I understand where you are coming from. What you talk about is something that has been on my mind for years. However, I would like to present a differing viewpoint.
1) "A meeting place for LHP practitioners would end up like the Greater Church of Lucifer, burned".
This is definitely a major concern and something that should be taken seriously. As such, we must consider the following flaws with the approach taken by the GCOL and how they were received. 1# There was a great amount of publicity and a media frenzy Michael W. Ford stirred up during the time of its opening. This publicity opens lines of danger, especially as an adversarial religion. 2# The GCOL was established right in the heart of the Bible belt in a radical Christian area. 3# They were right off a main town street and a continual commercial reminder to the people.
The following actions could have been taken to better the existence of the Lucifierian presence in Spring, TX: 1# Advertisement through word of mouth through the LHP grapevine to keep the hidden of the occult where it should remain... hidden, would have produced less disruption and uproar. Thus, be safer for those who should know anyways. 2# To thrust Satan into the heart of the Bible belt was not the wisest of decisions. The boiling a frog parable. 3# It would have been best to open such a church in a more secluded area, away from the protests, attacks, and other such hateful violence which they were inevitable to suffer.
2) "To have a leader means there has to be followers. And who is for an LHP organization full of a bunch of dumb sheep?"
In general, I believe there is a LOT of negative connotations unnecessarily associated with the word 'follower(s)'. Following isn't a negative attribute for an LHP practitioner. Choosing to follow the wrong people/advise is where the flaws lie. As we all follow something. We are all leaders of our own lives and thus the direction we walk along the LHP. However, we are guided by what we follow in the form of the wisdom of those who came before us. The more we study, the more we are following others through what they have to say. We take into consideration their experiences and evaluate what they present and then decide how we will lead our lives based upon that information. In my humble opinion, LHP practitioner will never be a great leader without first being a great follower; this is our guiding force in life.
Having our own way to reach out to other LHP practitioners through the form of books, websites, videos, etc. are all amazing things! I definitely agree. It creates an availability of knowledge. Even if an individual cherry-picks out whatever they want, that is fine. It still has an impact and was of positive value to the community as a whole.
3) "Through personal experience, solitary practice brings incredible strength and growth, but as soon as someone else is invited into the mix the energy and outcomes are disrupted."
I will never attempt to discredit the personal experiences of you or any other. After all, they are what shape our guiding nature in life and build us towards who we are today as we continually strive towards our apotheosis. Please, don't take this personally, one little bit I would like to pick at is the idea that inviting others into the mix disrupts the energy and outcomes. Respectfully, this appears to me to be a misunderstanding of events which transpired. The correlation of the disruption of energy and outcomes may have been wrongfully attributed to the causation of inviting other people into the mix. If someone disrupts the energy and outcomes, they were probably not a good fit to mix in to begin with. This is no different than making a new friend. Don't allow their negativity to become a harmful impact to your life. Otherwise, it was a bad choice to bring them into your life from the start.
The LHP community as a whole can only seek the betterment of itself by pulling tighter to itself. Drawing power from those around to add it to your own will always make you stronger than the self alone.