Delta 8 overdose? | Forum

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Dantalion Nov 24 '21
So for the past couple days, I’ve smoked and ingested lots of delta 8 THC. I got two eights of that weird hemp flower laced with delta 8 from a friend, as well as a tincture bottle of delta 8 extract ; and I’ve taken almost all of that. I’ve only got a little more than a nug left from one of my eighths. Everything was hunky dory when I’ve been taking Delta 8 until I took some tincture with my lunch at work last night. About an hour and a half after I took that tincture, I got this splitting headache, and I would get these weird head rushes where this WEIRD sensation would push out from my temples, and go out of my eyeballs and my vision would get blurry. I would literally almost fall over from it. So I’m officially done with delta 8. I know those side effects came from the delta 8 because I never get headaches and I definitely haven’t gotten head rushes like that since a meth comedown. For YEARS I have smoked regular weed here and there (I’m a medicinal cannabis patient), but not on the regular because I zone out hella hard when I smoke delta 9, and I’m usually super busy all the time and I don’t have the time to be drifting off into dream world. The only time I smoke regular weed is when I have the day off and all my errands and what nots are done and I have nothing better to do but chill with my friends.
The Forum post is edited by Dantalion Nov 24 '21
Anna Nov 24 '21
Do you have any other interests apart from drugs? What a narrow-minded monomaniacal junkie you are.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 24 '21
It reminds me of myself when I was 15 and taking acid at school was the highlight of my life. Or maybe this:

Dantalion Nov 25 '21
Daaaamn! Why so mean Anna girl? Aren’t you supposed to be Christian? Jesus is watching you Anna. Remember, he’s controlling your every fart and sneeze. You might end up meeting me in hell where I’ll be happily getting high with the mightiest of lords. Anyways, I have plenty of hobbies and interests. Drugs just makes them more fun. You should relax a bit and unwind. Step back from the keyboard. There’s a whole universe out there, especially in the mind. Psychedelics will take you to the mountain.
ForsakenGuy666 Dec 1 '21
Hey Anna as a former Christian... doesnt the Bible say.. 

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7:1-2)

But thats cool you're a Christian on a satanic network... I'll see you in the real after life hahahaha!

Anna Dec 1 '21
I count on eternal parties.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
I think Anna is what happens when Christians try thinking for themselves, or begin to question certain "absurdities".
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
I actually started talking with three missionaries recently; all girls by coincidence, and I'm trying some of my stuff on them. The results are good so far, but one does appear to be a bit skeptical, but only a little, I think.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Dec 1 '21
She had reservations about one or more of the quotes I gave, so gave a detailed interpretation. We'll see how that flies.
donot Jan 9 '22
Dantalion, what kind of music do you listen to. 
Dantalion Jan 9 '22
Mainly like rock, alternative, industrial. Shit from the 90s and early 2000s mainly. Most of the new rock, alternative doesn’t appeal to me. I’ve got like 90 gigs downloaded on my Apple Music.
donot Jan 9 '22
You 're my man. I almost like you. I love the 90s. For example Nirvana.

Smells like teen spirit, Polly, Come as you are, shit like that.

The Forum post is edited by donot Jan 9 '22
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 9 '22

Deodorant Song? 

I love that one! 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 9 '22
Here's one for the Mary Man, the Married Man, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it.


Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 9 '22
All my favorite songs on that Album were written by other people.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 9 '22
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