I know this is a long shot, but is there anyone reading this that went to Heretic House in Salt Lake City (it was at about 500 s 500 or 600E) back in the day? This was like 2000,2001. If by chance you went there or knew someone that lived there, I’d like to know what happened with that place. I went there maybe like 10 times. I don’t remember anyone’s names but I remember the big gay guy with the shaved head, and that super super hot goth chick with the fang dental implants and her goth boyfriend (I thought that guy was so lucky).I also remember that older dude that was trying to start his own religion and was hanging those weird drawings and symbols on the wall. I was the stoner kid that brought Terrie over (the chick that was 26 from Georgia) that rolled all those blunts. If you did go there and Terrie sucked your dick, your welcome for that.