Blog section error | Forum

Anna Dec 9 '21
Individual blogs inaccessible. After clicking on the blog title there appears a verbose SQL error /syntax error or access violation/ etc.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 9 '21
We should get the Muslim faggot to fix it for us. 
Anna Dec 9 '21
Umm... I thought that maybe just maybe we could get Zach to fix it.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 9 '21
No, Uncle Fixer and his knowledge of SQL should fix it. 
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 9 '21
Hoodlum88 Dec 9 '21
I think someone should look up "Oxwall Violation 1064". 

The Forum post is edited by Hoodlum88 Dec 9 '21
Anna Dec 9 '21
Really? And I think someone simply has a habit of misspelling stuff.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 9 '21
Dude didn't pay attention to details and rushed the response. Picked the wrong error. I only know what I look up so I am going to correct that with zero knowledge of this myself.  

Upon reading about this I have learned almost nothing.

It seems 3rd party plug-ins can cause them. I found another PDO exception on Line 723 discussed and it suggested "contact software developer" or "Site restore" to before the glitch occurred. Or manually fix it in the code itself.  It could be an extra character or a misspelled word. I won't pretend to know much, but I do know a single coding error, like trying to add autoplay on your profile can render the edit page inaccessible unless you reset the site to before you fucked it up.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 9 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21

I haven't done any programming for a couple decades, and never php, but the code is very similar to c, anyway...

Says it's a "syntax error", and the thing about "syntax" is that any problems would normally be found during the compiling/debugging phase. So for this to occur after the fact, means that possibly somebody went into that database.php file and just changed one or more things to fuck shit up.

That's one possibility anyway.

Anna Dec 10 '21
Well, maybe, someone was trying to get in but, good Jesus, that would be some chronic asshurt at this point.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
It's difficult to speak as to the motivations of so-called 'hackers' or whoever, and it's true, their reasoning can be downright pathetic. The problem could also just be a side effect of an aging forum, or maybe something to do with the blog data could be causing it - like what happened with the Shoutbox a while back.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Obviously the thing to do would be to go to that specific line of code that is being specified and have a look.

Edit : or a non-technical solution like a 'rollback' or something, but it's been a long time for me, and I'm not certain what all the options are.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Like someone previously said about the "plug-ins", and it does reference an Oxwall plugin on line 4, so maybe it could also be something to do with that.

Edit : and of course nowadays Google and a little research is always a viable approach to supplement. I actually had a quick look maybe a couple days ago and it said something about a mix-up between a string literal and a number value which would be something like the difference between "variable" and variable.

Talk is cheap though, it's quite another thing to actually have to fix the problem.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Anna Dec 10 '21
The site was down for a while so it could have something to do with it.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Yes that was a "connection refused" error when the site was down, and I'm assuming that would be an issue with the server. So maybe then the blog problem is also an issue with the server. The php code does have to be parsed by the server since it is dynamic and not just static HTML. Perhaps with server upgrades some of the components/plug-ins et cetera that are being referenced are out of date.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
I've been on some other occult sites that had issues. They would either go down for days at a time, or some other issue. One recently had an expired server certificate, but the site was still accessible after a couple mouse clicks.

Some sites were all but abandoned by staff, and I assume some were just becoming obsolete like old software. 2009 doesn't seem too awful old though.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Since it's php code and MySql I assume the server would be running Linux Apache and over time the aging Oxwall software could just be becoming less and less compatible with the Apache web server, and with respect to updates the developers aren't giving as much consideration or care regarding compatibility with the older forums, that is if 2009 is considered old, but that's likely not even when the software was developed, maybe several years or so older. I'm too lazy to do research(or just don't what to) so I'm just guessing.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 10 '21

Quote from Anna Well, maybe, someone was trying to get in but, good Jesus, that would be some chronic asshurt at this point.
If so, it's par for the course for spineless religious asshurt and/or some faithlike bubble being popped. Usually when the fruity little views are trashed. Too stereotypical to be direct with why their angry.  

Humorous how "Satanists" get that same "Atheism is a religious belief too" panty twist all Jesus Is Love Christians do when given the same types of arguments. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
It does almost make sense. Didn't I hear stories about how some mod hats were being randomly passed around or something to the effect. It seems like it would be easy for anyone having the proper access to just randomly open a file and change something.

I even remember once years ago when I was pissed at someone and went into the driver file for the modem and changed something because I knew it would fuck everything up, and the way they resolved that, eventually, was by reverting to a previous restore point.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Dec 10 '21
And after the restore takes place I have screen shots of the last 6 months of blogs which will be reissued sequentially. The ones I want rereleased anyway.  It creates a reset point every two weeks if I remember correctly. 

I don't even think you need access to the code itself. Oxwall is old and you really can't rule out someone adding something to a blog that rendered the data base unusable the same way certain links (social media ones) jack the newsfeed and lock most of the site up.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Dec 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 10 '21
That was actually one of the things I thought. There was a function in the code that accessed an element of an array within that database.php file so that element was user data and there could have been something there that casued it.
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