Really the only negative side effect was that I couldn't piss normal for a day.
Adderall doesn't destroy your brain chemicals. Meaning you can do it and not lose all your dopamine production when you come down and go to sleep. Then the next day you don't feel like total shit. Meth feels dirty, is cut with fentanyl, the after effects last two weeks, and it destroys every part of your body.
You couldn't pay me to do it again. The last experience was actually so foul it destroyed the appeal of everything but nice legal cannabis.
I hear it's addictive, but after doing it a few times in my life I can't see how someone let's a drug do that to their head. Like no pride. Please take all my dopamine and unaddled thought, I don't need that.
I'm crazy enough without It.
I remember the pink/purple hearts too, but I think those might have just been caffeine pills. Not familiar at all with any of the current stuff.