All individuals working towards their betterment along the Left Hand Path are leaders. We are religious, strength-inclined, spiritual (in whatever perspective you view it from), and witty. It takes someone cut of a different cloth to be what we truly are. With this in mind, I must ask myself why it is that the LHP community doesn't have near the cohesiveness that other religious communities have. What is something which the LHP community is lacking, and other religious communities have?
1. Established religious churches/monasteries/temples/etc (Establishment)
2. Singular religious authority in the form of an organization/book (Organization and structure)
Although there may be more than this, I view these to be the biggest negatively impacting items to the LHP community as a whole. What is the cause of such a lack of establishment?
1. We are all leaders and none of us are followers. This may heighten the count on the number of overly confident/arrogant people involved. However, one can be a leader and a student simultaneously. I don't see why this isn't a more embraced concept.
2. The vast majority of us are solitary practitioners. This is a positive aspect in the way of which it eliminates the sociological pitfalls of group think, mass confabulation gossip and other dramas, and presents more time for thinking and growing. Of course, this also presents with it some negatives that I believe have been heinously overlooked such as tunnel vision without external perspectives, the opportunity to strengthen each other (as steel sharpens steel), another avenue of approach in the openness of learning different philosophies from various other LHP practitioners, and a longing in fulfillment with those of like-mind. (Such is evident in the sheer volume of LHP groups that exist online)
With this being said, what else would you point out as an issue with the LHP community or as a solution to problems being experienced? What are you willing to do to create and make the LHP community greater than it is?