With the cause never forever ceasing to exist, neither will its' effects
With the cause never forever ceasing to exist, neither will its' effects
I looked at it two different ways, first I figured it could be a reference to the inverted tree of death(the qliphoth) - roots in the air, or perhaps descending from the primordial root (1 - 10), but the primordial root terminology is peculiar to me, so probably not.
Anyway, I figured the user was maybe O9A which is why I mention it here. The septenary tree is found at the center of the tree of life, or death with the Sun at center surrounded by six spheres, and maybe even with the inverted tree it would be the black sun, perhaps, this tree descends into Hell, supposedly, but that shit is currently beyond the scope of my pay-grade, but I can still theorize.
The tree with the septenary is shown briefly in this video :
The Story In Your Eyes
There is a story as old as eternity itself; it's a story about sacred geometry, and a story about repetition
a story about nothing, as much as it is about something,
a story that might well never have even been told
It is a never-ending story,
absent beginning or end,
Its' geometry is decoded,
in the minds of the wise,
the geometry that is...
I really don't have any thoughts or feelings about this "Jesus", whatsoever, it's just out with the old and in with the new, whatever the old was, fucked if I know
Ten From Zero
Ten concentric spherical layers of cosmic evolution initiated of the infinitesimally small.
The primordial godseed forever expanding at the speed of light into nothingness.
The seed that will ultimately come to fruition as a metaphorical tree of life.
The seed to tree and the tree to seed, ad infinitum.
i.e., the infinity forever scattered
to the winds of eternity
The beauty of creation adorned
In silence and solitude ugliness mourned
Pleasing aesthetics abound,
even in the sound
Much that thee did afford
Endless beauty to be,
approaching infinity
All that is, to be,
by thee,
The Eternal Return
If the cause never ceases to exist then neither will its' effects,
whatever happens, will again, or would not have at all
Eventually ALL finite things will end, but their
RETURN is inevitable
The grains of sand that move through the hourglass of time are not infinite
Although they may appear ephemeral and isolated, indeed they are NOT in
When, yet again, time has run its course and all the finite specks of creation
find themselves at the BOTTOM of the hourglass, the finite aspect of the infinite
one will invert it, again, and again, and again,
This is the return, the eternal return, of every single finite speck of individuality,
of existence. For eternity is a BEAST that will forever consume and renew
ALL of existence,
- in memory of Friedrich Nietzsche
Duality of Reality
There are two types of reality :
1. Actual Reality ( actuality )
2. Perceived Reality ( Illusionary )
One : resolves to negative existence
Two : is the illusion of space and time,
That is the point within the circle
OCULUS Aeternitas; Eye of Eternity
Ouroboros; eye of the ghost,
love lost forever, to return again,
ad infinitum
Ghost Love Score
The Carpenter
The altered states stir the creativity of the writer. An artist may have the necessary tools to create a work of art, but without the motivation and creativity they are useless
Above Below Within Without
For a two-dimensional Hermetic depiction it would be "As above so below",
but for a three-dimensional it becomes "As within so without"
Leaves' Eyes
But by the power of reason alone can it not be seen that all things are eternal and therefore like God itself?
Yes, and like God itself all things are bound the sea of forgetfulness, eternity can have no memory
Wormwood : Revised
And the third angel blew their trumpet, and the great star falleth from the heavens blazing like a torch.
It fell on a third of the rivers and in the springs. Its' name was Wormwood,
and a third of the waters became Wormwood,
and many died from the water
because it was made bitter
The Color of Witches from the Nine Numbers
3. Saturn : black queen scale, and crimson king; 7. Venus : green queen scale; 9. The Moon : violet queen scale
In general though, people are just people and nothing more
- in general
Burden of Time
Belief that eternity may be obtained and appended to a finite existence,
is a misconception of time and denial of truth
What Is Real
What is real?
What does it mean for something to be real?
What is the definition for real?
Even Einstein said reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one
Matter is merely an alternative configuration of energy
Solid states via confinement of particular manipulation, energy, and frequency variation
The serpents of oscillations and vibrations yielding manifestation and elaboration,
that is, articulation and reticulation
It's the wave rolling out the water element
The energy propagating the aethereal medium
The slithering snakes about the earth,
reflected in fire,
and smoke
The SIXTH sefira of Yetzirah surrounded by SIX holy spheres
The SIX points of the septenary with the Sun at center
The fiery serpents above each having SIX wings
Oscillating Waveforms
The serpent's the rainbow. The serpent's the light. The serpent's the color and the serpent's the sight
All is Mind
All is mind; all is...
An inward dream to cast the illusion of space within the mind of the primordial.
And when the scribe pondered that truth,
the power of God was reiterated