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Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Nov 5 '21
I've been receiving weird messages and abnormal interactions which do not normally take place from those I speak with on this site. Has anyone else been noticing odd behaviors or interactions outside the usual? It would probably be best for everyone to delete your messaging history and any/all personal information in order to protect yourselves. I believe we have something in play here. You have been warned...
Anna Nov 5 '21
I haven't noticed anything extraordinary here although, due to the past bullshit drama and some people's implicit desire to resurrect it, I wouldn't totally exclude the possibility of what you say being true.

On the other hand, people sometimes act weird including your best friends you thought you knew well. Some post while drunk or stoned.

There is no need to delete private messages. It's enough not to act stupid or post anything stupid that would cause you a great deal of embarrassment if revealed to the public. Mind, you don't need a hacker to air your dirty laundry. Simple copy/paste or a screenshot will do the trick. And that applies to all social networks, not only this one.

Personally, I merely talked to the few people here. I find the chat with strangers tiresome but not because they act bizarre but because they ask the same standard tired question: "What is a Christian doing here?" And I don't feel the need to explain myself to lurkers who have never contributed anything to this forum, never post anything and are just into the casual chit chat.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Nov 5 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 5 '21

Mentally deranged soothsayer answer. 

There are a few ways you can handle your present and future experience. 

* And this is for about 6 months from now when it seems people are following you around playing games in real life and know everything about what you say and do, like they've hacked your mind with a computer. 

Path of Anger: 

Path of Arrogance: 

Path of No Return: 

Path of born-again repentance shit (where you lose all integrity to everything you sang prior) 

The unconscious is a superfucked place that plots against you...

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 5 '21
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Nov 6 '21
Don't be afraid,  the only things the religious people can do to you is:

-Persecute you and take you to court ,

-Arrest you and put you in jail ,

-Tournament or torture you,

-Take your job, family and friends away from you

-Defame  you and spread bullsh#$$ against you, 

-Kill you or murder you 


And....they will do it thinking that they are doing an acceptable service to their God.

But we know who they are and what things they are capable of doing .

Take away the fear from your heart and let the power of the Devil Satan conquer your fears and fill you up with courage. 

donot Nov 6 '21
Generally delinquents anticipate Satan as the lower power. In fact Devil is not some power that save you from your delinquencies. In excess, they might save you from stupidity. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 7 '21
There really is no point in mocking "stupidity", unless as a form of entertainment of course, since one can most certainly make use of it; without even going into its' use as a universal dynamic.
Anna Nov 7 '21
The vile act of body snatching is not untraceable but any scenario, including the alien invasion or zombie apocalypse, is more bearable for the narcissist than the bitter realization that people don't regard him as being as awesome as he thinks he is.

The dude not only didn't delete his pics but continues to like his own blogs and forum topics and for what purpose if the Earth is going to stand still?

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cutest of them all?

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 9 '21
The only thing I've noticed that's unusual, and I've talked with another member about this. Is that window that randomly pops up on occasion. It happens really fast though like a super fast splash screen, and can't tell what it is, but I concluded it was nothing though. Like maybe just a harmless script or something.
Anna Nov 9 '21
If I understood it correctly, he believes that the messages he received from his friends have not been written by them. The only way to check is to confront the person who supposedly sent the odd message. I also think that the admin has the means to verify if the account got compromised or the person in question is just nutty or grew fed up with IA and is fucking with him. Guessing isn't of much help here.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 10 '21
@ CC - What operating system do you use? Windows 10 by chance?

This sounds like a common problem I just read about with command prompts popping up and disappearing associated with the Windows Task Scheduler. Does it happen at seemingly regular intervals? 


Look like this?

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 10 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Nov 10 '21
His account has not been compromised. Already looked in to it. As far as I can tell, there is no suspicious or alarming activity going on as of late. However, if you feel there is, please bring it to my attention or use the flag system. 
The Forum post is edited by Baphomets Nov 10 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 10 '21
I do use Windows 10, and I also use the Edge Browser that everyone also speaks so highly about, and sometimes I use Chrome. These days I use whatever comes pre-loaded. When it come to a new PC though, I try to set aside some time to get rid of unnecessary start-up applications and background processes.

I do see occasional to frequent pop-ups that resemble a DOS/command prompt but don't make much of a note of it. That's different though than what I see here at this site. It's quite random here, and it doesn't look like a command prompt, just some window that flies by so fast I can barely get a look at it.

Anyway, I don't worry about it much. I'm the dude that worries more about slowing their PC down with antivirus software than I do safety. I've always dealt with everything manually and have ever had any problems.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Nov 10 '21
I agree with B. At first I thought that random pop-up was a bit suspicious, and like I said, I talked with another member about it, but eventually concluded it was nothing.
Anna Nov 11 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn I

Anyway, I don't worry about it much. I'm the dude that worries more about slowing their PC down with antivirus software than I do safety. I've always dealt with everything manually and have ever had any problems.

An over-protective anti-virus can give you PTSD, and I'm not exaggerating here. My friend once suggested to me downloading Kaspersky trial version. Good I didn't rush to buy it because, whether it was because I didn't configure it properly or it was incompatible with the system or it was for any other reason, the stupid shit, once it landed on my computer, it went totally insane. It started with locking me out of the internet altogether by red-flagging my ISP connection as a phishing attempt. The only thing that made that crap different from the rogue programs was that I could disable it any time I wanted, and that had to be all the time because it interfered with almost everything, even sending emails to completely legitimate addresses. So finally, I got rid of it but not before having my nerves shattered.

It was back in the old days so maybe they improved. But it's a fucking Russian company so it all could be part of some psychological warfare, like driving people totally crazy by fuelling their paranoia, dunno.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Nov 11 '21
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Nov 12 '21
Oh for fuck sake.

Shows you what I know. In my attempt to provide a rational answer I tried to find an example screenshot of the pop up and didn't care enough to really look at it.  I guess that is what that is. 

Yeah, the "Moroccan" is right. As I have no idea what that response means. It would be like Homer in this clip: 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Nov 12 '21
Anna Nov 13 '21

Quote from Fallen Angel This hacking attempt sounds like an SQL-Injection, Am I right about it? :/

Riiight. Stupidity injection, probably.

You, sir, are getting old. Do you think that ABBA is the best to dance to, like me?

The times when cybercriminals had to overwork themselves are gone. In today's world it's enough to make friends with stupid people or just talk to them. And you get all the information that you need. Now hacking is socializing. You don't work with machines, you work with people. Stupid people, especially, and that is the majority. You approach the idiot and you pretend to be his friend, and he will tell you everything.

What if I told you that the little genius you were praising and saluting in the shoutbox used to give administrative keys to the Fuck Knows Who? You know, you could have been a moderator yourself without you even knowing. For example, Fnord once became a mod here. He didn't even know. How do I know? Because I've seen him carrying a moderator tag. So I asked my friendly why. Because seriously I thought he was going to screw something and put the blame on the poor guy as some kind of petty revenge for kicking him out of the 600 Club and revealing his private messages to all the greens and blues there. But he gave some semi-coherent answer because he was drunk as fuck.

Then he wanted Mitreya, Maitreya (what was that stupid self-proclaimed ONA adept's name?) to become a moderator here because he felt remorse for changing his avatar into a slaughtered doggy. But that was when he was no longer an admin here so Zach's approval was required.

I could be a mod myself. I denied because I would have to take 5 times as many meds as I take now and I couldn't because I have to go to work. I can't walk on all fours there and talk like my patients. How would I justify it to my supervisor? That I have to moderate a forum and it's too much for my sanity? You know... Canis isn't the only crazy person here. I only pretend to be normal for the sake of the decorum.

Look, technology is like the extension of human intelligence. With the progress of technology people have to become more and more stupid to keep balance. And nature wills it to ensure our survival. I will explain why.

Without human stupidity cybercriminals and real life criminals would hardly make any profit. Like any predator who faces the enormous shortage of the prey they would slowly and gradually become extinct. Well... that would be desirable but there is the other side of the coin. Without human stupidity many industries would go bankrupt because nobody would want to buy their useless products. The police, judges, soldiers would all become unemployed because there would be no crimes and no wars. The weapon industry would fall. The banking system would fall because people would think twice or three times about taking a loan. There would be no debt collectors, no journalists because people would be unwilling to read their fake news. The film industry would fall because nobody would want to watch stupid movies. That would be the end of democracies because nobody would be willing to take part in elections or take orders from stupid politicians.

But the most important thing is that humanity would become extinct due to the lack of children. Why? Because wise people calculate, plan and think before having children. While stupid people just fuck and procreate and worry later.

Just think what a gift human stupidity is. Without it we would have anticlimactic apocalypse. Everything would just stop. Stupidity is the Nature's great plan. It ensures our survival!

End of crazy rant.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Nov 13 '21
Anna Nov 13 '21
Yes, we would be screwed. The problem with all those wise people is that they ask too many questions. Animals don't ask questions, they just do what nature tell them to do. Look at all those cats, for example. If their owners don't neuter them, then if they feel the urge to fuck, they will do everything in their power to get out of the house and can walk miles for a good fucking session. The same with stupid people. They fulfill God's Will, Nature's Will.

What about wise people? Well... they keep thinking, wondering and asking tired unnecessary questions like: Can I afford having children? Who will take care of them if both of us work? Isn't our home too small? Shouldn't we buy a bigger one first? Maybe, we should postpone it? Let's go to the university first.

Meanwhile the time passes by and no fucking, no children.

Then such people either end up divorced because the constant worries about the safety kills all the pleasure they could get from sex or they remain single, getting seldom if ever fucked. Later, they adopt cats, which they neuter and keep at home, denying them any fucking opportunity. Their life philosophy is: I'm bitter and miserable so you must stay bitter and miserable too. No sex for me, no sex for you.

It's sad and selfish. More, it's sadistic. How can these people do such a thing to their cats? And they claim to love them. As if...

Now you know why the evolution doesn't favor such people. By being wise, they act stupid, cause troubles, boycott Nature's commands and put the whole humanity at risk with their shitty individualism.

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