The Satanic Bible | Forum

Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Oct 12 '21
This is a forum topic reserved for discussion about The Satanic Bible and the application of Satanic philosophy.
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Oct 12 '21
What was the most eye opening chapter for you when reading The Satanic Bible?

For me, the chapter titled, "Evidence of a New Satanic Age". This opened my eyes as to how the world is changing through the acceptance of what was strictly considered taboo, such as "the Satanic". Our nature is coming forth to be what was once shunned.

Anna Oct 12 '21

Quote from Nutzack Mendez Esquire It then goes on to mold people into an acquiescent stupor where they now eagerly do real life things to please the cognoscenti in hopeful recognition of their adeptness. And most "adversarial" initiates won't even require a fair playing field. They'll jump through the ethose they know nothing about. Making themselves known to those that withhold the same courtesy. Not a two way street of information there. Or at least I have gathered as much. All in all not that much different than putting together a CoS altar. 

There is a difference, you know. The CoS, like it or not, gives you a fair playing field. You get what you pay for; a shiny red card of membership and nothing more. But they really don't promise you anything more. Also, Gilmore and Nadramia are public persons to some extent and they do their best to keep your personal information confidential... that is unless you break the law but you're warned ahead.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Oct 12 '21
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Oct 13 '21

The Book of Satan: Infernal Diatribe. The firey revenge which burns so so sweet...-This is a common reaction from those who realized how much of their lives were wasted along the RHP when stacked against what percentage of their life remains to better themselves along the LHP.-Due to no fault of our own, we were instilled with certain ideologies as we were raised. We were brainwashed into the cults of society. The hatred we hold for those who willfully stole from us cannot be squashed, because this is time which will never be returned.-A voice that doesn't scream any longer has either been silenced, is no longer scared, or has simply accepted it's fate. We will not be silenced. We have already sacrificed too much as it is. We are still angry, make no mistake about it. We have willfully quieted our screams because we have finally accepted where we are and what we have been through knowing there is no way to turn back the hands of time. Only two types of people choose to kick and scream. They are the fools and those who lost control. Since we [LHP practitioners] are neither of these, we lift our overburdened heads to continue forward.-Wise is the man who learns patience and proven is his will. We are not weak who have been exposed to crushing strength. We are the strong who have enduredwhen others have collapsed.

Hail Lucifer, the Lightbringer! Hail Leviathan, the Serpent of the deep!

Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Oct 13 '21
My post didn't require any fixing as there wasn't anything wrong with it. It is a common placed monologue in the general audience of those who once were RHP and are now LHP. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Oct 13 '21
I've always been into occult stuff but never read TSB. I do recall back in 2003 that a friend that I was staying with, there was talk of a SB, but didn't know anything about it. Eventually I said that I would like to have a look at it where I was informed it had been discarded. That's about as close as I ever came to TSB IRL.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Oct 13 '21
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Oct 15 '21

It was mentioned. You even quoted me in your first response where this was part of your post: This is a common reaction from those who realized how much of their lives were wasted along the RHP

The Forum post is edited by Infernal Acumen Oct 15 '21
Bela Jan 10 '22
I read the satanic bible for the first time 20 years ago and have identified as a satanist ever since. Like many others i felt that my own personality was reflecting back at me while reading. Prior to this i was strictly an atheist but gotta  admit that satanism is much more fun than just straight atheism. Its the only religious philosophy that ever really made sense. 
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 11 '22
Don't bother much with books anymore. Not really interested in a digital version either.
Dusche Jan 11 '22

Quote from Cornelius Coburn Don't bother much with books anymore. 

donot Jan 25 '22
Where the fuck do you get that books, like "the 7 horns of hell", or "Horny will and waiting for you" etc... wtf?
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 27 '22
I read what I write. Sometimes I read what other people write. I read when I'm researching DYI projects. I enjoy reading the comments on YouTube videos to see what others think about them, plus it can be somewhat entertaining at times. Occasionally I look up miscellaneous things that I'm interested in. Pretty much everything I read these days is online, although before the internet I did buy books on occasion - Mr. Paperback, I don't even think Barnes and Noble was around then.
The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jan 27 '22
Dusche Jan 27 '22

Quote from Infernal Acumen  Bible 

Dusche Jan 27 '22

Quote from Infernal Acumen philosophy.

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