killed in a similar shooting 7 months later. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21
Anna Dec 18 '21
Well I wouldn't even call this kid's deed sinister. It's enough to look at the contract with that demon of his he scribbled on a piece of paper. Childish. 

Anyway, the demon didn't sign the agreement so I suppose it's invalid.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 18 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21

Lol. Yeah I got a bot off topic there. Didn't the ONA break EA Koeting initially? 

Anyway, they have to censor him now.  It's a retrospect thing. It's fine until someone acts on it, and it can stay up until it directly ties to the commission of a crime. Now that someone did something people are in damage control mode, including social media companies.

I can't say the shit I say here on Facebook, just like you can't post gore on YouTube.  

Something for everyone to face: the decorum of the internet works more like society as it gets more ingrained with it.  Sorry, now you gotta mind yourself on Facebook like your walking through a mall when people went to malls. Saying it on popular social media will become like walking into the food court and screaming: 

"Look at all the fucking niggers. Spending your welfare checks on fast food and gold plated shit!" 

As the united colors of puzzlement start to glare at you with intent to stab. Better hope they think you're a mentally divergent homeless at that point. 

 But if you look for your underground dive bar with a niche demographic and a sliding level of moderation you'll find one where you can totally say that and get away with it. And even in any context you want. Just not on Facebook. 

@picture - That is too fucking funny. And the demon was supposed to sign with the off hand like a shadow persona. 

And just pick the thing with 18,385,576:1 odds.  You could do a more broad request like, "Establish means to never need to worry about money again". As that incorporates anything that will make you money and should have greater acausal chances.  And if he said that it would have came true! And I also think you need to pick targets to sacrifice that can kill you. Like a wolf. Go kill a wolf and then eat it's heart for extra mojo. All you need is bait or to go stand on that one hill in Beacher's Hope. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 18 '21
Dusche Dec 18 '21
Yes. I see in 5-10 years that the ONA (Order of Nine Angles) will be the only thing Satanists will be talking about.
The Forum post is edited by Dusche Dec 18 '21
Anna Dec 19 '21

Quote from Dusche Yes. I see in 5-10 years that the ONA (Order of Nine Angles) will be the only thing Satanists will be talking about.

I doubt it will be the only thing but, for sure, it will be one of the main things they will be talking about. But this won't be genuine interest, when you research something with the intent to actually understand it. This will merely be morbid curiosity; focusing on sensational stuff at the expense of anything else. And it's human nature. It's more enticing for an average idiot to assume that the Satanic psychos really run around sacrificing opfers than dismiss it all as pure rhetoric. The self- righteous twats secretly revel in destruction, death and violence or any kind of spectacular moral transgression. The bloody spectacle of cruelty to fellow human beings turns them on. They get off on that although they will never admit it. Instead, they will take the moral high ground and condemn the criminal while, at the same time, being fascinated with the crime.

It's for the same reason Romans flocked to the Colosseum (although Romans weren't that hypocritical) and today people flock to watch car wrecks, watch violent movies and listen to sensational news. And the same reason why my friend "accidentally" watched some Russian crush video. "But Anna", she says to me, "You won't believe what I've seen recently. I've just stumbled upon it and and... it was so horrible! I'm so disgusted, so appalled! Two bitches were crushing a small kitten. They began with its tail, then moved to..." "Just stop it", I said, "I don't want to hear any more of it." "But if you just saw it!", the silly woman continued, "The poor creature was meowing so deplorably. Oh my God! It was so awful! And in the end, its eyes popped out!" The topic was so exciting for her that she had to share all the details.

Or why my devout church going uncle also "accidentally" stumbles upon bestiality porn. But he never forgets to stress his indignation. "It's shocking!" He always says. "This world is so morally corrupt! God must be angry!"

The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 19 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 19 '21
The kids today got it pretty easy. Back in the old days when I was a kid we had to listen to hundreds of rock albums to get our Satanic messages, but not only that, we had to play them backwards.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 19 '21
P is for pressure. 

Certain animals I like to see tortured. Not cats.  Only sometimes dogs. And only annoying loud ones. 

 I wouldn't mind seeing the video of Anton getting off on pissing off a caged lion.  Apparently it was like his punching bag he would take aggression out on. 

But I once saw a video of a baby monkey getting brutally tortured which I found exhilarating.  I am perturbed by their ugly monkey faces, and looking at their infants makes me want to grab them by the tail and slam them against a wall. I cant explain it, I just have an an instinct to want to hurt them. And whip or smack one as it screeches. 

A cat I couldn't even watch though. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 19 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 19 '21
Speaking on how consciousness evolves. I used to get a thrill out of torturing shit as a kid, I remember one day when my mom came out to go to church, and I'm observing this beetle scurrying around after being impaled with a needle. Blowing up toads with firecrackers, you name it, but details about a kitten being tortured seems far worse than a few other scenarios I think of.


Edit : Sympathywise anyway, and my Polish mother called me a "sadist" for the beetle incident.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 19 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 19 '21
Baby monkey torture was on one of the Faces Of Death videos. They had its' head exposed on some sort of rotating table that they were sitting at, and they all took turns smashing its' scull in with small hammers until it was dead and its' brain was exposed, and then they ate pieces of it.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 20 '21
Anna Dec 19 '21
I can't stand watching any animal tortured, it doesn't matter whether it's a cat, dog, monkey, frog or whatever. I don't mind killing insects though. Killing animals for food doesn't move me either. I don't even like reading about cruelty to animals. It's off-putting but it's not the same in the case of humans. Weird but I mind less seeing a human tortured and killed than an animal.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Dec 19 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 19 '21
I could never torture an animal not threatening me, but disturbing video sites used to be a thing, and when I was desensitizing myself to fucked up shit I remember the sickening videos more than than anything else. Like the one that adopted a puppy to the fore it and got off on acting like he was going to give it a good home. It was so happy too. Until he started beating it with a golf club. 

** The best videos (ones that bugged me least) were the cartel ones. So many ways they kill their rats. 

Forcing oneself to watch those really shatters that fluffy little Christian mindset everything is corrupted love or empathy is universal. And the other observation was, "I really hate the way monkeys faces look and kinda like seeing them hurt".

Not glorifying torture I am just saying it's all cumulative. Exposure to the depraved kills the shock of it all.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 19 '21
Zakkary Dec 20 '21
To me there has always been a contradiction in ONA philosophy.....? Transcend the self and become fully realised.... only to concern ones self with order of the universe....? I have no interest in the 'great order' of things, nor the prescription of a particular LHP ideology whose inventor abandoned....? 

As for Koeting.... he is no doubt an attention seeker.... and attention he has achieved...! 

AlexTheTerrible Dec 20 '21

Quote from Anna I was thinking about putting it in the Satanic psychic thread but decided the Living God deserves his own thread.

A young psychopath, Danyal Hussein, brutally murdered two women in London. And though that happened back in 2020, Koetting now comes under fire for allegedly inspiring the murderer to commit the crimes. It turns out the killer attended Koetting's forum and was inspired by Koetting's video about the blood sacrifices bringing fortune. Before killing the two women Hussein signed a pact with a demon offering him their blood in exchange for the demon helping him to win the lottery. Koetting was banned from Facebook and YouTube. And, as usual, there are calls from "safe spaces" activists to the governments to effectively censor the internet and protect the citizens from the nasty terrorist content. Koetting's past involvement in the Tempel ov Blood and publishing Apex of Eternity for them where he encouraged assassination of the "religious figures" was also used in the media's crusade against him. Links:

Does Koetting deserve all the shit-talk? Shouldn't he be more careful with what he said and wrote? On the other hand, considering his past troubles with the law, perhaps he didn't care? Did he do all that for popularity?

Is this a modern witch hunt? Is a writer responsible for the sheep who can't think for themselves? Where are the limits of the so-called "free speech"? Thoughts?

I don't believe that their should be any limit on one's free speech. I've seen a couple of people try to white wash the free speech thing. A good example was seeing a documentary on the far right of one former leader leaving the ideology. The former leader however had to support his income by selling far right music. The "man" who is supposed to help people get out of these far right groups apparently criticized him just because he was selling far right music to support his own ends. The criticism was something along the lines, "I support free speech, but this isn't free speech, it promotes violence." Where I come from, if it's speech that promotes hate and violence, whether it is through music or talking on a mic, it's still free speech. This "hunt" of looking and stopping "white supremacists" is almost like a repeat of the satanic panic, where the christians wanted to ban Metal music because of its associations. Their should be no limits concerning free speech, in my opinion all you are doing is sugar coating it with a "safe space" ideology. From reading of what's happening with Koetting, including these talks of tightening up the screws, it reminds me of the repeat of Charlottesville, where far right music was completely taken off youtube and other social media places. I simply regard that to be an authoritarian purge. 

As far as Koetting goes, I could care less about him. The first time I came across his youtube videos, I thought he was a complete nut. On what he wrote which came back to haunt him, is perhaps the most stupidest thing you can do to gain that kind of a severe backlash, so once again either way, that's on him. In my opinion there can be two things to say about Koetting, he is either a charlatan, or a nut who actually believes in some of the stuff of what he puts out at the same time.

As much as I am not a fan of my own country, I am at least grateful that I have more freedom than living in socialist European countries like Germany, where free speech is monitored, or its "illegal to wear a swastika."  (I made a thread a while back related to that incident, with a video included)

The Forum post is edited by AlexTheTerrible Dec 20 '21
AlexTheTerrible Dec 20 '21

Quote from Anna

Today's cancel culture punishes people for words more than for deeds. You don't even have to commit a real crime. A thought crime is enough. This is internet vigilantism at its prime.

My response to the cancel culture- 

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