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Dantalion Sep 18 '21
It’s now football season, and the Mormon hedgemony at my work likes to don their B.Y.U paraphanelia every Saturday. I’m unsure of the corporate policy regarding religious attire, but if someone can’t wear a shirt saying “I love Jesus”, then a B.Y.U or Norte Dame shirt is an obvious workaround. Then this got me thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if there were a Satanist university complete with sports teams so that I can wear clothing with their logo on the same day as the B.Y.U people to see how fast they tell me to remove it? Even if they just had a ping pong team, I could still argue that if the Christians can wear their sports attire, then I can wear a Satanist universities attire. I personally probably wouldn’t try to attract that much attention to myself, but maybe if it were my last week here and I wanted to take a dig on my bosses then why not?
The Forum post is edited by Dantalion Sep 18 '21
Aborior Translatione

If I was you I wouldn't be employed. Do you Seriously have to be that careful over how to piss off mormons? Wow. Utah's another world of near beer and LDS sanctioned states rights. 

But the want to personally transgress your local status quo through your own unaffiliated action is closer than most here get. 



Wear Ute shit. 

I personally couldn't associate with any team that incorporates a devil into their mascot. Just can't do it. Even if the university sat on the portal to hell, I still couldn't do it. Even if it was the most attractive campus of knockout airheads that couldn't get accepted by the UC system, still a vehement "no". 

But there in lay the most transgressive thing to do to a sports fan.  Wear their rivals attire. 

Or you could just wear a shirt that says, "Banks founded by Brigham Young financed Las Vegas Mob Casinos". 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 18 '21
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Sep 18 '21
Try the :"New Jersey Devils" hockey team, or "Manchester  United Red Devils " soccer team
Aborior Translatione
Quote from Berardo Rodriguez "Manchester  United Red Devils " soccer team
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim

Only "Red Devils" that get a pass are Romelo Lukaku and Eden Hazard 3 years ago. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 18 '21
donot Sep 18 '21
In fact I see Liverpool for this year's championship. 
Aborior Translatione

Can't rule that out. Too early still. The won't run away with it if they do. And neither will anyone.


I'm thinking the top four will be the odds favorites; Chelsea, Man City, Liverpool, Man U, with West Ham, Spurs, and Leicester to the Europa League.  

EPL usually is fairly predictable. 

Like Arsenal will fire Arteta and hire Antonio Conte at some point this season.

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 18 '21
donot Sep 18 '21
Yeah, I see Arsenal going very well too. 
Dantalion Sep 19 '21
@Arborier Translatione<br />
Yes I have to be extremely careful regarding my Satanism living here. There’s still many misconceptions about it and if people around here knew about it, especially at my workplace it could effect me in a negative way. One thing I have to be mindful of as well living with Mormons on the extreme end of the spectrum is these people could be serving on a jury deciding my fate one day, and any prosecutor could bring up that I’m a satanist knowing all the misconceptions about it and that could be detrimental to a defense. Also, it could come up in family courts if I ever had children and there’s a custody battle. These are all things I have to think about. That’s why there’s only a handful of people really close to me out here that know I’ve been a Satanist for a number of years. Even when I lived in Washington State, I was still mindful about it.
The Forum post is edited by Dantalion Sep 19 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Sep 19 '21

Quote from Dantalion @Arborier Translatione<br />
Yes I have to be extremely careful regarding my Satanism living here. There’s still many misconceptions about it and if people around here knew about it, especially at my workplace it could effect me in a negative way. One thing I have to be mindful of as well living with Mormons on the extreme end of the spectrum is these people could be serving on a jury deciding my fate one day, and any prosecutor could bring up that I’m a satanist knowing all the misconceptions about it and that could be detrimental to a defense. Also, it could come up in family courts if I ever had children and there’s a custody battle. These are all things I have to think about. That’s why there’s only a handful of people really close to me out here that know I’ve been a Satanist for a number of years. Even when I lived in Washington State, I was still mindful about it.
You are wrong about it being brought up in court. It's illegal. Been there and done that during a custody issue with my ex. He tried his damnedest to bring it up and use it against me. In fact, made up lies using those stereotypical/Hollywood - style misconceptions. Such as I wave symbols around, I perform blood rituals with a group of other satanists, etc. He also lied and said I was strung out on drugs whenever I visited the kids. When in fact, all I ever do is smoke weed and drink.  His attorney brought it up to my attorney and my attorney said to never worry about religion. It will never play a role in court. And of course, it was thrown out before it was even brought before the judge. Although, she did get a chance to read his written testimony and had a nice little chuckle. She probably thought he was a fool. He was left without anything to use against me. Since I had proactively went on my own (not court ordered) to a drug testing fascility and had paid $85 for a drug hair test going back 3 months and everything had come back negative including for weed (how the hell did that happen!?), the drug testimony was also thrown out.

Separation of church and state rules, no matter where you live. I wouldn't worry about idiot mormons, I'd fuck with them and their minds. Just as I do with all the conservative christians around here. But if they do bother you and it crimps your style, by golly, MOVE!

Dantalion Sep 19 '21
I feel ya as far as the separation of church and state goes, and I’m sure that there would be at least one person on a jury that wouldn’t care if I was a satanist or not and yes I desperately want to move. Im just very mindful as far as what I project to people. You never know what’s crawling around in peoples minds. People judge and I hate it. Im not that way but some people just have their heads stuck in the mud and it’s very frustrating.
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 20 '21
To the best of my knowledge, there are no professional Satanic teams. However, nothing is stopping you from getting a custom made Satanic football jersey made and other such sports paraphernalia, if that is your goal. Just depends on how bad you want it and what the cost is worth to you... just just monetarily, but also the consequences of scuffing whatever kind of good guy badge you may still have.
Dantalion Sep 20 '21
@infernal acumen
I always weigh the cost of what I let certain people know about me. I just look at what happens around me to other people who project themselves in ways that are against” social norms”and I see how it limits their progress in the world. Like getting face tattoos for example. Where I live, someone with 666 tattooed on their face probably has no real chance of getting a promotion in anything outside of construction, and I’m sure that’s the same for most parts of this country. Certainly in Asian countries. In Japan if you get any kind of tattoos your pretty much screwed. Or what about someone that’s homeless? They can’t get most jobs if they have dirty stinky clothes or are seen by their co-workers going in and out of a homeless camp? I know about the homeless part because I was homeless and I had trouble finding a job because of it. I’ve learned to be very careful about how I come across to people.
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