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Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Sep 12 '21
Tom, you finally have a friend. Awwww
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Sep 12 '21

Quote from Infernal Acumen Cornelius:

I appreciate what it is that you bring to the table and for sharing with us. I would be interested to getting to know what projects you are working on as I would love to promote such in a couple of months once I get my website relaunched. I'm always interested in what other individuals are working on.


Cars. He works on cars. And I am not being condescending in any shape or form. He will correct me and say it is A car. A red Charger.
The Forum post is edited by Baphomets Sep 12 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 12 '21
Quote from Baphomets Tom, you finally have a friend. Awwww

I have no interest in any kind of friendships. I cooperate with people but that's something else.
MatthewJ1 Sep 12 '21

Chloe: ‘You're making this place gay. Talking about faggoty topics nobody cares about.


We wanna talk about real satanic shit: like the quote of the day, what we're currently listening to, drugs and hustling, commercial jinglez! And shit.’ 


LMAO! You continue to be the best.  Doing quotes and music links is the REAL antinomian shit!

Aborior Translatione

Quote from Phil_Lopian What you should be doing Tom is go into that Absurd Transgressive game thread and play the game you started. 

Ha, I thought that too. How desperate and transparent would that be though? 
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 13 '21
Quote from Infernal AcumenTom Riddle:

When you say LHP or non-LHP in regards to Satanists, you are classifying them based on occult/ritualization. That is an important piece of information for us to establish. No wonder I was confused with what you were saying. lol The way in which I view an individual as being an LHP Satanist can come in one of two basic flavors:

Personally I reject the concept of "types of Satanists" because the ritual is performed in the ritual chamber where the participants are in the same frame of mind where there is no self-awareness or analytical thinking and they all come for the same motive. Therefore to me Satanism is Satanism.

Yes the LHP is a spiritual path and ritual is used to "bend the spirit to your will" as the LHP means. I understand LHP and RHP in the context of esotericism.

Anna Sep 13 '21
@Infernal Acumen,

What you say about tha fallibility of individual views and the need to learn from others makes a lot of sense. However, you need some solid foundation to build a cohesive community. The philosophy that embraces strongly individualistic and antinomian attitudes would hardly make such a foundation. You talk about the need for the establishment but the LHP is anti-establishment. You talk about the need for the singular authority but the LHP is against the dogma and authority.

Aborior Translatione

You are intellectual black hole madlibs, Tom of less acumen

Yes the LHP is a spiritual path and ritual is used to "bend the spirit to your will" as the LHP means. I understand LHP and RHP in the context of esotericism.

What spirit, the holy spirit, human spirit, or ultra low cost airline Spirit? 

Fixed version: 

Yes the [RHP] is a spiritual path and [prayer] is used to ["humbly ask god to remove your obstacles"] as the RHP means. I understand LHP and RHP in a context [that changes daily because I still can't figure out what the difference is yet]. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 13 '21
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 13 '21

Yes, I have seen much of that throughout the years. What you have said is probably the most eye opening. It truly puts forward the issues experienced in the community which keep it from being a cohesive community. Thank you for pointing this out, because it is a serious concern.


However, it doesn't have to be that way. People choose for it to be that way. As Aliester Crowley said, the root of all problems is the 'ego'. If LHP practitioners, in general, were wise enough to set aside their chronic ego trips positive forward moving progression could be made within the LHP community. 


There is a lot of misconception which floats around amongst the majority's mind: Just because there is an 'authority' doesn't mean all must bow to it. Authority is a placement term not treated as the law, but more so as a guide towards what would be best. A democratic system which doesn't rule all, but instead serves all would be a good description.


If the LHP community prides itself as being above the rest in their intelligence, why is it that LHP community seems to be the most disfunctional in regards to their ability to build a strong community of like-minded individuals? Its actually quite embarrassing to say the least... sadly.

Aborior Translatione
I thinks it is fanciful delusion bound for failure. 

And here is why:

Everyone doing something similar irks the Satanist. You can see it here. When we are all bashing the token whipping boy a certain threshold limit is reached and naturally someone will decide to not take part in the gang rape and play contrarian.  

There would be that. And there would be so much of that you would be hard pressed to entice participation at the outset. It's a praxis so individualized it hampers anything beyond "a group of people that all do what they want". You can establish an environment of everyone bitching, arguing each-other, and amusing themselves, but not much more. 

And we can test that.

 Start a unrestricted group open to all without approval. Call it the "Hidden LHP Group", even invite people you consider of like mind. Advertise it as a forum within a forum for those that see satanism as a typical religion, with yourself as a moderator. And when you get followers start topics. Put forth your version of a satanism, and try to entice people with the organization you hope to establish. 

And then try to contain it. You will quickly see the drawbacks of fiercely individualist free choice. It would likely end up much like EVERY SATANISM OR RELIGIOUS FORUM EVER. The blurred line between the colosseum effect and up its own ass.

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 13 '21
donot Sep 13 '21
That is a drawback for the common Satanist. In fact, there is a different circus where certain clowns want to make their jokes, yet no one is laughing. They are all fed up with their bullshit, so much that they have forgotten why they did it in the first place. 
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 13 '21
Aborior and Donot:

I agree. That would be the outset if we rule over them as an authority. However, if we allow each to do as they wish in their own perspective, there would be a cooperative co-existence.


Example: 1) A group of LHP practitioners all from different walks of life who have only two ideals in common: They meditate, they are all practitioners of the Dark Arts. Host a meditation group together. Each individual will focus on what appeals to their religious sensibilities and gain their own insights during the meditative exploration. A cooperative group of individualists who all enjoy the same methods of practice.


Example: 2) A group of LHP practitioners who wish to perform ritual together. For this example, I will use the Atheistic Satanist, Theistic Satanist, Spiritists, and any other unconventional spiritual religion. Although they each vary greatly in what they believe, they all have a similarity as far as: a) the symbols mean something to each of them. b) the numerology present means something to each of them. c) etc. Everything has a different meaning, but each has an appreciation in their own way for the same things. If I were to ask what Satan means to each of you, I'll get a different answer. But each individual reveres "Satan", in their own way based upon their defining of Satan.


People focus too much on the differences and refuse to align in their similarities. If a refocusing of efforts could be spurred on to reorganize interest and setting the foundation as similarities, we would have a powerful LHP community throughout the world.


I'm going to be what I wish to see. I know it'll make me part of the solution. To each their own. We can't and shouldn't control everyone. Its just sad that it doesn't seem possible to do this on a massive scale.

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Sep 13 '21
Infernal Acumen:  I used to organized people in different kinds of organizations when I used to work as a social worker, I know the difficulty to gather them and  for them to pick up a leader who will truthfully guide them . I had the  venturer experience of helping a great Luciferian called  "Jeremy  Crow" to start a branch of the Greater Church of Lucifer in Toronto,  but when the root in Texas fall down,  we fall down too, but Jeremy continued his organizing work in Ottawa as a real hard worker. I suggest you to get some free advice from him to get what you're looking for,  but have the $#@^ to tell him your real name, as Zach Black has them here in SIN,    and when you go out on tge streets,  you will have some scars as Zach stated in the beginning of the "Thought of the day " thread. 
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 13 '21
I am familiar with the building of the GCOL. Use to message Jeremy Crow and a couple others on occasion through FB on another account which was shutdown back in 2015/16. He really did pour his heart and soul into it all. He definitely has a passion for Luciferianism.


I don't see the need to gain and bear scars. I'm of another mindset. Best of luck to those who are fighting through, that's just not the path for me. 

Aborior Translatione
What would you do to the person who joins the group just because and quickly gets perturbed and says something like:

"You are all a goddamn bunch of mindless little kids playing light as a feather. Not one of you know what it means to walk with fire or an antinomian way because you're too busy convincing yourselves your painful twilight kid identities aren't misapprehended image based bullshit. The only thing satanic about about any of this is it pushes me to expand my embarrassment/discomfort pain threshold." 


The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 13 '21
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Oct 18 '21

They wouldn't have been able to join to begin with. This is because people will usually out themselves before they become a problem. In the rare case an individual was able to make it that far, they would be "ex-communicated".

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